You’ll all remember that reboot of Predator that we posted about and then Fox debunked? Well apparently that isn’t the case and it is on (which we also reported following the second report about Cena’s interest and a tip-off we got from a source). Well anyway, IESB is reporting it is apparently confirmed:
“In a news conference today at Troublemaker Studios, several Texas state politicians were in attendance to sign HB 873, the long-awaited reform of the Texas film incentive program. Rodriguez talked to the audience of press members and revealed his upcoming film slate.”
I am, once again, awaiting “confirmation” from Fox. I can’t say I’m overjoyed about this given his original Predators (Predator 3 pitch). You can read the whole article here. Thanks to Pierce for the tip. Keep watching this space for further developments.
EDIT: Okay boys and girls! Brace yourself! This is true! Confirmed by Fox mere seconds ago. This reboot is on the way. I’m expecting some sort of press release soon so keep checking back.
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