Predators Movie Gets Writer

Started by Darkness, May 05, 2009, 07:12:44 PM

Predators Movie Gets Writer (Read 20,475 times)

A&P Fan

A&P Fan

Can anyone say MONEY GRAB?!?  When it comes to Aliens or Predators FOX are the masters of deception.  Do you really think they will put in the effort to make a good movie?  The only effort they make is in making the trailer and duping all the hopeful fans!!



Agreed with Bob.

Rudy M Alapag Jr

Rudy M Alapag Jr

amuse: i would think that more than 1 Pred  could do the same as  "Aliens" in that second movie. What about a group of marines and maybe Danny Glover could be the lead to the Preds just lilke  Siggy she leaded a group of  Marines and fight for their lives against those species? Y or N? I would like to see more Preds than 1 by himself and one taking out the rest,,, en qoute: Ripley.



The original Predator is a classic! I hope this stays a sequel and not a remake. The original is great right now, no need to remake.



I wouldn't worry about the movie being on fast-track. With Robert Rodriguez, everything is on fast track. Sin City was on fast-track. His cooking is on fast-track. His fast-track is on fast-track. And he's known for making good movies with quality values in faster than Hollywood standards. Helps that he has his own movie lot and can just wander around from cutting one movie and the picking up a camera and shooting on the set of another. That's why I'm also saying that regardless of who's writing it or who's attached as a director, Rodriguez is involved and most likely will direct a few scenes, compose a bit of music, cut and edit and what not. Only when the last day of shooting has passed and it is announced that Rodriguez didn't lift a finger will I stop saying that. He's well known for throwing down his skills where ever whenever.



Fox is destroying the whole fuc**n franchaise...........



I agree with everyone else. Sequel = awesome, remake = retarded as hell. Rodriguez is one of my favorite directors currently in the biz, and if he tried to remake Predator I would lose all faith in him completely.  Oh, and for those of you saying the AVP movies aren't canon, that is just your attempt at getting rid of the movies you hate from the franchise. Just because a sequel sucks doesn't mean you can just go "Well its not canon anyway." Yes, it is canon, get over it. It doesnt in any way shape or form ruin the original series. You might as well say Alien Resurrection isn't canon either, since nobody really liked that one. Spin off movies are generally ALWAYS canon. What was a spin off that wasn't? Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman is canon. King Kong vs. Godzilla is canon (in the Toho series), Freddy vs. Jason is canon. So why would AVP randomly not be canon?  Crappy sequels still count, but if you want to kid yourself and say they dont cuz you personally hated them then oh well, I guess.



SEQUEL?? I am now supporting this movie.



I cant wait but with out stan winston.. i dont know man.  Its going to look really bad.



I'd still ike it to be set in the jungle...



It's stange, it's being written as a sequel and yet it's called predators (predator 3 would be much simpler). But i'm very glad it isn't a reboot because most of them suck ass.   8)  



I don´t think that existing more than 1 Predator can be that bad. It will depend on the circumstances and dimension of the commando force...  As for the circumstances, could be what the humans would be looking for (example: Predator technology).  Let´s say that the Humans captured a Predator or some how got the hands on a Shoulder Cannon...  Obviously they tend to replicate the technology and create new weapons. Such a campaign would be heavily guarded...  These facts would be considered as serious threats to the Predator species...



Does Fox hear comments from fans? Dear M Alex Litvak, please write us a good script. Many hopes stand in your shoulders. Thanks for the "sequel" option instead of reboot. Thanks, those news make me feel good! Can't wait!



This was always going to be a sequel. That's never really been an issue. How much has survived intact since the worrying initial screenplay's draft, is.



Multiple Predators?   Please.  Maybe we'll all die of laughter before the sassy female lead kills all of them with her bare hands.    ::)  

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