Louis Changchien Talks Predators

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jan 12, 2010, 08:23:34 PM

Louis Changchien Talks Predators (Read 8,307 times)



Oh yeah? I hunt T-Rex, Giant Squid, Humans, Goats, Mutant Bear wolves, and dandylions.

n00b s41b0t 133

n00b s41b0t 133

@pyroacid... i donno if youve read the script, because youre comparing a hunter using a mini gun on a deer, to a hunter using a mini gun on a badass russian wielding a mini gun of his own. clearly a big difference. also, you wanna talk about overkill, what the hell would you call the predators plasma caster? maybe you should go over the script once more. the hunting factor is there.



if you seen pred 1 anytime ghosts bane whelling ol painless. no porblem.iam conpairing practical to just wanting to blast something to get 3sec attenion span 2 watch the flick. i need to correct myself the superpreds could be elders. just get rid of black ones i mean its not canon.but then again.they could be badbloods who just like to kill for fun rather then sport. plasma is not for they could set it to just blow you apart and and dealing with mutiple surfaces and denceitys and range of  pray need something like that. its like grain of gunpower in bullets and calibors for stoping power and range.and the bullet head.for exsample i use 120grain 7mm  for my 720 remitin federal preium ammo. this gives me stoping power up to 500yards and the bullet fragments instead of mushrooming.

Predator Bounty Hunter

Predator Bounty Hunter

That was fu**king believe.He is a actor in predator!!!!

n00b s41b0t 133

n00b s41b0t 133

well i see what youre saying. but it explains fairly well in the script what kinda preds these ones are. they evolve their tech over the years. and they use their hunting games as data to do so. picking the best of the best to hunt, and learn from. i think this is a good change from what weve come to expect from a pred movie. it would be boring and pointless to rehash stuff weve already seen. {cough} avpr {cough}

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