Xenomorphs Variance

Started by BigChapismyBestFriend, Nov 28, 2023, 05:42:16 PM

Xenomorphs Variance (Read 2,104 times)



Xenomorph Variance
 Internecivus Raptus

Plagiarus celerius



Incubito Occisor

Immortan Jonesy

Immortan Jonesy

^^👉👈 Internecivus Raptus looks like Stompy :o

Edit ~ Aww Fifield abomination bejore a Neomorph-like hybrid?



Quote from: Immortan Jonesy on Nov 28, 2023, 08:54:06 PM^^👉👈 Internecivus Raptus looks like Stompy :o

Edit ~ Aww Fifield abomination bejore a Neomorph-like hybrid?
Stompy is my most favorite Xenomorph design, It's my number one




I update the Internecivus Raptus, is it better?
Quote from: Immortan Jonesy on Nov 28, 2023, 08:54:06 PMAww Fifield abomination bejore a Neomorph-like hybrid?
Yeah I thought that it would've been more interesting if it did that rather than become a zombie



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So I made some adjustments to the And I started to like this a lot more.

As a guest, you cannot see attachments. Please login. I also made another creature based on one of the art Geiger made. I'm calling it the Star Beast. I'm thinking of putting a life cycle into it. Do you have any suggestions?







Quote from: BigChapismyBestFriend on May 26, 2024, 05:43:29 AMAs a guest, you cannot see attachments. Please login. I also made another creature based on one of the art Geiger made. I'm calling it the Star Beast. I'm thinking of putting a life cycle into it. Do you have any suggestions?

That thinness, combined with its towering height, gives it a very creepy vibe. Because it lacks the big head, it doesn't really look like part of the xenomorph family, but it definitely looks like a cousin species, like something else affected by the pathogen.



Quote from: Citixeno on Jun 09, 2024, 02:23:05 PM
Quote from: BigChapismyBestFriend on May 26, 2024, 05:43:29 AMAs a guest, you cannot see attachments. Please login. I also made another creature based on one of the art Geiger made. I'm calling it the Star Beast. I'm thinking of putting a life cycle into it. Do you have any suggestions?

That thinness, combined with its towering height, gives it a very creepy vibe. Because it lacks the big head, it doesn't really look like part of the xenomorph family, but it definitely looks like a cousin species, like something else affected by the pathogen.
Personally, I Prefer it being a very ancient relative of the xenomorph, like how we are related to fish way early back, But you're assessment isn't bad. Say I've been wanting to put a life cycle for this guy, but I don't know what I should put in any suggestion?



Quote from: BigChapismyBestFriend on Jun 09, 2024, 11:45:07 PMPersonally, I Prefer it being a very ancient relative of the xenomorph, like how we are related to fish way early back, But you're assessment isn't bad. Say I've been wanting to put a life cycle for this guy, but I don't know what I should put in any suggestion?


Well, with wings, I think of something like the lifecycle of flying bugs. - Even though I generally don't like calling the Alien "bugs," things like parasitic wasps definitely were part of Dan Obanon's inspiration.

So, we want something disturbing. Ever seen how a larva hardens, then splits apart as the creature comes out?

Perhaps this xenomorph relative infects a host with its own mouth, and the host slowly mutates, as if halfway transforming into a giant bloated worm/grub-like thing, but still covered in human flesh. Their mind goes, and they become cannibalistic for a time. Eventually, their skin hardens, and they end up in a coma-like state. Later, your creature slowly breaks out, killing the host by ripping their entire bloated body apart, leaving only a hollowed-out shell. When this thing first emerges, it is already the size of a normal adult xenomorph but soft, like a crustacean right after molting. The creature proceeds to grow into this four story monstrosity in a period of hours, and starts the cycle anew.



The tire updated the feet of my Art I think it looks much better

Before Update
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After Updated
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Quote from: BigChapismyBestFriend on Jun 09, 2024, 11:45:07 PM
Quote from: Citixeno on Jun 09, 2024, 02:23:05 PM
Quote from: BigChapismyBestFriend on May 26, 2024, 05:43:29 AMAs a guest, you cannot see attachments. Please login. I also made another creature based on one of the art Geiger made. I'm calling it the Star Beast. I'm thinking of putting a life cycle into it. Do you have any suggestions?

That thinness, combined with its towering height, gives it a very creepy vibe. Because it lacks the big head, it doesn't really look like part of the xenomorph family, but it definitely looks like a cousin species, like something else affected by the pathogen.
Personally, I Prefer it being a very ancient relative of the xenomorph, like how we are related to fish way early back, But you're assessment isn't bad. Say I've been wanting to put a life cycle for this guy, but I don't know what I should put in any suggestion?

Our relationship to fish is clear. the smell remained  ;D 

I like the drawing.
The origin of the creature is clear to me.
It is the biomechanical result of a facehugger attack on the beast from the film American Monster.

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