Full Article in Fangoria Mag

Started by Darkness, Jul 14, 2004, 10:58:16 PM

Full Article in Fangoria Mag (Read 20,050 times)



AMEN TO THAT G-DOG!  PA seems to have understood the language of both this creatures coveying an identity for not just fans but new comers to understand. It must have been absolute punishment 4 him 2 take this franchise (BOTH OF THEM) and create somthing of his own.  I have a theory,  Both the 1st 2 Alien movies and Predator movie (not so much the 2nd film) where made both with a willing passion 2 succeed and the directers had shown enthuisiam upon making the movies with a clear understanding of which each film offered. The reason I believe that the 3rd and 4th movie didn't do as well (although I have grown to love them) was that the were asked by Fox to make the movie and both had shown their uninterest although choose to do them.  If there is to be a sequel Fox needs to make sure that they choose a director WILLING and with ALOT OF INTEREST on the movies to adapt their own version and style in suiting with the influence of the films, a sense of understandingm and knowledge, otherwise it will be just another paycheque to them.      :)  



I think that pyramid enroviment sucks as a war ground.it should be like jungle    :-\  or   :-\   city



CITY!!Thats CACK! to many civilans.  The whole point for the pyramid is to create a limited amount of space and confinds, plus it would be a different enviroment altogether, especially where its set, the cold, harsh baron lanscapes the Antartic accompanied with blizzard storms.  no one can hear you sceam, yeah?  The Jungles been done, it needs to be different all the time other wise it won't work.   ;)  



terhou beleive me a city wouldnt work n its not really a war ground its a huntin ground.



^ Good one    ;D  

Maurice "HopeOfTheFuture" Huijs

Maurice "HopeOfTheFuture" Huijs

Amazing pics. Finally we get to see more of the environment where the predators lifts sebastian single-handed.

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Im glad you doggers liked the scans   ;)   as soon as i say them here yesterday i had to go get the magazine for myself, so i did snanned em and sent em to Darkness.But about the not seeing an alien or pred 4 45 mins sounds good to me because thats what  i likes about the first 2 alien movies and the 1st pred is that they waited awile to introduce the creature and in that time distinguished the characters more so when they got there heads bit ot spine ripped ouut you actualy felt s little something for that character.Also like Anderson said , in alien 3 and resurection in the opening parts of the movie you got to see an alien after that its like alright ive already seen the monster so now whats next type of attitude.Also this may mean were infor a 2 hour + movie here! I hope anyways..And J good point up there, you have to have the movies in different enviroments to keep it new and interesting



so so kool      ;D  

Lord HamsteR

Lord HamsteR

jungle,city,space,new planets all done and would be boring! in predator 2 in city with al thous ppl he killd thous in hotel the bad of drug dilers and thous in train ah there where girls in suits at the end and how wen he killd then was BORING + they made eyes fore the pred to look laike dols eyes UGLY! but in AvP preds look cool and TOLER then in predator movies and they kill more!! aliens is aliens but i dont get why Anderson wanted to have alien legs from first 2 movies and atacht feet from 4'th movie...but enywey my hopes are that thise movie will make a new game and new movies!! P.S Anderson love both of them and he sed that "youl work hard to finde some one with stronger love to aliens and preds then me"...



Nice Scans DARKNESS   8)      Did anyone think that the Flashback could be started by a human reading the history that

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

There my scans!!!!!!   >:D   Just jokin i dont give a shilt, just as long as everyone enjoys em as much as i do couse the preds look damn good.Lord HamsteR, good point about the preds looking taller i agree but that is weird cause the first to preds werent teens were they? if not they were either just short preds or the start to get shorter the older they get.? I dont know

Lord HamsteR

Lord HamsteR

O_O! the oldest preds are the short ones? i think no one had tall actors the days of first pred films...they lookt human laik back then... btw-who plays avp2 now?

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Kevin Peter Hall is one big man, he played both preds and Harry from harry in the hendersons, so to say what you said is wrong my friend, he indeed was a very tall guy before he died.Im almost 100% sure he did pass away though.

Lord HamsteR

Lord HamsteR

streing..the pred at 2 movie was almost same hight as main carecter but in first film the pred was very tall,taller the Arnold even...and eyes of pred at first film where good they where eyes of actor that playd pred unlaik 2 film... and in avp some how all preds on the same hight...

Shadow of FUS

Shadow of FUS

Noone answered my question.Howcome he doesnt talk at all about the predators?

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