But here is the thing, Rodriguez is trying to apply the formula from Aliens to Predator and I just do not see it working like that unless it was a group of Predators hunting on some planet named LV something. But no, Rodriguez wants this movie set on the or a Predator planet, have the humans kicking alot of Predator butt, and make the creature which we all grew to love from the 87 classic into the butt of many jokes. If a group of Commandos got owned by a single Predator in the 87 classic, which according to Roddy's shit smear script, do you honestly thing 9 people have a chance on a planet full of Predators? No. They don't. And Rodriguez apparently didn't like the idea of Predators being a clan based society which was introduced in Predator 2, a concept we grew to like for many years. I don't see this film working as a Predator film..