Predators Set Pictures!!!

Started by Darkness, Jan 16, 2010, 08:39:54 AM

Predators Set Pictures!!! (Read 25,875 times)



I still don' belive that Adrian Brody can kick the preds asses.Trejo,Taktarov has that look but the rest of the crew is pathetic.And what the hell with the jawbone on the preds mask?The two other preds look like they are a ripoff from the fan movie S.E.E.D.This movie is going to be a fail just like avp1 and 2.



glad to finally see some pictures, the sets seems quite interesting, however the predators look pathectic! and im not too sure on the cast, all in all, this movie isnt looking very good   :-\  



i hope im wrong but i think its gonna suck? this is a joke on us!!   :-[  



hmmmmm...... I will wait with interest - Classic pred in the backround looks fantastic; which has just made my gripe with the ending of the film, even larger.



pyro: mate get off the acid aye



Very cool!



The set pics look promising could be a kool movie as for the predators they have the traditional look but we have to wait for better pics with good lighting only then we can see the real deal!



This movie is going to be  awesome I was a Stand-in for the predator and the set was amazing! Can't wait!



Predator's on this film set look terrible, i dont know how this film is going to turn out, but i can say one thing, There will...And i Repeat..WILL BE another Predator Movie That Can Match The First 1.

Classic Music Score.
Classic Cast Of Actor's.
Classic Story (New and Fresh To The Public)

All we have now are fan boy's milkin the last of the predator cow, its sad to see, i just hope the AVP game thats coming out soon is going to be good.

Cause i tell you something The New Predator Movie's Are A Bag Of Dead Cat's...CRAP!



Looks like FOX is going about having them taken down. Good thing they've been saved :)



ok now any word on the Alien Prequel?   :)  



Yeah I still reckon the Alien prequel will shit all over this big steaming pile of yautja crap.



And as for fox, why the f**k take down the photos when the movie comes out in 6 mths time? You had a freaking trailer to AvP like a yr before it hit the cinemas   ???  



Can't tell shit from those pics, the preds aren't decked out in their full armor, and since there is no atmosphere etc. it takes you out of the element to judge it. they look like the behind the scenes shots from the first predator movie. i will reserve judgment till i see a trailer at least. which should be quite soon since it's coming out in june or july.



I really like these beasts. Very brütal looking. I can almost smell roasted human meat on a stick.
However these savages couldn't be behind the famous predatorian technology. Concept could work better with a completely new, made up species... not the preds we all know. In a sense I understand both the filmmakers and fans. Have to wait and see the final product to see how well they tie these aspects together. This can bring the universe to another level or strip it down to a mere cannibal holocaust. My bets on the latter, judging by these screenies. I wonder if that Russian guy gets shit for leaking footage from the set.

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