Full Article in Fangoria Mag

Started by Darkness, Jul 14, 2004, 10:58:16 PM

Full Article in Fangoria Mag (Read 20,050 times)

Lord HamsteR

Lord HamsteR

may be its cept in secret to bring at the time of watching the movie 'WOW-OMFG-THATS BRILIENT..etc"



To Shadow of FUS: It's obvious that Paul is a die hard Alien fan. He loves Predator, too, but not as much as Alien(just like me ;). But I don't like how he talks about Alien3 !!!! I mean you saw a glimpse of the Facehugger in the (great)opening credits...and that is too much?! And yes, you didn't care about the caracters as much as you did in A1+2....but that wasn't the point of this movie!!! It was all about Ripley and it worked because Weaver did her best acting ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  A great movie!!!

Lord HamsteR

Lord HamsteR

to bad that alien killing machine Ripley didnt stopped there!!



  8)   Some one get China (the wrestler) on the phone for an AVP sequel. She could be the 1st female predator. (7ft 9 inches tall people!) Anyway, Heights of predators, I think not that importnant. I mean, yeah we know that they are bad asses just by looking at them. Tall or short, male or female, he/she will still kick your ass. Who cared how big Jason had to be compared to Freddy? or Godzilla compared to King Kong? and vise versa. To think that a pred shrinks when older is just the same as calling him a pussy. Lets not think of a Pred this way people. Just like all species, they come in different sizes and looks. Would we want to see a Pred that HAS TO BE 8 feet tall and has to have THESE same colors and patterns and armor? I think not. In fact, from what I've seen from this movie, they seem to be using he same type of armor and weapons for each predator. Either members of a clan use the exact gear each, or I thought that a pred used their own type of weapon? I'm basing this on the 1st and 2nd Pred, not any comics and shit like that. I expected each predator to be different in regards to their weapons and different armor. The helmets seem to differ but thats about all. Maybe we're in for a surprise, Aug 13 seems to get longer and longer away damn it.......



i actually cared more about the characters in a3 because i thought they were much better than gung ho marines or space truckers. just look at dillon the bad ass, who went toe to toe with an alien bare handed (or did he still have that axe and just not swing it? my memory is failing) and still had enough strength to talk shit, if only he had his cranium splitting pipe to re-educate the alien.   to me hicks sucked, he was just a cardboard hero that should have been the one to get ripped apart by the queen (i want organs and blood not tubes and milk) so it was good for him to get smashed right away.   i always thought ripley was excessively bitchy so it was good to see her die. to me the series isnt called RIPLEY for a reason, the alien is the main character.  newt was a decent character but you cant always get what you want.  considering how interconnected aliens and predators are in all of the comics and the games, i think they could make plenty of sequels for avp.  f.y.i. arnold is actually SHORT.






SERIOUSILY GOOD FOLK, I really think that after this movie we should start the campaign going on the last Alien movie... number 5.  * Miss Weaver would be back.  * Ridley Scott will have some envolment in the film  * FINALLY get to find out the Aliens TRUE origin  COME ON PEOPLE, BACK ME UP ON THIS!!!     :-\  



Sorry Bringer of Death, really nice work. J you are right i think all the alien fans want to see the Alien origins, but i also want a Predator 3 movie because i



The predator in the first movie was played by a guy who was 7 foot two inches. But was first played by Van Damme, then a monkey. Van Damme quit because he didn't have a credit in the film, then a monkey put on the suit. That failed, so they got a guy who was 7ft 2" and that was who they went with the rest of the movie. Funny stuff.

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Lord Hamster and JustAnotherAlien , Like I said earlier the guy who played BOTH predators in the first 2 movies is Kevin Peter Hall, now regardless of what you guys think thats 100% fact right there baby and true van damme started out as the pred but quit do to the heat in the costume and the fact of not being credited.Now I hope your joking about the monkey? And G Dog theres no F'n way in hell that China is or ever will be 7 foot 9 there buddy, so your saying shes taller than the Big Show, Undertaker, Kane ! keep smoking that crack pipe    ???   shes mabey, mabey 6 -9 on a good day, man shes shorter than thriple h and hes no were near 7 feet at all.Ungeromimizu , sorry I have to dissagre with you on that aliens characters , hell even alien 1 s characters were and are better than all the maggots in alien 3, sure dillon was a strong role, but thats about it.The rest were greasey ass maggots that were all rapists and murderers, oh ya there sweet    ???  .But hey you have your own opinion and tast but i cant agree with it at all, no offence or nothin.



