Nimrod Antal Directing Predators

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jul 02, 2009, 09:36:41 PM

Nimrod Antal Directing Predators (Read 16,934 times)

Corporal Hicks

Ain’t It Cool News has just announced that Nimrod Antal has been confirmed as being in the director’s chair for the upcoming Predators:

“I can’t go too much into the story right now, because we’re still writing. But it still involves a very intense group of people stranded on a Predator planet discovering unspeakable horrors (that are not always from outside their group). So like the original movie, the title does have a double meaning. Aliens was a different take on the Alien idea, and an original movie in it’s own right, and that’s what we want to do with this. “

The article contains a Q/A with producer Rodriguez which gives out some rather nice info. Thanks to the forum posters for the link.

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Sgt.Torque Reikan

Troublemaker studios > Fox   predator homeworld or some alien planet > Rehashed bullshit  Fox guy pissed about AVP... win  I am liking this so far but I am NOT getting my expectations to high... no not again



what movies is nimrod known for?



f**k,f**k,f**k why Predator planet or some other bulshit like this? Why not nowadays earth?



I wanted to see only 1 pred... Dang..



Alien 0 > why be good movie. Predators> the decente movie our bullshit movie. AvP ... waite moment ,is dead because Fox  kill the crosover in two crap directors.Fox ,same on you.



the same shit in polish news ... probably they (Fox) will also kill this film   >:(  

TJ Doc

TJ Doc

But I wanted Neil...    :(  



great news.......Antal looked always as the best choice..........and details from RR sounds great as well..........cant wait........



"Unspeakable horrors" - they are referring to the humans trading human prisoners for the Predator weaponry. Wow, that was anti-climactic. This film is going to be awful


Personally I would have preferred Neil Marshall based on past movies, but if Antal was chosen because he works the best with Rodriguez's ideas then this is good news.   Lets hope this film can meet its potential.



Who!, What!, Why!. Nimrod?, Who the hell is this, what happened to Neil Marshall or Michael J. Bassett. 20th Centary Fox what the bloody hell are you doing!!



WoW Sounds like it will be the 1st Predator movie I like! Ty

Jay Thomas

hmm the idea sounds kinda cool...but if humans crash landed on a Predator planet, the Predators would all find out about the crash and the humans really fast because they have Twitter on their forearm.      >:D  



did i understand correctly that rodriguez has his own effects team and that ADI will not get anywhere near this? Rejoice!

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