Started by NGR01, May 26, 2012, 10:10:50 AM

NGR01 SAW PROMETHEUS! SPOILERS!!! (Read 182,411 times)



Hello gals & guys,
i'll be seeing PROMETHEUS this monday afternoon.
Won't be able to write a long text right after the screening (don't have a fancy smartphone, mine is a pain in the ass to write with) but i'll post a short reaction, then when i get home a longer one. I will not dwell into massive spoilers don't won't to harm the movie nor spoil it for my fellows fans who are weak like me.
However i'll give a few ;)

Depending on the embargo directives given by Fox to the press, maybe there will be online reactions after the screening. Here are the french movie news websites that are the most likely to post reactions that afternoon (screening ends around 3pm parisian time) and that are the most interesting critic wise :

It's gonna be a long week end ^^!


Just go home.
Pretty rough day.
I was with family after screening enjoying the sun.
Like i said my phone did not let me login to the forums but i was able to read it.
And i must say that the lack of trust of some is really something.
Do i need to remind you that I was the one who talked first about the scene screening in early April and also the first to tell you about the movie screening today?
Well i guss that it's usual in the forums...

Can't stay long my wife's gonna kill me, i'll be back in an hour.

One last thing tho about the french reviews.
The people present there are just like you, people came exepeting xeno, other knew better, other did know shit, other were hardcore fans, well you get the idea.
Most are not intellectual sobs who disses entertainment or scifi flick.
So please stop with the clichés.

About the movie.
For now what i can say, is that i got out of the theatre angry and almost cried.
I've got nothing to spoil because from the first trailer the movie has been spoiled to us.
I loved it until the last 20/30 minutes, i'm still trying to figure out how the last 2 minutes (Scott probably said 8 minutes because he's including the fight that leads to this moment) are supposed to make the bridge with ALIEN. 
If it is what i think it is, it's just lame. My main theorie, the human Engineer is wrong, but i think that when you'll see the movie you're gonna wish it was right... And i'm not bragging...
The creatures i won't even bother...
The opening was beautiful, and there is some really cool moments.
I called the ending.
Lots of stuff is clearly missing, scenes have been clearly modified.
Some characters have their development cleary been cut from the move.

I had expectation going in.
i knew what Scott was doing, some sort of blockbuster version of ALIEN.
I was ok to embrace it. I really wanted to fusking love this movie.
As it is for now i can't.

One thing is sure, when you have great expectations, it is bound to happen some sort of backlash.
So i'm right now processing that, trying to leave my feelings and expectations out and see the movie fresh.
That is why i'm definitly going to see it again.

For me it is not a bad movie, it's a flawed and lazy movie.

Be right back.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Even spoilerific ones.
I don't care anymore.

Don't shoot i'm just the messenger.


Ok so the night was great and i had time to rethink about what bothered me in the movie.
I'm gonna dwell into spoilers so be warned.

Some stuff just bothered me in the movie (the way Fifield and Millburn get lost and end up being victims, how can the guy who is mapping the place with his orbs and is in constant contact with the ship can be lost is just beyond me lol, that ravel and chance who have their great moment with janek are almost just shadows, that the hangar attack is just there to satisfy the need for action of the general movie audience) But i can forget and forgive them.
Eeverything is so cool around those that its ok.

I loved the movie until the Engineer is awaken.
One thing i understand now is that the surviving Engineer, is just a regular shmoe he's not a leader or anything.
He and all the dead engineers were on this planet creating weapon of mass destruction, this is a military base and he's just one of the many "soldiers" (remember Scott said the derelict was a bomber hence the military concepts).
When shit hit the fans on that base (this is important i will get back to it later) he and his crew were on their way to take off to Earth to wipe us out (the image of David in front of well stored urns, is actually the cargo bay of the juggernaut inside the urns, death either by complete desintragration of the body or by infestation).
So when he wakes up and start to go berzerk on David, Weyland, Ford and the Merc his agressive reaction do make sense.
He was ordered to destroy our race and he wakes up to find us there.
That is all there is to this first contact.
But i was expecting that our crew will get to meet an actual leader of the race, not just a grunt.
The one who has his face sculpted, he's their leader.
The movie forget about all the grand questions and goes into action, slasher, blockbuster territory.
But now i'm even ok with that, its not a problem anymore that we end up having just a classic horror slaher ending with a big bad monster stalking our heroine.

