My Predator 1987 Artwork

Started by (Bad Blood), Jul 15, 2024, 10:56:56 PM

My Predator 1987 Artwork (Read 591 times)

(Bad Blood)

(Bad Blood)

Hello friends! I have here for you a Predator 1987 art piece made for a birthday gift actually since it is their favorite movie. I only had 8 hours total to complete this so I do apologize for the not so correct proportions and less detail and shading than usual. I hope you like it!



Again I love all that texture you do and Arnold looks savage in that!

(Bad Blood)

(Bad Blood)

Quote from: MetalAlien on Jul 16, 2024, 03:03:23 AMAgain I love all that texture you do and Arnold looks savage in that!
Thank you so much my friend! I really truly appreciate it.



Only 8 hours? Damn! I noticed you carefully drew Arnold's physique in the actual movie. Much of the fan art I've seen depicting Arnold's characters has him with the type of build he had as a competitive bodybuilder, even though he downsized significantly for his action-star career, a key detail. Your predator looks excellent as well.

(Bad Blood)

(Bad Blood)

Quote from: Citixeno on Jul 16, 2024, 12:18:35 PMOnly 8 hours? Damn! I noticed you carefully drew Arnold's physique in the actual movie. Much of the fan art I've seen depicting Arnold's characters has him with the type of build he had as a competitive bodybuilder, even though he downsized significantly for his action-star career, a key detail. Your predator looks excellent as well.
Yes indeed, I truly wish I had more time honestly, I will absolutely do another one but with less time constraints. Oh glad you noticed! A lot people definitely over buff him up. He was ripped for sure but not like he was for competition. Thank you!

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