Arnie Asked Back For Predators

Started by Darkness, Jun 05, 2009, 06:35:26 PM

Arnie Asked Back For Predators (Read 17,132 times)


is everyone here forgetting what rodriguez's script was like? pirates ships and predator concentration camps..why would you base anything off that even remotely?



Ovechkinfan84,   I agree with you. Why would ANYONE base a movie like that off such a crappy script?   And why would ANYONE want to consider that canon with the previously established films?

Commander Griker

This is bull shit



Another thing:   Predators trading their own technology for humans? WHAT?! As far as my knowledge in the Predator franchise goes, they would NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, DO THAT at all. And even if that does happen, it's usually by accident where a lone hunter dies and leaves behind a ship or a weapon-- like the ending in AvP-R.   Predators would never trade their technology. EVER. Otherwise it would make Peter Keyes' and Garber's group plan their efforts out for nothing.



Violents wouldn't surprise me in this movie. It's the atmosphere that counts. It has to be thrilling and scary. A feeling that you never saw something like that. I don't belive that films success is only based on special effects.   :-\    Hopefully this movie is gonna turn out all right.    ;D       :-\  

Ash 937

Ash 937

Why don't they just CGI his likeness over someone else's body like they did in T4?



In Predator 2 Busey makes a reference to P1 so how can this be a sequel?  Hey Rod stop smoking ass crack & go watch P1 & P2!



In Predator 2 Busey makes a reference to P1 so how can this be a sequel?  Hey Rod stop smoking ass crack & go watch P1 & P2!



This sounds good.  If they ignore Predator 2, that doesn't mean it'll make Predator 2 non-canon.  They'll probably just not acknowledge it.  They've started by not calling the film Predator 3.  And I don't think the film "NEEDS ARNIE AS THE MAIN CHARACTER TO BE GOOD".  That's total bullshit.  But a cameo would be nice for the fans.  They're also saying they're taking some ideas from Rodriquez's script.  That doesn't mean the whole plot.  So don't freak out until we actually know what's being used.  Honestly, I see nothing but good news in this post.



Well...I hoped for a Pred movie far in the future from P1...Maybe in space. It won't! Do we gonna see preds out of earth, in our live ??? More I hear about the script, more it sound bullshit to me!



maybe it will treat P2 as a side story sort of thing, P2 is still canon but the events of it are unrelated to how this movie's plot unfolds,   i mean P2 had nothing to with the first film aside from that small part where keyes is explaining to harrigan what is really going on, right?,   maybe this film is doing something similar, it is a sequel but it is a sequel to the plot of only one of the two movies, not both.



Based off of the what we know of the script so far, Arnie cameo or not, this sounds like Fox wants their to be a Predator version of Alien:Resurrection.  Something so awful it's unbelievable it ever got the green light.


All Predators have been seen in the present day and age. Why would you want to see them in space? If you put them in the future, they would also have to be far more technologically evolved than they are now, to an almost unrecognised extent.

alpha defekt

This movie is going to suck on a level we can't even imagine... If they do it from the script we have all read, then what is even the point? From what I read it just made me want to vomit. I could make a better script about Predators fighting an alien colony of birthday party clowns....  Sorry if it hurts any Predator fans, but they really need to get their heads together and decide to dump this onto someone who would do it justice. Somebody who "knows" Predator....



Talk about getting excited over nothing - he probably just means a true sequel in the sense that it follows Arnie's character, whereas all the other films were fairly stand alone.  I echo the love for P2 though, can't go wrong with Paxton!

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