AvP PC Patch #2 Coming Monday

Started by ikarop, Feb 25, 2010, 05:55:36 PM

AvP PC Patch #2 Coming Monday (Read 17,733 times)



Sega have just released the changelog for the AvP PC patch #2, which is due to come Monday, March 1st. The patch fixes a multitude of problems recently plaguing the online multiplayer and single player experience. Further information regarding the dedicated servers closed beta will be announced on the 1st of March as well. Check out the notes below.


  • Stability improvements to address rare and infrequent hangs
  • Implemented a workaround for missing audio issues with certain hardware (SoundBlaster X-Fi, Realtek onboard, etc.)
  • Fixed save games being lost or corrupted if connection to Steam is lost or if user switches to offline play


  • Fixed XP being incorrectly affected by offline play (though only in the local stats; this will be corrected next time you connect to multiplayer)
  • Fixed other players sometimes appearing to have the wrong weapon or continuing to fire indefinitely after dying
  • Fixed rare issue where players would be temporarily invisible
  • Fixed some selection of servers and players in menus sometimes being incorrect

On a related note, you can check the changelog for the AvP PC patch #1 (16/02/2010) here.

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Meh... Keep those patches rolling Rebellion. Make a good game a great one!



SWEEET! keep em comin Reb

Yautja Noble

Is this kind of patch or one specific to consoles coming out then as well?  As you're well aware I'm sure, the console matchmaking is HORRIBLE and it sucks because online play is so much damn fun.  I hope my answer is "yes."   :-[  



They are looking into the matchmaking issues as well. It gets some time until they can find the issue and fix it. Besides PC patches are kinda more easily to release.

Inverse Effect

Heh i was epecting the predator disk nerf and melee range nerf. But ohh well guess this is better than nothing.



I want that patch for Ps3!! they must fix the problem with the online on ps3...   :-\  

AVP kicks ass

AVP kicks ass

Dylan in Predator got his arm cut off, and it kept firing,i thought that was awesome.

I dont mind marines firing after they got killed so fast the body didn't have time to catch up with the fact, i say leave it in!

I never knew this was a bug i thought it was cool

Yautja Noble

To Queen of Death I honestly don't think any character balancing needs to happen between the races.  I've played many online matches already where any race will get PWNed by another.  I've done PWNing and been PWNed using all 3 species, so in my personal opinion, this is the most balanced game I've played in a LONG time.  Now if Rebellion can give us some kind of news on a console multiplayer patch, I'd be one happy Yautja!



Are they aware that 7 of the 8 Perdators have the Elite skin, when only 4 of them are supposed to? There's a thread about it.



X   8)  



Maybe I'll be able to play the Predators single player campaign now, it freezes as soon as I jump out of the trial pit.



It would be very cool to be able (as a host) to customize each species abbilities.
For expl:

-Class Weapon Sets
-weapon spawn cooldown
-Alien leap range increased but speed reduced and wise versa
-toggle Alien leap cooldown on/off
-Alien Speed
-Customize the species in general !!!
-Motion Tracker detectabilty
- Infestation mode: all Alien hp reduced after infest increasing ...
-Predator complety invisible when standing still
-auto aim for Alien and predator on/off
-Predator leap range
-all maps 18 player support
-Stealth Kill on/off
-weapon bann system
-pulserifle muzzle flash on/off

and simply an Evaq mode.

The game could be 3xtimes more fun with just adding these little things but for now its kinda boring and no comparison to avp2 mp.



At least!!the patch is coming



Fixed other players sometimes appearing to have the wrong weapon or continuing to fire indefinitely after dying

I thought that was very realistic.. Like in the old Syphon Filter games where you use a taser on a firing target and they go ape-shit.


Coming from World of Warcraft, this patch isn't as amazing as when compared to that MMO; however, I'm glad to see the patches continue for this game. Reb was already starting to talk of sequels and I was getting worried that they would drop support for the current AvP or act very slow with AvP patches. So this is a good sight! Hopefully they continue to monitor multiplayer and make any balancing adjustments that are needed.

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