Started by NGR01, May 26, 2012, 10:10:50 AM

NGR01 SAW PROMETHEUS! SPOILERS!!! (Read 182,333 times)



Quote from: Bayo on May 31, 2012, 05:33:59 AM
82% on rottentomatoes........ not bad
to those that watched the movie, do you think the movie suffer in the cutting room?
i read somewhere that an imax movie cant be more than 120 min. maybe the movie
was originally 130 or 140 min. and also maybe that issue to force an "R" rated movie
to "PG-13" movie hurts this theatrical cut. i know the movie ended "R" rated but
possibly the damage was done to this cut an it was late to fix it. i bring this up
because i read some post saying some scenes in the trailers an tvspots wasnt in
the movie. i hope for a DC on blu-ray.

I hope for a directors/extended cut. I can't help but feel like there where missing some scene's. 2 or 3 times i had the feeling a scene was cut to be honest because the frame cuts abruptly to the next. But it was only 2 or 3 times. Overall i absolutely loved the movie  ;D



In the trailer there is a clip when Shaw is on the operating table or something and a figure in a hazard suit is standing there and she smacks him with something.
Whats that all about?


I looked though this whole thread, and could not see if anyone has addressed these:

1. Does the film explain why there are 5 temples ?

2. Does the storm expose the human skull on top of the temple, and is this addressed in the film ?

3. Are the worms (which apparently mutate into hammerpede) a native life form of the planetoid ?

4. If the atmosphere affects the urns and cause them to leak the black goo, why does it only affect some urns ? Why is the urn David brings back to the ship not affected by ship atmosphere ? 

5. In one of the trailers we see a display with a high temperature reading 165 Deg C.  Is that the surface temperature of the planetoid ?

6.  Is the general alien life cycle addressed by any characters in the film, i.e. black goo -> worm -> infected human host -> massive facehugger -> proto xenomorph ? I am having a hard time understanding the whole life cycle.




Quote from: proicioaway on May 31, 2012, 06:14:18 PM
3. Are the worms (which apparently mutate into hammerpede) a native life form of the planetoid ?

4. If the atmosphere affects the urns and cause them to leak the black goo, why does it only affect some urns ? Why is the urn David brings back to the ship not affected by ship atmosphere ? 
a couple of good questions


Quote from: escroto on May 31, 2012, 08:27:03 PM
Quote from: proicioaway on May 31, 2012, 06:14:18 PM
3. Are the worms (which apparently mutate into hammerpede) a native life form of the planetoid ?

4. If the atmosphere affects the urns and cause them to leak the black goo, why does it only affect some urns ? Why is the urn David brings back to the ship not affected by ship atmosphere ? 
a couple of good questions

Good questions, but my guess is that there will be no answers...this is written by Lindelof, afterall.  From what I have read, there are plot holes large enough to drive a truck through.  Very sad, really.



Quote from: proicioaway on May 31, 2012, 06:14:18 PM
I looked though this whole thread, and could not see if anyone has addressed these:

1. Does the film explain why there are 5 temples ?

2. Does the storm expose the human skull on top of the temple, and is this addressed in the film ?

3. Are the worms (which apparently mutate into hammerpede) a native life form of the planetoid ?

4. If the atmosphere affects the urns and cause them to leak the black goo, why does it only affect some urns ? Why is the urn David brings back to the ship not affected by ship atmosphere ? 

5. In one of the trailers we see a display with a high temperature reading 165 Deg C.  Is that the surface temperature of the planetoid ?

6.  Is the general alien life cycle addressed by any characters in the film, i.e. black goo -> worm -> infected human host -> massive facehugger -> proto xenomorph ? I am having a hard time understanding the whole life cycle.


1. No.
2. No.
3. We can't really tell. We don't know if they really are the Hammerpedes. Maybe.
4. All urns are infected. David takes the urn at the beginning of the phenomenon. After that, they quicly get out of the room.
5. No.
6. No.



Quote from: Deuterium on May 31, 2012, 08:30:33 PM
Quote from: escroto on May 31, 2012, 08:27:03 PM
Quote from: proicioaway on May 31, 2012, 06:14:18 PM
3. Are the worms (which apparently mutate into hammerpede) a native life form of the planetoid ?

4. If the atmosphere affects the urns and cause them to leak the black goo, why does it only affect some urns ? Why is the urn David brings back to the ship not affected by ship atmosphere ? 
a couple of good questions

Good questions, but my guess is that there will be no answers...this is written by Lindelof, afterall.  From what I have read, there are plot holes large enough to drive a truck through.  Very sad, really.
Spoilers within!
They didn't just give us tips for cave paintings or a helping hand along the way... they pissed in our primordial soup.



