Walton Goggins Battles Predators

Started by Darkness, Mar 09, 2010, 06:07:08 PM

Walton Goggins Battles Predators (Read 6,594 times)



Sounds damn good to me. and yes i agree, the actors are amazing. Danny trejo, topher grace. Adrien brody, thats a freakin great combination. Oh and laurence..damn i can`t wait.


i just hope they dont disrespect us predator faithfuls by killing them one bye one like in avp , if they dumb down the pred making killing them every 10 mins then it will be a joke . i honestly dont know how this can work with so many preds coz it means they will die one by one coz its a movie and to f**k the preds up on their own planet will piss a lot of us off .



Im not tuu excited about this movie, but i like that they're tried to do something with the characters. Not sure if they accomplishe in it, but atleast they're trying... trying to convince that they tried   :D    .



cant wait to see the film, but not hypin myself up too much for it!.



Can't wait for the trailer!

Predator:Bounty hunter

Predator:Bounty hunter

So who care,the (Black super predator) can kinapping
everyone.And that,the U.S army set the Royce and his soldier
,well the history become the truth story in legendary.

(What about the Bishop Weyland ?)

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