Predators Script Article

Started by Corporal Hicks, May 09, 2009, 10:37:43 PM

Predators Script Article (Read 29,671 times)

Le Celticant

Le Celticant

This script sucks so badly.



Predators = Planet Hulk and World War Hulk.  Think going to read the new  predator comics , see this movie.



Predators on a BBQ? you have got to be kiding.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I know. I know...

War Wager

War Wager

Oh my God, that script sounds like utter shit. If Rodreguiz has any in input in the new movie we're actually done for.

The Ultimate Predator

Wow, didn't realise the script was that silly. Lets hope not a lot gets re-used.

invisible hunter

invisible hunter

my god please dont use this script, i think predators and humans should not be pushed together like this. theres so many directions this movie can go. if this script is used or similar it game over.



Robert Rodriguez should stick to doing Spy Kids films... because thats all he is good for.   He shouldn't be allowed to do a Predator movie.  The more I hear about Rodriguez, the more I feel the movie is going to suck.



My lord I hope this is joke....  Shrek old friend how have you been?



I hope they arent getting that nobody they've hired to do a rewrite using this story as a template....?  There needs to be a human story at the heart of a film like this, and it is how the human story is affected by the intervention of the Predator, that makes the story both credible and interesting. Predator 1 is a prime example of this.... The military are on a rescue mission and they encounter something they arent trained to deal with.... Its what comes out of that premise that makes the story and the action work.... Its simple.



Rodriquez needs to be have a court order on any predator related script, and yes, i am random.



yea, ive just read it again, i think im just going to make a fan scrpit, a good one, for the hell of it.



I hope this script gets used.



Just to clarify something: Rodriguez is what for this film? Producer? Writer? Because it seems every time I come to this site or read any news about the Predators movie his role in it always changes.  Maybe I misread something....



After Anderson and Strause ... Rodriguez?

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