JustAnotherAlien........????? WTFO? Anyway, So far, the rumors for the plot of Alien 5 and 6 sound like kick ass movies. Especially with a director like Ridley Scott or James Cameron who know how to make a great movie. I am kind of iffy on Ridley though, I mean, he talked about liking the idea of ONE alien in his version of Alien 5, with all the origin stuff. (???) Kick ass plot ideas having ripley go to the alien's home planet in Alien 6. I agree with J.  Fans, come on people, its up to the fans to get our feet in Fox' ass to give us our pre/sequels!!   I hope they make a Predator 3 aswell, but not any of the idiotic Predator fighting a ship crew from the 13th or what ever century, or any bull shit like that.   To Ungeromimizu: I agree with you on the space truckers deal, however I disagree with you on Alien 3. The movie itself SUCKS like Alien 4. The characters however, are DECENT. Dillon was good, about the only one, Ripley, of course she is going to be in the alien movies because its HER story fighting the Aliens hence them even cloning her back in 4, and them wanting her back for 5 and finishing off the story with her in 6.  The alien is what makes the movies cool, but its the characters that bring the sotry to life. Why do you think they didn't just make Alien vs Predator with just the Predators and Alien if they were the MAIN characters in both of their franchises????????  The gung ho marines gave the movie Aliens the action it needed. Reason why Aliens is a much better movie than the shit hole Alien 3 and ridiculous Alien 4 with that supid ass human alien hybrid!!!!!   >:D  



To Bringer of Death: Thanks for the correction on that. Me not being a wrestler fan at all, typed in the wrong height that I heard off someone. Now, knowing this...............what the hell, Preds breed too right? anyway, crack pipe in hand, I blaze up once again................



For the ' 5 ' Alien movie heres a FEW things I would love to see:  1. The Aliens Origin ( PLUS their homeplanet, maybe will see a NEW type of alien form e.g. a cross between the look of the Queen Alien and the regular warrior drone).  2. The Origin of the ' Space Jockey '  3. The return of Ripley ( for the last time )  4. MARINES ( more hi-tec with TONS of heavy Weaponry)  5. We get to see the look first hand at the companies so called BIOWEAPON that they always ranted about ( e.g. this could be anything ranging from new robotics fused with the use of the alien's skin).  6. Charles Wyland's other ' associate ' ... YUTANI  am I you guys also have some ideas of how the series can go, what do you think?     ;D  

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Im glad your a good sport and dont take every comment so critical like have the people on this site do so i give ya props to that, but ya i use to watch the wraslin but it just gets more lamer every year and the story lines keep getting worse to but enough about wraslin, go to the first comments topic on the main page, some guy named shary says he has a bootlegged copy of the avp movie and says its the shilt , best summer movie 4 sure, dont know how credible this guy is since its just his word against ours.But if he happened to figure out of to prove it it would be reasuring to know this movie will indeed kick major arse like i pray it will

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Hey guys i was just on Bloodydisguting.com, the guys who posted avp as being pg 13, well now the pg 13 part is removed .Heres the comment i copied and pasted ......   If you head on over to iFilm, you can watch an exclusive featurette for Fox's Alien vs Predator. Paul W.S. Anderson's film, which hits theaters August 13th, stars Sanaa Lathan, Raoul Bova, Lance Henriksen, Ewen Bremner, Colin Salmon, Agathe De La Boulaye, Tommy Flanagan, Carsten Norgaard, Joseph Rye, Sam Troughton and Tom Woodruff Jr.   Now theres no mention of the rating anymore so mabey they were either misinformed or made it up.Atleast heres a nother pg 13 fact gone down the drain! yeaaahhhhh!     ;D     ;D     ;D  

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