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Alien: Romulus News & Trailer Round-Up Discussion – AvP Galaxy Podcast #187

We have just uploaded the 187th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! In our latest episode, Corporal Hicks, RidgeTop, Still Collating… and Xenomorphine are reconvening to discuss the latest news and footage from Alien: Romulus!

 Alien: Romulus News & Trailer Round-Up Discussion - AvP Galaxy Podcast #187

Cinemark Theaters Exclusive Poster

We discuss the latest Alien: Romulus clips, the Japanese and full trailer, recent interviews, Hicks’s experience at the footage presentation, RidgeTop’s top in San Diego and plenty more!

What did you think of our latest episode? Be sure to let us know down below! You can also listen to any of our previous episodes in the Podcast section under the News tab on the main menu. The Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast is also available via iTunes, PodBean, GooglePlay Stitcher, and Spotify! Please be sure to leave a rating and review on whichever platform you’re using!

And if you’d rather see our beautiful faces, as always, the video version of the podcast is also available on the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy YouTube channel!

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Comments: 13
  1. The Cruentus
    The acid strength thing that was mentioned can be expained and compared to some real life substances that do react more strongly with inorganic matter compared to organic. Maybe Alien "acid" is more corrosive to inorganic objects.
  2. Yautja_Warrior
    Fingers crossed the movie is good or even great. Like Prey, I have a good feeling about it.

    It's a low bar to be better than Alien 3 and Resurrection, which I actually enjoy but the quality after Aliens was a pretty big drop. I even hated 3 to start with, such a downer of a movie, it grew on me over time but it's still nowhere near Aliens for me. So if it's better and more fun than Alien 3, it's a winner in my book.
  3. solace97
    I really hope this movie doesn't suck. I feel like I have never had the pleasure of seeing a good Alien or Predator film in theatre's. Prometheus and PREDATORS are the only two that were worth seeing and that's not saying much.
  4. TheDerelict
    Listening to this on my way into central London, and as I drove through Hackney I saw my first Romulus poster on the side of a bus. Looked great. Lots of black and Blues on a white background. It stands out.
  5. Marc505
    Sadly going to have to hold off listening to this for now, I've somehow managed to get through this whole marketing period without seeing or reading too many obvious spoilers.

    So I'm dying to listen to it, but will wait a couple of weeks 😃
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