More Predators Story Details

Started by Darkness, Nov 05, 2009, 06:18:09 PM

More Predators Story Details (Read 17,706 times)



Stan Winston is rolling over in his grave.  They can take their point and click art CGI and burn in hell.

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

did anyone ever think the CG predator is the pred when he cloaked?



the Hunting Dogs is a bit naff, for the Predators it an other way of having fun with there prey.



We should be fast approaching some sort of reveal. So we'll see how everything works outl



I think we all complain to much and need to be level headed until we get some pics or a trailer before crucifying the movie.  On that note, I'll be a little bit mean.  About 90 percent of the posts above take what they've read far to literal for their own good, and you know who you are.  If you're going to bitch, know what you're talking about before you even post.  On another note, I know I'm not the only one thinking it but I guess I'll have to be the one to say it.  Many of this site's members including myself mind you, are very immature and whiny.  Give the movie a chance before crucifying every little tidbit of info you read.  Now, let the further crying and whining commence.

Zebra Smeller

Zebra Smeller

wonder if they'll have Pred Zebras.



The CG could be for the Preds cloaking. The dogs could be used to weed out the weak prey. The preds probably wouldn't have time to train dogs or birds on another planet, but on their own... I am skepticle about the  story and the choice of some of the cast. It is still great that they are making a new Predator movie though. Can't wait.



What it means is that the aspect of that day of shooting was escaping from the dogs. That means that the dogs with be CGI so they can make them looking alien and jump all over stuff, and I'm guessing the predators are either hanging back or in the trees. If they are in the trees moving around then it calls for CGI, especially if the predators are cloaked. This doesn't mean that the entire Hawaii shoot is all CGI.



Why dont they add some alien cows to be the preds butlers as well! I mean come on why does a predator movie need a serial killer? Or Predators pet dogs? I recently became a predator fan I have huge doubts for this movie and I hope it will turn out better than i expect.   :-\  



Still no stating anything until I've walked out of the cinema and had time to think.



Predator-101, "why does a predator movie need a serial killer"? Do U always wanna watch how Preds hunting only cops n militaries? Now we have groovy crossovers, like Pred vs SerialKillah, Pred vs Yakuza n umm... Pred vs Danny Trajo xD



Good point OUTSAIDOR. Predators probably see serial killers as hunters so it only make sense. They hunt anyone armed even civilians like in Predator 2.



  ???   This is starting to sound really, really poor.  I'm going to reserve judgement but it's not looking good is it - since when did a Predator need a dog or bird to track a human (let alone 8!!!)The whole point of a Predator is to be the 'ultimate killing machine'   I'm going to stay hopefull and will definatley be looking forward to it but everytimeI read something new its just sounding more and more like a total pile of crap.......     :-[    Please be good film....

stealth bunny

stealth bunny

Wise words tundro,I like others can't wait for more info but at the end of the day it's only 8 months and will soon come around, and only then will we be able to see if it's a great movie, I hope very much that it is.



CG Dogs!  Awesome!!!  Pretty soon FOX will start to cut the budget and make the creative decisions.   IT IS INEVITABLE!!     >:D  

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