Derek Mears for Predators?

Started by Corporal Hicks, May 14, 2009, 04:30:24 PM

Derek Mears for Predators? (Read 13,843 times)



now is this chap any bigger than the shorter Predators in AVP



  ::)   Jason vs. Predator anyone?? lol   ;D  

Ash 937

Ash 937

If this is true, then Kane Hodder should also play one of the marines/mercenaries in this film.  I would love to watch Derek Mears and Kane Hodder go at it.



There's no way to tell. They have one main guy do a lot of the creatures on 'Doctor Who', but he makes a point of doing different performances for them.



Why wouldn't Ian Whyte be the Predator again? ? ? ?!....This dude f**kin sucks



Maby theiy put  Derek Mears was predator,because of Jonh Cena.One big question ,is Jonh Cena  Confirmed in story ?

The Wolf

The Wolf

I hope not.. or else all my interest in this movie will disappear.



Ian Whyte played the predator very well in AVP-R, he's movements and manarisms, as well as his height and build. As long as he is still playing the main predator, that will definatelly be a good thing for this movie.



The Wolf | 14 May 2009 20:54  I really hope Ian will be there too because he's gained my trust as a Predator in AVP-R _____________________________  Agreed! Ian did a fantastic job in AVP-R that was about the best thing about the film.



Yeah, Im starting to think this movie is going to f**k up now. All the news Im hearing is pretty depressing. And, honestly, Im not happy about this, 'Jason' guy playing the predator, but Im glad Ian isn't playing the pred anymore. He f**king sucked. It annoyed the crap outta me how he kept on moving his fingers like he was getting ready to play with himself. Since when the f**k did Kevin ever do that?

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

actually Predboy, Kevin did that alot, esp. in the second one

invisible hunter

invisible hunter

Remember an article about john cerna doing an unnamed project that starts in july. I think he was talking about predators, and 20th century fox have used cerna in there 2 films[ the marine and 12 rounds] dont be surprised if cerna is the main man in this reboot. What do u think?



I really hope they dont make this film.....



jhon cena is a no go and ian is a great predator don't be hatin and i trust u all know not to get ur hopes up for this 1



The moment John Cenas signs onto this movie, I am making a petition.

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