Predators Movie Gets Writer

Started by Darkness, May 05, 2009, 07:12:44 PM

Predators Movie Gets Writer (Read 20,460 times)



Shrek, Truth, Rudy: if Baby Brian wants his bottle let him have it because when we deprive him of it, he throws a tanty/wobbly.  Either that or we just ignore him and let him think hes the shiz nit

Rudy M Alapag Jr

Rudy M Alapag Jr

O.K. hicks, i'll let Brian alone with his project while i'll shut it (my mouth). i'll let him do what he has to do. Sorry, i'm not his boss or anything. We'll let him have it and we'll deprive him of it. and we'll  ignore it. i'll stay away.



We know he's not man enough to admit he's a dick so we should leave him alone.  Poor bastard's probably only 12 anyway    :D  



What if I told you guys that I was nearly finished writing a story that intertwined all of the old characters story-lines in a unique way that culminated in a conspiracy that leads to uncovering the truth behind Dutch's, Mike Harrigans and Alexa Woods deaths following their encounters with the Predators? It doesnt involve the Predators directly, but the humans have had something the Predators have been searching the Galaxy for for many years.... And when they locate it on earth, their arrival coincides with the revelation that is truth behind the above conspiracy....? Anyone interested? Im currently trying to finishing writing it. Im going to illustrate it and send it to Dark Horse; Lord knows if I wrote it as a script (and I do write scripts), Fox wouldnt listen to the little guy..... Funny that, because the original Predator script was simply pushed under the door in Fox.... If only they did things the same way these days....!



By the way Brian........ Gotta agree with the others, I would rather sit through AVP2 again (and anyone who read my posts about AVP2 was released understands the gravitas of my distain for that film), then to see Fox pile money into a movie that revolves so ridiculously around the predators tracking down Dutch to bring him to their planet to be a Gladiator... Whats more is it appears youve just copied the idea of a draft treatment that was written as an idea for Predator 3 years ago....Its fan reaction received the similar reaction your 'idea' has in this forum..... Quite bluntly, its awful....



I want MY  body splitin  freeze be of doom!! not this pos ninja star crap.and i want the shoulder cannon to have some balls on it when it gos off not like in avp were you can tell it sounds way to digital i want  wooocrack!!! slap that bitch kind of sound lol. i want the nets to cut the flesh of the humans like it did in p2 and more scenes of the spear gun form p2  predator needs to have more toys! with some deadly balls behind them like the flash mine that flash's the flesh off who ever walks over it but ture  all this is is predator 1 but with more preds and more commandos in iroqi or afcan i just hope they dont go back as far with that commando team that got wasted  by the pred 1st in pred1



they are forgeting why the predator is evern in the area in the 1st place "predators onley come during the hottest times of the year and and when theres alot of conflict going on to hide themselfs within the chaos of war. so a whole  iroq,afcan,pakiestan flick whould be cool i guess sence thats the hot bed for violence these days.



Brian over here is saying he doesn't care about criticism and yet, he's going on his period now because of it.   ::)  



Ride that crimson wave Brian!

Rudy M Alapag Jr

Rudy M Alapag Jr

there should be a Alien 5 but making it a prequel sequel to the franchise as showing the alien derelict ship being stranded on accident on LV426 for no reason, even though how the derelict ship got there and why there was no queen and just the eggs there stranded by themselves. Still need to be solved. but i would rather read the ALIENS book instead of seeing it on screen.



Fundamental flaw with Brian's "script": the concept of revenge among Predators... Non-existant. Proof: Harrigan. Done.

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