Quote from: proicioaway on May 31, 2012, 06:14:18 PM
I looked though this whole thread, and could not see if anyone has addressed these:

1. Does the film explain why there are 5 temples ?

2. Does the storm expose the human skull on top of the temple, and is this addressed in the film ?

3. Are the worms (which apparently mutate into hammerpede) a native life form of the planetoid ?

4. If the atmosphere affects the urns and cause them to leak the black goo, why does it only affect some urns ? Why is the urn David brings back to the ship not affected by ship atmosphere ? 

5. In one of the trailers we see a display with a high temperature reading 165 Deg C.  Is that the surface temperature of the planetoid ?

6.  Is the general alien life cycle addressed by any characters in the film, i.e. black goo -> worm -> infected human host -> massive facehugger -> proto xenomorph ? I am having a hard time understanding the whole life cycle.



1. Not really but it isn't that hard to figure out. It is a military base if i understood correctly. And there are multiple ships filled with bioweapons (the black goo).

2. No

3. Don't know for sure but i think they are part of the terra formed parts of the planet.

4. David froze the one he took with him before it could overflow.

5. Don't know

6. Not really, it is still kind of vague. Holloway got infected by david with the black good. He had sex with Shaw. She got pregnant and got an abortion. The octo thing is born and when it is fully grown it turns out to be some sort of giant facehugger wich kind of looked like a mix between the concept art hugger and the hugger we know. It impregnates the engineer/spacejockey. Then we get a bambi burster like scene in the very end.


Quote from: Predaker on May 31, 2012, 09:04:52 PM
Spoilers within!
They didn't just give us tips for cave paintings or a helping hand along the way... they pissed in our primordial soup.

Bwa ha ha.  Nicely put!   ;D 8)



I got a question was peter weyland on screen the entire time or only for a minute?
Did you like peter weyland role? ( for thoes who seen it)

Ash 937

Ash 937

You know, I use to be famous once too...

A few years ago I caught an early screening of the Friday the 13th remake before any of the fans had seen it.  I posted an early, spoiler free review of the film on the IMDB and took a lot of questions from fans leading up to official release of the film.  It was fun and somewhat narcissistic to be the center of attention for awhile...but also enjoyable to share my knowledge of the film with fans who appreciated knowing about it.

I haven't read any of the posts in this thread yet (and I won't until after I see the movie itself) because I know there are spoilers here...but kudos to you, NGR01, on taking so many questions from those that want to know and also for giving your time to the community...even if I find it somewhat odd that there are so many people here willing to spoil the movie themselves because they have a strange deficiency with their own patience.




Quote from: r888 on Jun 01, 2012, 02:06:49 AM
I got a question was peter weyland on screen the entire time or only for a minute?
Did you like peter weyland role? ( for thoes who seen it)

You see Weyland quite a lot towards the latter half of the film.  His make up is ok not flawless, but his voice dwindles from old man to something else and occasionally is Aussie accent slips through



Quote from: Ash 937 on Jun 01, 2012, 02:21:57 AM
You know, I use to be famous once too...

A few years ago I caught an early screening of the Friday the 13th remake before any of the fans had seen it.  I posted an early, spoiler free review of the film on the IMDB and took a lot of questions from fans leading up to official release of the film.  It was fun and somewhat narcissistic to be the center of attention for awhile...but also enjoyable to share my knowledge of the film with fans who appreciated knowing about it.

I haven't read any of the posts in this thread yet (and I won't until after I see the movie itself) because I know there are spoilers here...but kudos to you, NGR01, on taking so many questions from those that want to know and also for giving your time to the community...even if I find it somewhat odd that there are so many people here willing to spoil the movie themselves because they have a strange deficiency with their own patience.


Lol thanks.
I was going to be more famous at first by sending my review to AICN but i prefered to give the priority to this forum ;)
And already had my internet fame with spielberg's WAR OF THE WORLDS ;)



To my fellow americans :

Enjoy PROMETHEUS tommorrow :)



Quote from: Infected on May 31, 2012, 05:37:01 PM
In the trailer there is a clip when Shaw is on the operating table or something and a figure in a hazard suit is standing there and she smacks him with something.
Whats that all about?
it's in the film
They find out she's pregnant with an alien foetus and ask her to go into stasis. Shaw panics and beats 'em up, and runs to the MedPod. Then everyone forgets it ever happened.

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