Nimrod Antal Directing Predators

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jul 02, 2009, 09:36:41 PM

Nimrod Antal Directing Predators (Read 16,935 times)



Sounds crap and with a name like Nimrod, well...what can I say?

daniel clavette

daniel clavette

Predator home planet is great idea and nimrod is great for directing predators.


....Are people actually supporting this movie?! O_o

Pvt. Hicks

its just because you like the AVP movies...


Pvt. Hicks-- Enough. Honestly, I've had enough flak about my opinion about the AvP movies.   We all KNEW that the script to PREDATORS was shit. Even Corporal Hicks acknowledged it in the article he had posted. And to me it sounds like that there was little to no script overhaul, that there are sticking to Rodriguez's idea and are going with it. We knew that the original script was SHIT.   ....Whats shocking is that people actually like it.   Thats what's so absurd about it to me.


whats up with all the people hating on his name??? i dont care if his name is maximillion gertrud, so longs as we get a kick ass predator film who cares.

Pvt. Hicks

The "idea" of this potentially great movie is absurd, but the final results of AVP and AVP:R aren't? You pain me.


Pvt Hicks-- This is a democracy, isn't it? Or do I have to conform to YOUR opinion?   I enjoyed AvP and AvP-R for my own personal reasons, being that they took concepts from the novels and comics which I happened to enjoyed and grew up with, and Predator and Aliens kicking ass.   You have your reasons for hating the AvP films, but you don't see me MOCKING you for that. So, please, don't mock me.



Why do you all just complain? you cant tell if its going to be a good or a bad movie....just wait and see what comes out, then judge.  Oh and btw, if Cprl.Hicks told you to jump off a cliff, would you? No one knows if a script will work or not...if you read the A:R script, it does seems quite badass....

Pvt. Hicks

That's not mockery, little one. That's confusion.  I'd take a goddamn Predator planet in the future over a contemporary Colorado town for a Sci-Fi channel movie showdown any day of the week.


Slaine-- If Cprl. Hicks told me to jump off a cliff, I would just walk away and call it a day. I merely agreed with his opinion that the script was just utter trash.

pvt. hicks

pvt. hicks

He wasn't the only one to say it was bad, my amigo. Many held that opinion. You have to be dense to really think they're gonna use that same exact script without some tweaking going on.



Predator planet? Thats it, Im done with this movie, f**k it. Im just going to look forward to AvP3 because thats obviouslky the only good thing coming out now.


Pvt Hicks--  "He wasn't the only one to say it was bad, my amigo. Many held that opinion. You have to be dense to really think they're gonna use that same exact script without some tweaking going on."   So we agree on something... Many held the opinion that the script was crap. However, I expected script chances but what I had hoped for was an entire script over haul.   Still, the major elements from his crap script are being used and thats what pisses me off.



Its official the movie will suck.  The reason 1 and 2 were good was because of the mystery of the Predator, they barely put him on film for the first half of the film. Now that it takes place on the Predator home-world, thrusting you right into these creatures home world, takes the lore and myth out of it all.  Alien 2 wasnt on the Aliens "home-planet" Thats why it was still good, they were investigating an human ship infested/taken over by Aliens.  My hope is gone, I'll just expect crap like the AVP's. See ya.  Your not getting my cash to see this in theatres.

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