Predator Reboot Confirmed!

Started by Corporal Hicks, Apr 23, 2009, 12:00:45 AM

Predator Reboot Confirmed! (Read 19,439 times)

Mr. Stizout

Mr. Stizout

Better be a Predator 3 Sequel not a Predator Remake!



I am going to be physically sick.  @Stizout: Fully agree.  I hope this is all just a matter of misscommunication with incorrect wording.



i want to scream, but i can only laugh like a fool.  because I know aline is next.   now I must cry.   oh god.



atleast they got a decent director behind it.  Which is much more than we got with the last 2 films.  Though I don't really understand why it has to be a reboot unless their washing away all the predator lore from the avp films.  The predator movies and concept were pretty stand alone and no connection to the other films has to be even made.  I just prey its not a remake, and they don't redesign the predators because somebody wants to put their dick stamp on it



Why remake what has already been a success? I don't care if its a reboot or a remake, what it should be is a sequel! There are so many Predator ideas floating out on the net alone, so why redo a concept?

The Ultimate Predator

Excellent, a fresh original take from one of my favourite directors. I am very pumped about this.



Damn! This sucks big time. I dont want no remake but a sequel or something.    :'(  



  :'(   If I read the article well there talking about a reboot not a remake right????? If it is a remake I'm going to start a boycot here in holland!!!! And I'm in advertising so that shoudn't be hard.   Anyway does anybody know the southpark episode where they rape indiana? well I think that a new episode of that with preddie is on the way!!! Shit man I'm really pissed those assholes at fox don't get it at all.



Well I really hope this is not a "remake" of the 1st film.  I don't mind if this is a restart for the franchise, as long as it could still be considered a sequal to the originals.... ie, doesn't trample over canon by starting again.



When this is gonna be out? In a year or something?



I agree 100%, Daz. If it's a story on its own that doesn't try to retell the original two films or use different actors to portray the characters, this could be a blessing with potential for a really well-done, gritty, new story.  All I can say is, if this is a remake of the original, then it is a dark day for science-fiction, and a real shame and disrespect to the late, great, Stan Winston. I hope they have the decency not to tarnish the original masterpiece with this. To me, it's like repainting the sistine chapel to "update it."  Worst of all, if this does well, you know they will remake Alien or Aliens too. "At Fox, no one can hear fans scream."



The link called it a Reboot ala Star Trek not a Remake ,but Galaxy called it Remake for some reason .    ???  



From I've read from the forums and coments all over the net in the AVP community, this re-boot/remake announcement is gradually transforming from a mixed bag of opinions to an enthusiastic possibility.  My questions is: Haven't we learned anythng from the AVP movies? Clearly FOX does  not respect the significance of these two Monsters to the sci-fi movie genre. Instead, to them is a mear dying product ready to be used to squeeze a quick buck from true fans like we. My position regarding this annoucement, contrasting with the previous about AVP, is of concern. Predator lends it itelf to incredible movie iterations, but the fact that an unimaginative reboot od the original one to me says that FOX is once again playing it safe and by the NUMBERS! Predator 3, with horror and tru filmaking art!



and what about Schwarzenegger now?, he was very important to the film too, not just the predator.  Also, the original predator looked way better than those ones from avp.

Mr. Weyland

Mr. Weyland

Why do we need a reboot, there was nothing wrong with the 1st PREDATOR movie, damn, I hate Hollywood, if its a kind of sequel or something I wouldn't mind, but remakes are the laziest form of movies these days.

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