Two New AvPR TV Spots

Started by Corporal Hicks, Dec 12, 2007, 11:39:24 PM

Two New AvPR TV Spots (Read 19,251 times)



predator42: An Alien is an elite stalker and killer as well, or at least it was before the Strauses turned them into monkeys just because they're two raving Pred fanboys.



man the alien is still stealthy but if we want to know for sure watch the movie dont jump to conclusions before you have seen the whole movie.



It wouldn't make sense to make a movie where the Predator dies right away. Maybe the best thing about the original AVP was the fact that Anderson understood to appease everyone you needed both species to kill eachother off. The grid alien does this to the first two Predators. This film is based around 1 Predator. What do Predators do? They hunt, or in this case "clean". The Aliens have great strength in numbers as we see in Aliens. The Predators are very technologically advanced and have distance weapons at their disposal, so naturally the Aliens don't stand a chance in that regard. The Strause Brothers are not Predator fanboys, they just can't make a good movie unless the Predator does what he does best. Besides, even though the entire movie has been pretty much shown already, the Predator almost certainly dies as in the first trailer we see him impailed by the Hybrid's tail. Relax, this movie will satisfy both the people who root for the Alien and the Predator



@ LOVE2SPOON       SLITHER!!! That is what I thought! funny!



ZEN  Yeah script is ok, im on a break at the moment until I see AVPr, see what else I can weave into the story. How is yours coming along? Have you done your sketches for the hybrid?



wow this movie is gonna be bad ass!    Wolf looks sick!     :o  



so that woman serves as an involentatary womb for the alien offspring and her stomach is hidesuly mutade to fit the needs of the swarm....that is creepy, but I dont know....



Aliens have always been cool cause of the fact that they are fearless and can reproduce faster than rabbits. Their numbers and their ability to adapt to the enviroment make em bad ass. Yet the predator always was so awsome cause only one was almost invincible and only hunted the best species with the most sophisticated weaponry. It was pointless and stupid in AVP to have more than one Pred and only a couple of aliens. This is not King Kong VS Godzilla. I think the Strause Bros did it right this time.!!!!!

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