Predators to Start Filming Sept. 28

Started by Darkness, Aug 14, 2009, 05:08:39 PM

Predators to Start Filming Sept. 28 (Read 13,960 times)

Darkness is reporting that the upcoming Predators movie starts filming September 28th at Robert Rodriguez’s Troublemaker Studios in Texas.

Production Weekly says that director Nimrod Antal is scheduled to beging filming Predators on September 28 at Robert Rodriguez’s Troublemaker Studios in Austin, Texas. Produced by Rodriguez, the new film is said to involve a very intense group of people stranded on a Predator planet discovering unspeakable horrors – that are not always from outside their group. 20th Century Fox is releasing the sci-fi action-adventure, written by Alex Litvak and Michael Finch, on July 7, 2010.

Thanks to JaredK21 and Darkoo for the news.

Update #1: Bloody-Disgusting has some casting news. The makers are currently searching for a “Black”, “Asian”, “Russian” and “Latino” marine.

Update #2: This has been known for a while but Shocktillyoudrop is reporting that the co-founders of KNB EFX, Greg Nicotero and Howard Berger, worked on the original Predator.

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I live in Texas. Hmm I should try and sneek down there.

stealth bunny

They're really gonna have to get a move on, but lets keep everything crossed that it produces a movie worthy of the predator name.



First comment. This movie doesnt sound like a blockbuster but i can tell you one thing district 9 is going to be a sleeper blockbuster. Watch out!!


No word on cast?


Who the hell names a person Nimrod Antal?  This film is doomed from the start with a name like that.



im going to laugh so much if you guys get prooven wrong....ill never understand why you call it bad before its released....people were praising how AVPR looked before it was released. even when the first 5 mins were shown, people said it was gonig to be good xD  and btw, District 9 has done amazingly well in the box office....91% approval rating.




Great. Finaly it will start.    :D   Hopefully it'll be good.

daniel clavette

daniel clavette

I am happy that finally they annonce the date the star filming predators .


  ::)  Really? We're still on the "Let's make fun of the director's name" thing? If the movie sucks, I really doubt it will be because of the six letters of his first name. The problem will probably lie with the script that everyone hates.

Gnome Smasher

Gnome Smasher

Here's hoping its done right and we get a good sequel we've all been waiting for.


Because, Slaine, we've all read the original screenplay and it's attrocious.


Ok so why was District 9 so successful? Originality! We have never seen the idea that aliens could be refugees stuck here on earth before and the governments "evicting" them and so on.  Predators seems like more of the same but with a Rodriguez twist which could be good or bad.  I reckon if we don't raise our expectations too high (just think of it as a way to kill 2 hrs) and enjoy it for a popcorn movie.  But at the same time it's killing a once original, classic franchise.  Ergo an enjoyable way to waste time by watching a non-classic modern movie of our lovable creatures.

Pvt. Hicks

people just want a good movie dude, dont make it sound more complicated than it really is.

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