Predator Reboot Confirmed!

Started by Corporal Hicks, Apr 23, 2009, 12:00:45 AM

Predator Reboot Confirmed! (Read 19,387 times)



I can understand why they wouldn't want to make a sequel called Predator 3 because it has been awhile since Predator and Predator 2. It would be hard to get newcomers to want to see a sequel to movies that are over sixteen years old.   We don't need a remake but we desperately need a reboot. The same thing happened with Batman. The first couple of Batman films (Tim Burton era) were pretty good but the series was eventually ruined by cheasy sequels. Then the reboots, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight prooved to be even better than the Tim Burton film (in my opinion atleast). So hopefully the same thing will happen with Alien/Predator. Let's hope Fox doesn't blow this. They probably will.    ::)  



A reboot is essentially a remake. Don't be fooled by this new "hip" term. If they are erasing the previous films and starting over, it's a remake. f**k this and f**k Fox.



why a remake f**k this shit , f**k you fox for f**king Dragonball Z too you f**kers   >:(     >:(     >:(     >:(     >:(  



What is the point of a reboot?  You only do a reboot when the original wasn't that good to begin with (I.e., Batman, Hulk).  The original Predator is a classic and cannot be improved upon.  Furthermore, there is so much still unexplored with the Predator that a sequel is what is needed, not a rehash.



all these complaints , b#$@hing and just tones more of negitive crap...BUT YET EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WILL BE THERE AT 12AM FOR THE VERY FIRST SHOWING OF THE FILM WHEN IT HITS..THE NIGHT PRIOR TO ITS OPENNIG   >:D     >:D     >:D  



Where did anyone see the word RE-MAKE!!! Someone confused re-boot with re-make and it snowballed from there. Its a re-boot of the series as its been a long time since the last one, everyone calm down. Robert R cud do a gd job, hey at least its not Paul Anderson destroyer of dreams    >:(  



ye gods, i hope its not based on the GODAWFUL scripts floating around the internet! (the ones with "by Robert Rodriguez" on the front) that would be a catastrophe... I don't know if that Predators script is originally by him or not, but its the worst thing I have read bar none.... They'll have to actually "think" at Fox before getting this one out, otherwise i fear for the safety of their CEO's.

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