What still bothers me is the missed oportunity to make the events that lead to the massacre in the Engineer military base to payoff in the end. Especially now that i know what was supposed to take place in the end of the movie.

Bascally here is what happened in the military base.
An Engineer got infected by the same thing that killed/infected Holloway, the black goo that seems to either kill you in horrible pain or make you morph, mutate. That infected Engineer unleached a new form of life, probably like the one that Shaws delivers, a giant octopus like facehugger. The pile of dead Engineers (beautifull image btw) that Millburn and Fifield encounter at one point have their chest bursted (Fifield even states it) and the holes in the 3 sarcophagis leave no doubt that xeno like creature have been born 2000 years ago (that is the date Shaw gets when she carbon analyse the Engineer dead body they find) and killed almost everyone on the Engineer base.
What was the original plan for the final act was to have The surviving Engineer doing the same thing, going berzerk and kill the humans taking off but then :
1st script version, he would have been chestbursted by a massive xeno (wich growing was kept dormant thank to the Engineer being in cryosleep) growing very fast (like all the creatures of the movie) and been hunting down Shaw.

2nd script version, they (Engineer and Shaw) would have been confronted to the massive xenos or their spawns that were born from the Engineers 2000 years ago.

After killing it, Shaw would have took off with the Juggernaut with David just like she does in the movie.

Maybe Scott ditched these endings because they were too much ALIEN like, or maybe he wants to use this and adress the whole military base incident in the sequel.

Either way i would have prefered this than the Engineer stalking Shaw to the ship like Jason to be killed by a giant octopus.



I will be faithfully waiting for your post, you lucky Earthling.  Feel free to post your heart out. My wait is even more unbearable. 7 June 2012 is a bloody century away.


A century away.....lolz......less than two weeks.... :)


Lucky man  ;)





It reminds me.. As I mentioned earlier, I work in the cinema and I had a little chat with the projectionist today. I asked him how many days in advance he downloads the DCPs of the upcoming movies to the cinema servers.. He said it's variable.. and then added: "Yesterday, I downloaded stuff for the next two weeks... But I don't have a key to play them."

I was like "Why the hell I had to ask?!?"




NGR01 I want it all!

Quote from: NGR01 on May 26, 2012, 10:10:50 AM(...) Won't be able to write a long text right after the screening (don't have a fancy smartphone, mine is a pain in the ass to write with) but i'll post a short reaction, (...)
I would prefer a lot of looong reactions :P  (without spoilers at first)

Quote from: NGR01 on May 26, 2012, 10:10:50 AM(...) then when i get home a longer one. I will not dwell into massive spoilers don't won't to harm the movie nor spoil it for my fellows fans who are weak like me.
However i'll give a few ;)
I will definitively read it. And if you plan to tell us all the story with spoilers I'm on it too. ;D

But also, I'm sure that if you do a good review without any spoilers (and I'm sure you have the talent for it) it would be really apreciated by a lot of people here. ;)



Thanks guys.

nothing is set in stone, we'll  see what comes to me.
I'm no critic so it will be based on my view of the movie, what my expectation are.

Almost 24hrs to the screening...
What if the movie sucks???
What if i've spoiled myself with my theories???
Been waiting for a scifi movie of this magnitude for years, really hope it will delivers!!!
The exitation is at its peak ^^!



Tv commercial last night from Prometheus.
It said in cinemas thursday.  ;D



Go in with no expectations, and you'll probably enjoy yourself more. If you bring in a ruler and are measuring everything as the film plays, you will leave absolutely unsatisfied.


Is there a chance for huge spoilers?.


Quote from: mastermoon on May 27, 2012, 01:28:33 PMIs there a chance for huge spoilers?

Considering that NRG01 will be watching the film in the next few hours, I would say yeah. Block him now. :P


Tomorrow is everyones big day.

If possible that is?.


I would ask that NGR01 post an extensive SPOILER FREE review for those of us wanting to read a reaction but still have some kind of surprise left.


Quote from: ChrisPachi on May 27, 2012, 01:34:19 PM
Quote from: mastermoon on May 27, 2012, 01:28:33 PMIs there a chance for huge spoilers?

Considering that NRG01 will be watching the film in the next few hours, I would say yeah. Block him now. :P

What do you mean NRG01 will see the movie in the next few hours.

It must be monday in the place he's at.

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