Predators Script Article

Started by Corporal Hicks, May 09, 2009, 10:37:43 PM

Predators Script Article (Read 29,574 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

We’ve just uploaded an article on the Predators script that Rodriguez wrote over a decade ago:

“For years we all knew of the infamous Rodriguez script. The epic tale set aboard a Spanish Galleon with an estimated budget of $150 million! It was every Predator fan’s dream, surely. It was written by Robert Rodriguez in 1996 as a writing assignment for some fun. It’s been largely hidden from the public but is available on the internet. This article will take a look at this infamous script and whether it's actually entertaining. Well, here goes…”

The article covers a story summary, the main characters, how the script develops the predators and my own personal opinion on it. Just a reminder that this isn’t the script for the current Predators but the original script Rodriguez wrote in the early 90s. Check the article out.

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Cheers for that Hicks. 

I only managed to read a few pages of the script, couldn't make myself read any more due the lameness of it.  After reading your summary of it im glad i didnt!  The whole Predators training camp and pretty much everything else was very bad and made me cringe big time!!! 

A Good summary there Hicks bud.

Le Celticant

Le Celticant

I've never read a so bad script.
It sounds more as a parody than a true Predator movie.



I stopped reading halfway through simply because it stopped making sense. Seriously, was Rodriguez high when he wrote that?

War Wager

War Wager

I seriously think it sounds worse than AvP:R.

Good Lord... :P




It doesn't surprise me that it ended be so silly and stupid because if you look at the bulk of Robert's work most it is B movie cheese. His most serious film is Sin City but he didn't write those stories for the movie, but they were still over the top in parts. Everything from Desperado to Planet Terror has always been over the top and wild. It worked for those films but with Predator it doesn't.

I just hope they start from scratch.

Pvt. Hicks

Pvt. Hicks

So when Rodriguez said:

"So I'm not sure if we're going to follow the old script or keep that title."

He means...he wants to follow...that?



The creature descriptions made me laugh alittle lol.  I read the Summary mainly because i couldnt bring myself to finish the script itself.

Quotewas Rodriguez high when he wrote that?

Probably Opium...

QuoteI just hope they start from scratch.

Me to bud.



I stopped reading the moment I saw the words "pirates" and "muskets" :-X

Dear god that was a seriously retarded story lol. Robert and his friends must have been high as f--k while putting that story together.



It was pretty hard to keep on reading this garbage, but what really set the line for me to stop was this: Dutch and JC eventually end up fighting another predator hand-to-hand and defeating it.....honestly......WTF was he's smoking? I really need to know, because whatever it is, it must be something serious.



Quote from: Predboy on May 10, 2009, 01:50:44 AM
WTF was he's smoking? I really need to know, because whatever it is, it must be something serious.

It's called chronic weed son.

I pray Robert has been clean over the years and came up with a new improved script for P3.



Quote from: War Wager on May 09, 2009, 04:20:04 PM
I seriously think it sounds worse than AvP:R.

Good Lord... :P

That's because it does. At least AvP:R had a realistic setting. A pirate ship, seriously...



I think you're all over reacting. The script itself is probably not half as bad as the write up. I like the idea of the military trading humans for technology, or just to be left alone.



It had cool ideas but it failed badly.



Quote from: [Alpha]Frost on May 10, 2009, 11:54:33 AM
I think you're all over reacting. The script itself is probably not half as bad as the write up. I like the idea of the military trading humans for technology, or just to be left alone.

No, it really is that bad... :)

It's recently been put in the public domain, although we had it for a while before that.

The depressing thing is that, even in the most recent interview, the guy says that they "don't know" if they're going to use this or a completely new idea. That means that he still can't tell how horridly attrocious this is and apparently thinks all it needs is a bit of a polish, even in his most sober waking moments.

Now, remember, he's done some decent stuff, like 'The Faculty', but that was written by other people, just like Anderson did 'Event Horizon', but his own written material's not all that great. Even the latter, though, is miles ahead of this.

Above all, remember that other interviews have confirmed that this treatment is the one which got the project greenlit. Whoever's in charge literally read this version and thought it would be fantastic to give a full budget for and see on screen.

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