Cancelled 20th Century Fox World Parks – Malaysia & Dubai

Started by Corporal Hicks, Nov 03, 2015, 06:24:49 PM

Cancelled 20th Century Fox World Parks – Malaysia & Dubai (Read 63,462 times)

Corporal Hicks

How about a dropship ride?  :P


Never. The Alien Queen abdomen rollercoaster ride with a spin in a giant egg, leaping towards the open hanger from the sulaco with Ripleys voice calling: Signing off.


They could go nuts with and Alien theme park. A Dropship ride. An escape Hadley's Hope rollercoaster, that's ends at the Sulaco. A Fiorina Maze. An updated version of Alien War. If I was a Millionaire id go lol

Corporal Hicks

I'm still waiting a brand new licensed Alien War.


That would be awesome (imagine running through Fury 161)


Fiorina 161 is a desolate, mournful landscape full of parasites and emptiness. The prison (former mine) would be scary as hell; Especially since nothing works there, just having a candle or half ass flashlight!

I guess no one got my Simpsons references in an earlier post. :(


Quote from: FiorinaFury161 on Nov 04, 2015, 04:11:49 PM
Fiorina 161 is a desolate, mournful landscape full of parasites and emptiness. The prison (former mine) would be scary as hell; Especially since nothing works there, just having a candle or half ass flashlight!

I guess no one got my Simpsons references in an earlier post. :(
What the:Wonder if there will be a Leftorium and Monorail ride.

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: FiorinaFury161 on Nov 04, 2015, 04:11:49 PM
Fiorina 161 is a desolate, mournful landscape full of parasites and emptiness. The prison (former mine) would be scary as hell; Especially since nothing works there, just having a candle or half ass flashlight!

A desolate Nostromo or colony would be just as awesome - you're just bias.  :P


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Nov 04, 2015, 04:22:20 PM
Quote from: FiorinaFury161 on Nov 04, 2015, 04:11:49 PM
Fiorina 161 is a desolate, mournful landscape full of parasites and emptiness. The prison (former mine) would be scary as hell; Especially since nothing works there, just having a candle or half ass flashlight!

A desolate Nostromo or colony would be just as awesome - you're just bias.  :P
Imagine the space station in AVP 2000.(all the dark lights and the commander screaming at the park visitors to get moving or imagine the guys are armed with laser guns or fake air/paintball guns and find Aliens/Predator/Androids/Angry park attendants :D.


Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Nov 04, 2015, 04:22:20 PM
Quote from: FiorinaFury161 on Nov 04, 2015, 04:11:49 PM
Fiorina 161 is a desolate, mournful landscape full of parasites and emptiness. The prison (former mine) would be scary as hell; Especially since nothing works there, just having a candle or half ass flashlight!

A desolate Nostromo or colony would be just as awesome - you're just bias.  :P
I never said I wouldn't enjoy it tho... ;D

To elaborate on my Simpsons post: The Leftorium is Ned Flanders' store in which everything is left handed and the Monorail was an episode in which the town invested millions on a poorly built one rail train, in which everyone almost died bc of no brakes. Come on guys. ::)

Corporal Hicks

Ooohhh. You were trying to be funny with the Simpsons stuff?  :P


Ah, yeah, I remember the Malaysia theme park years ago. I could have sworn I posted it but I can't find it anywhere.

Quote from: FiorinaFury161 on Nov 04, 2015, 04:11:49 PM
Fiorina 161 is a desolate, mournful landscape full of parasites and emptiness. The prison (former mine) would be scary as hell; Especially since nothing works there, just having a candle or half ass flashlight!

A theme park with no fuking ice-cream!?

You can count me out!


last week i found a asian forum with current pictures of the park being constructed ... now i can't track it down. it was pretty interesting, bummed that i can't find it to share with you guys


Man, why do they always pick these super far away locations! Wish they'd build it here in the US. I'd go. That would be a fun trip.

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