First Look at Predators Script!

Started by Darkness, Sep 28, 2009, 07:18:42 PM

First Look at Predators Script! (Read 20,774 times)



man.....that sounds pretty badass!!!!!!   :o  



Badass? This movie is going to be utter bollocks compared to the first one. What a joke



Looks good so far, And... Pred-Dogs? Lolwut?    ;D  



OMG its not even a reboot. Reboot from what?  They are aliens.  Every movie could have been a reboot.  Nothing tied in.  No same actors.    Anyway this movie sounds bad ass!   Sounds very interesting and I like how the predators use the humans for a little game on their planet.



the core concepts pretty good - I mean, what else could they do for a decent predator sequel that explored new territory? the idea of predators capturing the most badass earthlings and taking them back home for a "special" hunt is pretty cool......

Le Celticant


Brian c

Brian c

23 years ago this evil monster was introduced to us all and look now they are still making the movie. That just goes to show you that predator is a successful movie just like predator 2. They just came out with terminator 4 and the first came out in 1984. Terminator was also a succsessful franchise. They are comming out with alien 5 in 2011 and THAT!!! came out in 1979. The three ultimate monsters of all time are Predator Alien and Terminator. They all came out in the 80's. People like these franchises.



ehhh...   :-\  

Brian c

Brian c

  >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D     >:D  



Having just watched the lation news sounds worse than i thought, disappointing, sounds like another kiddy slasher movie such as AVPR.    ::)  



@ Shrek: I think AvPR will always be remembered as a kiddy slasher movie from now on lol.  And Brian, you know what connects the dots to those hugely successful franchises? One name: STAN WINSTON, a man whose name can only be spelt in capitals.  If the lads doing Predators get one of his underlings, I reckons the movie could be worthy of praise.

Brian c

Brian c

Hicks you are 150 % right and picture if STAN WINSTON was still alive, i cant even image what more  characters and monsters he would of came up with to create. If Stan and KEVIN PETER HALL were still alive ( the two people that made the predator amazing)  they would of made future films amazing to the franchises. You got the creature creater (Stan) and the life thats inside it (Kevin Peter Hall). Hes like that spark that brings life inside it, with out that its just a suit.

Steve C

Steve C

Oh sweet Jesus...why?  Why can't we just be content with the originals?  Why do we feel the need to produce more crap?  Weren't the two AvP movies enough?



yes they were enough thats why they are not making them anymore.  They are making alien and predator movies now.  How can you complain about that? Alien 5 directed by Ridley Scott and then you have predator which so far as such a bad ass script hopefully becomes successful.  I think personally ill have to see how the predators look then Ill judge the movie



Mike D  Interesting thought...Thing is, if you watch the Preds in AVP, when you first see them, Chopper doesn't have any skulls on his back, but then later he does; I always thought that they were from victims of the base camp they all just dispatched! (Chopper seemed pre-occupied with humans anyway...Explains why he was about to kill Lex and, subsequently, why he was killed so easily by sneaky Grid!)

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