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Digging Under The Ice, An Interview with Declan Shalvey – AvP Galaxy Podcast #172

We have just uploaded the 172nd episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download). In our latest episode co-hosts Corporal Hicks and RidgeTop are joined by writer Declan Shalvey to talk about Alien: Thaw, the first of his Alien series published by Marvel.

 Digging Under The Ice, An Interview with Declan Shalvey – AvP Galaxy Podcast #172

We discuss the benefits and disadvantages of writing for a franchise with a huge expanded universe, developing new types of Xenomorph, surprising your readers and plenty more!

You can follow Declan Shalvey on Twitter/X or Instagram. Be sure to head on over to his official website,, to find out more about the writer/artist and his other projects.

What did you think of our latest episodes? Be sure to let us know down below! You can also listen to any of our previous episodes in the Podcast section under the News tab on the main menu. The Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast is also available via iTunesPodBean, GooglePlay Stitcher, and Spotify! Please be sure to leave a rating and review on whichever platform you’re using!

And if you’d rather see everyone’s beautiful faces, as always, video versions of the podcasts are also available on the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy YouTube channel!

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