Predators Script Leaked!

Started by Darkness, Nov 11, 2009, 06:31:52 PM

Predators Script Leaked! (Read 24,414 times)



Xenomorphine, Rob ,is this script have something , made Predator 2 and AvP and Avp canon or not canon? Because the last thing ,I´m hate see in this movie ,is one characters have comics Aliens or shirt . Because Michael Bay, have done same thing, producing remakes of horror movies ,this away to have sure ,are more crossovers.



Whatever happened to the myth and the lore of the Predator?  Sci Fi Horror vs Sci Fi Action.   The Original Pred's 1 and 2 were horror.  There was buildup to the Predator, hunting, stalking, hiding etc....Now it's just straight to it, they add all these pointless dogs, and birds and a "Black" Pred, big fukin deal.  Not impressed.    I want the hunt, the stalk, the wondering where Pred is hiding, apparently Hollyweird does'nt give a sh!t and aint gonna do it.  That's why most movies suck now-a-days anyway.    I'll Red Box this pile.  It's maybe worth a dollar.



Clovers, WHAT?!?!?!?!. No comprendeh essay!



Okay, for one I am not going to read the script, I have messed up one too many movies that way. Two: Even if this is the actual script these guys are running with, do you honestly think they are going to follow it to the letter? Alot of times things look like sh*t on paper, but once it is brought out of context, it can actually count for an entertaining and unforgettable experience. I am a Predator fan from way back, I am not pleased with the way the franchise has been delt in the past few films. But I am just happy someone decided to revive the franchise. Im not saying it will be epic, Im not saying it will be sh*t. Im saying I am curious.



Im not gonna read it.  And you guys cant judge a movie from its script alone. I bet Predator looked stupid on paper; "Some invisible guy in the woods with eyes that sometimes glow yellow".   Anyway, i try to stay optimistic about this movie, including supporting Adrein Brody even though everyone else has totally rejected him w/out giving him a chance.

predator elite

predator elite

the thing about scripts is they alays change and the director can change anything they don't like



Zack , my friend,wtf are try to say is Michael Bay, in  this  remakes of horror movie, for example ,he put Freddy kuger  toy in new Jason movie , just to make sore are no more crossovers, this two characters. And my fear is Rodriguez done same thing in this movie. Is Avartar movie the movie of year?



Clovers, I am not trying to argue your point, you have a valid point. I am just pointing out that it is hard to make out what you are typing. lol Sorry if I offended you. I wonder what these big black predators are gonna look like.......Predators, or something entirely different.

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

holy shit. this is going to suck. Like omg, AVP and AVPR portrayed the Predator better then this bull shit.   I think its just no one cares about the Predator anymore. Is that it? Is that why were not going to be getting good movies out of these now? Might as well have this be a Sci Fi original. Man Rob, you and your team suck at story telling! Now I'm even more pissed that were getting another Alien movie. The only hope we have or we pretend to have is Ridly Scott. We should officuall abandon the idea for future Predator and Alien movies. Love the games they make still, enjoy the comics and enjoy the original movies.   For one I'm not blaming just fox, but everyone working on this. f**k.



I didn't think it was a horrible script, but i would never, ever compare Adrien Brody to Rambo. I hope they do make the ending better than what this has.   Does anyone know if all the special effects are going to be all CGI or did they actually have suits made for the super preds?



Well to be perfectly honest and not trying to be rude... i personaly didn't like this draft very much. But that's just my opinion. They can do way way better then this. And, of course, there could've been a better story. But that's not my duty to choose... i just hope they make it far better then the draft can make me think.



So is known wheter not Ian Whyte will be playing any of the Predators?



This script is terrible.... nothing we havent alreay seen.  The Characters are useless.   Dont get your hopes up guys, its a dreadful, ABISMAL attempt  PS; STOP USING QUOTES FROM THE ORIGINAL FILM FOR CRYING OUT LOUD

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

Deco I agree with you 100% man  I think Predator was a one hit wonder



  >:(    The script is awful and as poor as the AvP 1 and 2 scripts.  If people like this and call themselves a fan, they don't deserve a good film!

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