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Noah Hawley Wants to “Remystify” The Alien, Hints At Potential Second Season

While introducing a showing of Alien at the Austin Film Society in early April, Noah Hawley also spoke a little about his upcoming Alien series being produced for FX. As he started to introduce the original film, Noah explained one of his aims for the new series – to bring some mystery back to the franchise and H.R Giger’s iconic creature.

“When FX asked me if I was interested in adapting what is now a franchise, but for me was always this film, I had to think about what it was about the movie that inspired originally and would I be able to create that for an audience. Of course, you can only see Alien for the first time once and there’s something so unpredictable to the creature at the heart of it, and so disturbing about it, that after 6 movies you think “well, maybe there’s no mystery left to it.” What’s interesting to me is to try to remystify the franchise. The creature, the story, for a modern audience in the way that my 15-year-old won’t think is slow, is the requirement. “

 Noah Hawley Wants to "Remystify" The Alien, Hints At Potential Second Season

“What’s interesting to me is to try to remystify the franchise. The creature, the story.”

Hawley also discussed working with Sir Ridley Scott, who is also serving as executive producer for the series, describing the original Alien’s director as someone who “works harder than you” while emphasizing his age and Scott’s recent work.

“It’s really one of the joys of my careers that I get to spend time with and interact with the filmmakers who inspired me, like the Cohen Brothers or Ridley.”

Hawley also said that the Alien series would likely be released “towards the end of” 2024. He confirmed that filming begins this summer and that the series will be 8 hours long. Or more specifically, he says the “first year” will be 8 hours long, teasing at the chance of a second season. You can watch the complete introduction below!


Thanks to Gimitko for the video! Keep your browsers locked on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest Alien Series news! You can follow us on FacebookTwitter, Instagram and YouTube to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!

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Comments: 24
  1. Eal
    Quote from: BlueMarsalis79 on May 20, 2023, 11:08:48 AMRemystify eh? We'll see. I'm always skeptical of claims of that nature.

    This has incidentally been what's always bugged me about Lindeloff's writing. You don't necessarily create Mystery for Mystery's sake, but for brevity and storytelling purposes. You didn't know what the Space Jockey was, because it served no purpose in the plot, it wasn't just mystery for mystery's sake.
  2. Gimitko
    Per IMDb, the show has added Dana Gonzales(Hawley regular) as cinematographer and producer. Looks like him being in Thailand was indeed for pre-production.
  3. Still Collating...
    Yeah, I also have a feeling that people are underestimating the potential that the new Alien movie has to offer. I have a feeling it will have more Giger elements than recent entries cause Dan is on board.

    I'm just glad we're getting a new game, a new series and a new movie not very far apart from each other timewise!  ;D
  4. PsyKore
    I mean, it gets my hopes up a bit, but then again every director/writer makes things sound good beforehand... It'll be refreshing if something amazing actually comes through. However, I'm still looking forward to this more than Alien Ramen or whatever it's called.
  5. Immortan Jonesy
    I've an open mind until I see the final product. But honestly, Legion is a good reference of what Noah is capable of with horror and with Fargo, he has created completely new stories that stand out from the original movie. So yeah, I'm staying cautiously optimistic until the release.
  6. Nukiemorph
    I would assume the demystification he's talking about is either the prequel origin story nobody asked for or the fact that we're all familiar with the queen-egg-hug-burst lifecycle and no longer shocked by it.

    So casually establish that David isn't the original creator and give us some new body-horror creature concepts.
  7. David Weyland
    Remystify probably means more world building, less Xenomorph action as such on screen
    Probably a dollop of what we want to see to start but will be rationed out for awhile with an incremental uptick across the episodes towards the finale 😄
  8. JJ
    I always thought "Kane's Son" was just a fan meme, until i realized Ash had actually said it. Quite frankly what he did is about as insulting as telling someone they had an illegitimate child with a dog.
  9. matthew
    I'd love to see the Alien be less-animal like (everything from Aliens on...) and portrayed more as an intelligent species (e.g. "Kane's son") - the way I thought it was portrayed in Alien.
  10. Still Collating...
    From watching the video, I am conflicted. What we've heard from him multiple times, I really like. Everyday life of the average worker, class struggle, long periods of building the world and atmosphere till the Alien shows up. And the scary, horror moments in Legion were fantastic! I know he can do great horror if he wants to. That's gold!

    But then what's up with the synopsis? :laugh: A special cyborg dual wielding swords, uncreative names, set on Earth pre first Alien, making a whole city literally being controlled and called Prodigy city? :'(

    Things that sound crazy on paper can be turned around if excecated beautifully. It's possible. I am scared, but intrigued as to what we'll get!
    Hope that the show runners daughters complaint that Alien was abit slow doesn't influence this series to have a too fast pace that rushes away barely having character development, lacking suspense and tension, expository dialogue and break neck scene transitions. Tones and action from AlienS can be applied to the show as long as it isn't rushed.
  12. GreybackElder
    I'm really trying to stay in the dark with this series as much as possible. I like the idea of him trying to remystify the alien again. I just hope he doesn't explain away the origins and everything.
  13. Humpty
    From the concept art, it looks like its going to be mashed together from props used in a different set of a different show but following the same vibe. I mean, if you mash Silo, Extrapolations, Ark and some props remade from Alien Covenant, you pretty much salvaged enough props to make the show already.
  14. Still Collating...
    Being set on Earth and a cyborg using dual blades doesn't scream to me as remystifying something :laugh: but I'll give him a chance of course to be proven wrong. I really want this to be good and succeed and have more seasons.
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