AICN Talk To Robert Rodriguez

Started by Darkness, Apr 25, 2009, 06:54:12 PM

AICN Talk To Robert Rodriguez (Read 18,207 times)



There’s a short interview with Robert Rodriguez over on AICN. He talks about the treatment that he wrote that was set on a jungle-like Predator planet. They’re trying to find a writer and director but it’s unknown whether the movie will be based on his treatment.

“…With a nod toward Cameron’s ALIENS I decided to call it PREDATORS. I set it on a jungle-like Predator planet. It was just a writing assignment, so I didn’t have to worry about budget constraints or how the movie would actually get made with the technology that existed back then, so I just wrote any cool thing I could come up with.

Fast forward 15 years to when I got a call from Alex Young over at Fox, who had been digging around and found my original treatment. He was eager to get it made and re-invent the Predator franchise using the treatment as a guide. So he contacted me to see if I’d be interested in being involved, and it seemed like the perfect project for us over at Troublemaker Studios…”

Arnie gets a mention but they haven’t approached him about making some kind of appearance. There’s also a little info about the rating. Rodriguez says they haven’t discussed the rating yet but his treatment was very “R”. Thanks to CELTICPRED for the news.

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Holy f**king shit good job mate, a well respected artist giving their interpretation of a predator movie, not some half baked film school drop out doing 3 min film.



Still not pleased.    :'(  



Granted we will never see anything of Aliens or Predator quality ever again...but Rodriguez knows his stuff and its been pretty damn good, i just hope the director shares his vision and doesnt f**k it up ala the brothers strause

Corporal Hicks

Darkness, the script is talking about the one I told you about. It starts off on the Galleon and then they get to this jungle planet about 30 odd pages into the script.



Hicks where did you get that script from?  Sounds like it has links to the Predator 2 movie



Doesn't sound like a remake but we'll see. Hopefully they are gonna do a good job at making this movie but i have my doubts.    :-\  


Not pleased or impressed even further after reading that    >:(  


Don't step a FOOT on a "homeplanet" cause you'll never satisfy fans... Look at AvP-R, look at SW: AOTC...


"I just wrote any cool thing I could come up with," is an understatement... The news that this IS being based on that treatment is something which should seriously worry ALL fans of that franchise.  Some parts of it seriously made even the worst scenes shown in 'Requiem' look like a masterpiece.  Also, this appears to show a lack of understanding of the source material: Predators are force multipliers, in and of themselves. There is no need to have lots of them in the same film (only when they go up against several Aliens, to introduce some unpredictability). Unless the script has a cast of hundreds of humans, it completely goes against the ideal of a single intergalactic safari hunter taking down the best of our species, one by one.



Xeno: I guess what's happened here is Fox, in all their wisdom, have acknowledged that okay maybe the last movie of that particular franchise wasn't good so let's get someone who's written a treatment and try to "re-invent", "re-boot", or revitalize it.  We fans know what the mythos and lore of the yautja is and its history and yet some people have no clue so it is safe to say that it's just a money making ploy, quantity over quality aaaaagain.  But it is Fox, we've come to expect nothing less in the last decade or so.

The Ultimate Predator

Hmmmm. I personally am getting more and more excited for this, but it'll be interesting to see how much of the old script gets used.

Mr. Weyland

Mr. Weyland

So, is this a sequel, spin off or remake, not much info, reboot can mean many things.

Mr. Stizout

Mr. Stizout

I think it would be cool to see a civil war on the predator homeworld as in that one comic.

Mr. Domino

Mr. Domino

I'm disappointed already. Not because of the script (which is horrible), or because of the quality of the director (I can't deny that the man knows his stuff), but because of the nature of a lot of his past work. The thing I hated most about AVPR was the rampant gore level. I know some people (a lot of people) get off on that kind of thing, but I personally don't enjoy it. One of the chief reasons I actually enjoy watching AVP is that I can watch it with my family. I found the lack of red paint there very refreshing. There was no less mayhem and violence in AVP than in any other Alien of Predator, but Anderson spared us all the grisly details. I salute him for that. I can only hope against hope that Mr. Rodriguez will follow his example before that of the infamous Brothers Strausse.

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