Arnie Asked Back For Predators

Started by Darkness, Jun 05, 2009, 06:35:26 PM

Arnie Asked Back For Predators (Read 17,133 times)



You may remember the rumour the other week of Arnie making an appearance in the Predators reboot. MovieHole have posted a new article that says Rodriguez has asked Arnie to be in the movie but they’re still awaiting a response. Their source reveals that they’ve written a role for Arnie in the film and Rodriguez wants to make ‘Predators’ an official sequel to the first Predator so he needs Arnie to do that. Schwarzenegger would reprise his role as Major Alan “Dutch” Schaefer but he won’t be a main character.

The other bit of news is that their source says the new script by Alex Litvak is partly based on Rodriguez’s old Predator script but with mostly new stuff. They also say the script is violent like the first movie. Thanks to countless people who told us about this news.

EDIT: Harry over at Aint it Cool News recently posted up a debunk of these rumors of Arnies involvement: “But no, we’re still writing a new script, and although I know Arnold personally and he’s the coolest person on the planet, I have not contacted him about this at all at this time.”

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( Schwarzenegger would reprise his role as Major Alan "Dutch" Schaefer but he won't be a main character)  That f**king sucks... Only way this movie is going to be good is if Arnie is the main character



This will not happen. Also will they do a sequel still if they do not get Arnie?



They'd be lucky to get Arnie in it at all. Has he even acted in a movie since he became governor?



Lol@Thanks to countless people who told us about this news.   :D  



@Darkness: Yes, if you check his imdb profile, he's been in a few movies and other productions since being in office.  I am also glad he's not the main character if he reprises his role.  There's a better chance Arnie will accept the role if it's not as intense as his first one in the original Predator movie.



Whoah whoah whoah whoah whoah.....  Rodriguez is like: "I need Arnie so it can be an 'Official' sequel." ?   ...So he's retconning Predator 2, AvP and AvP-R?   ....I call bullshit.



i thought Predator 2 was awesome!! i hope they dont just make this into an Official sequel to P1,, cause that would discard P 2.....



Rycher,   Apparently, that is what Robert Rodriguez wants.



They can use cgi arnie, and he can made the voice... he looks awesome in terminator 4

Mr. Domino

Mr. Domino

Well...this is sounding better...but I liked both P2 and unless Rodriguez's film is just amazing, they still count in my book.  lol@ 'script is violent like the first movie' - because the second one totally wasn't the least bit violent...



Arnie will not reprise his role, however this movie doesn't need him anyway, he's not going to make this film a sucess, i mean terminator 3 was awful. The guy was good back in the day, but lets face it, he's too damn old. Plus I for one, im fine with all new chrachters.   Im glad that 'Predators' is still going to be a sequel tho & not a reboot. Fingers crossed the script is good, because the original Rodriguez one, was just plain rubbish!



rycher | 05 Jun 2009 20:267 i thought Predator 2 was awesome!! i hope they dont just make this into an Official sequel to P1,, cause that would discard P2 _________________  I agree, I don't mind them setting it in between P1 & P2 kinda like what bryan singer did with Superman Returns (great film btw) as that was set inbetween Superman & Superman 2.  But this film better not discard P2, because that would screw up the alien/predator timeline    >:(  



Sounds good so far.    ::)  



Who the hell said this was going to discard Predator 2?  This will simply be a direct sequel apparently to Predator,while Predator 2 was a different story.

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