We have just uploaded the 200th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! It’s the big 2-0-0! And for this special celebration of Alien vs. Predator Galaxy, our podcast, our community and our fandom, regular hosts Corporal Hicks, RidgeTop and Xenomorphine are joined by original host and co-founder of the podcast, Mike’s Monsters!
We talk about our history with the Alien & Predator fandom, our history with the website, the opportunities we’ve had because of our involvement, the way that fandom and internet culture has developed, and plenty more!
What did you think of our latest episode? Be sure to let us know down below! You can also listen to any of our previous episodes in the Podcast section under the News tab on the main menu. The Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast is also available via iTunes, PodBean, GooglePlay Stitcher, and Spotify! Please be sure to leave a rating and review on whichever platform you’re using!
And if you’d rather see our beautiful faces, as always, the video version of the podcast is also available on the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy YouTube channel!
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Cdl was the bomb in the podcasts. followed by rex picket.
Cdl is probably the closest we will ever get to interviewing scott cameron fincher. he was so close to all the stuff in those movies scripts etc that we will never be able to. now all we need is a valaquen interview on the podcast.
It's sad that that sex tourism was the first thing I thought of when I heard Giler had passed in Thailand.
Definitely one of the more memorable discussions we've had!
This was the first episode with the new intro, courtesy of @Still Collating...
Just want to thank everyone for the feedback on this episode. It was a really nice discussion just reminiscing. It still trips me out sometimes when I think about just how long I've been coming to this place. Hearing people say the podcast helped them with rough times, learn English, or just that they've enjoyed listening for a while always makes me feel great and keeps me motivated.
When I joined up for that first podcast on Colonial Marines at Aaron's request, would not have imagined doing the number of episodes I have since then. Been a wild ride.
It was one of those books that made everyone look ugly; Hollywood in the 70's and 80's, cocaine, drinking, producers playing cards and making deals, stuff like that.
In the early 90's, Julia Philips (Close Encounters of the Third Kind producer) wrote a Hollywood tell-all that accused Giler of an obsession with Asian and barely-legal girls. And trips to Thailand.
Ah ok. About me being pedantic I tend to like to be as up to date as possible. So if a podcast is released later I prefer to have a "recorded on" date on it.
It sets off my OCD when people leave up Xmas decorations in late January the following year (though not the case with the podcast). It's traditional to have them down by the 5th of Jan - and to avoid bad luck if you're superstitious too.
The Tokyo livefeed channel was different as that was pertaining to be "live".
We filmed this the day before New Years Eve. I've been busy on a production for the last 2 months and hadn't had the time to take our tree down. It came down a few days after New Years. I brought up the AvP2 on Christmas thing because it was part of our relationship, which is tied to the site.
The podcasts often come out a few weeks after recording them, as Hicks has a busy life as well.
Honestly not sure why this is something to even be a minor gripe about.
It's like you made this but ummed and ahhed before releasing it. Like a YouTube tokyo "livefeed" from Japan got exposed as a loop as it showed peak Merry Christmas 2023 shoppers, in late January 2024!
I couldn't tell you exactly how long I've been on the site - I think I came across it in the late 2000s and joined the Prometheus hype train, Harvest / Jockey canon April Fool's and all - but it's been a huge part of my life for at least 15 years now.
What a balm it is to be part of such a passionate community of like-minded ahem ... 'Geeks', as you call us all ... and just look at you now.
Loved, loved, loved this episode. You deserved to look back on all that you've achieved and you should be proud.
I know I don't post a lot, but I'm here, every single day, and it feels bloody great to be part of this community.
You're classified. You don't exist outside this private forum.
Yeah, but why don't they ever mention me?!
Oh, Corporal, so sweet of you to mention me - it's pretty silly probably of me to feel that way but I get a kick each time you do it. Btw, whole "learned English listening you" thing is 100% real. I've been lurking here since 2014, looking for Isolation news updates, reading them through Google crude translations. In 2017, when I was in 11th grade and had to prepare for the audible part of my English final exam 'cause I was pretty bad at comprehending people talking in English at the time, I remembered your podcast posts which I'd noticed before scrolling through news page looking for Covenant updates and decided to combine education and entertainment. The first one I've listened to was 3-hour long (which definetly wetted my appetite for a longer form discussions) Covenant review one and let me tell you - It was ecstatic to listen to people talking about the same things I give a damn about in foreign language and kind-of sort-of maybe understanding them. Thank you for that, guys
Did they only just ditch my intro or did they do it yonks ago?
what everybody else said.....
As an Ukranian, Ridgetop and Mike clearly sound different to me. Shame on you, Corporal
-also, I'm not sure who mentioned this but it may have been Mikey, but when ever hop on the internet the first place I check out is AvPG as well. Here's to another 200 episodes!
Oh, me too. A place where users can get to know one another, unlike places like Reddit. A community.
And for all you audiophiles, if you've listened to the none YouTube version, the pure audio version, I'd just to like to apologies for the muffled intro if you've noticed oddities, that resulted cause of the stereo track being turned into mono. I didn't specify in which format it needed to stay
Once you listen to this episode, you'll understand why. I was also confused at first.
Also, a specific reason I left the full length picture in it.
Thanks for the kind words, Prez! Glad we could have been of some help to you!
Thank you Hicks, Ridgetop, Xenomorphine and others.
It's sadly probably the most iconic picture an Alien tbf. Although I don't know why