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[Exclusive/Spoilers] Here’s More Concept Art From the FX Alien Series!

Last fall we dropped an exclusive first look at developmental concept art for the currently in pre-production Noah Hawley led Alien series by FX. Filming is still set to begin sometime this year. 

Given it’s Alien Day, we just couldn’t help but bring you three more pieces of Weta concept art produced during the series development. Keep in mind that these are early concepts that may or may not be reflective of how these planned scenes look in the show.

Potential Spoilers

The first piece depicts Wendy within an urban forest, wielding blades as a Xenomorph stalks her through the trees. Next up we can see another angle of the USCSS Maginot Weyland-Yutani starship crash, something we shared artwork on last fall. Prodigy Tactical Response, a PMC unit of the Prodigy Corporation rushes to view the crash from their rooftop recreation area. Lastly, we have a view of the crashed Maginot’s cryosleep chamber, being explored by Prodigy Tactical Response soldiers Hermit and Idoya.

 [Exclusive/Spoilers] Here's More Concept Art From the FX Alien Series!

 [Exclusive/Spoilers] Here's More Concept Art From the FX Alien Series!

 [Exclusive/Spoilers] Here's More Concept Art From the FX Alien Series!
We hope you enjoyed another sneak peek at this FX Alien Series development! We’re looking forward to production for the series finally being underway later this year.

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  1. Local Trouble
    Quote from: [cancerblack] on May 01, 2023, 10:00:44 PMI think there may well be something "on paper" that means it's not a one-off or spin-off, but that the content itself will just do whatever the f**k it wants and annoy the shit out of anyone trying to make it fit.

    I fully expect it'll be just like Star Trek Discovery, which the showrunners insist is set in the original continuity despite all the incongruities.  Anyone who balks will just be dismissed as toxic fans.

  2. RIP77
    But in Legion they ( Lauren Shuler Donner productor X-MEN movies)  said that it was not the same universe but there would be winks. 

    Quote"We are separating it. We are our own world."

    In Noah's Alien, the president says to THR  that it is the same universe, that it is not a reboot. And  the first story in the Alien saga.

    It IS different than Legion but it also says that Noah expands and reimagines Alien.

    I think that even being in the Alien universe, Noah will have the freedom to follow his path and it may not fit well or yes, but it officially goes before Alien. 

    My doubt is if they mean before Alien or before Covenant.

    70 years since now  ( says  CEO to THP) is between Prometheus  and Covenant.
  3. [cancerblack]
    I think there may well be something "on paper" that means it's not a one-off or spin-off, but that the content itself will just do whatever the f**k it wants and annoy the shit out of anyone trying to make it fit.
  4. Nightmare Asylum
    Not sure I feel that that's actually the direction they're going for here, but I would be totally ok with an "out of continuity" thing. Never really cared one way or the other if every single installment was directly canon to one another, honestly. I'd be fine taking each iteration on its own merits, as with most of the Godzilla or James Bond movies.
  5. BlueMarsalis79

    I am seeing similarities in Kerry and Wendy from what we know, both have obviously an interest in swords apparently, in Kerry's case that interest came from being an immature person in a mature person's body, I would not be surprised if Wendy's characterisation's similar considering the circumstances, and also both have a strange but powerful connection to their brother because of their circumstances.

    So not totally out of the blue for Noah Hawley but certainly, not the Alien people are already familiar with, whether it is well told or not and the tone will be the main deciding factors for me.
  6. skhellter
    that image with the swords is very whedony...

    What concerns me the most at this time is the period that the story takes place in..
    REALLY hope it's not set pre-Alien like the FX president keeps saying..
  7. skhellter
    our beloved franchise has had its tiny little share of heroic characters with superstrength (Walter, Ripley 8.... and huh.. Blue Marsalis counts.) Wendy is another one in that mold... we've even had martial arts before.. .this time.. we'll have swordplay. 

    I've just come to accept that this franchise isn't gonna deliver EXACTLY what i want from it... ever. and it's kind of part of the fun to me at this point.


    what are the chances that Wendy will kick an Alien in its noggin..
  8. BlueMarsalis79
    The swords are bafflingly stupid to me honestly, I think that sort of thing works in the psychedelic unreality of something like Legion as does the names for things in this project but as for the rest here, I still think the fundamental story will be good but have given up all hope that the sensibilities and tone will be anything like the Alien we know.
  9. Local Trouble
    Quote from: SiL on Apr 30, 2023, 12:45:16 AM
    Quote from: Local Trouble on Apr 29, 2023, 10:40:55 PMIt doesn't and it shouldn't. This entire project would be getting laughed at mercilessly if Noah Hawley wasn't attached to it.

    I myself don't care who's attached to it so I'll laugh at it anyway. :laugh:
    You don't think naming a main character Wendy in a story about a character trying to achieve eternal youth is clever and cool?

    I'll have to withhold judgment until I see her dance sequence.
  10. Local Trouble
    It doesn't and it shouldn't. This entire project would be getting laughed at mercilessly if Noah Hawley wasn't attached to it.

    I myself don't care who's attached to it so I'll laugh at it anyway. :laugh:
  11. Still Collating...
    Seeing the stupid swords worries me a lot... And the genius behind calling the city that is controlled by Prodigy - "Prodigy city" should get fired. Why are all the names that we know of so far so awfully uncreative and cringe? I'm getting more and more worried about the show... And I still don't understand why it needs to be on Earth in the Prequel era.
  12. Prez
    Quote from: BlueMarsalis79 on Apr 28, 2023, 08:08:34 PMHe has takes that are outright just unsupported (no evidence) on A.I in Alien.

    Both Alien Isolation and artificial intelligence within the Alien fiction.

    Even on Xbox 360 Alien Isolation played well, despite the technical limitations, and having no business being even remotely playable on a console of that spec.

    I have not seen any evidence of Andor being divisive either, just overwhelming praise for the writing, the directing and acting.

    The only detractors of note I can think of being Star Wars Theory who disliked the absence of lightsabers and the force and recognisable George Lucas elements which fair enough, if that's what you're interested in, and conservatives who took issue with "the politics" because they are uncomfortably close to Fascism and do not want to admit it.

    I just would like any evidence for the wild claims I see from him.

    My mates who are all keen Star Wars fans are split on Andor. Those that were not fans of it, didn't hate it but rather found it boring (and these are all 40+ middle aged nerds... I mean men).

    That said most people I know were very positive on it.
  13. BlueMarsalis79
    He has takes that are outright just unsupported (no evidence) on A.I in Alien.

    Both Alien Isolation and artificial intelligence within the Alien fiction.

    Even on Xbox 360 Alien Isolation played well, despite the technical limitations, and having no business being even remotely playable on a console of that spec.

    I have not seen any evidence of Andor being divisive either, just overwhelming praise for the writing, the directing and acting.

    The only detractors of note I can think of being Star Wars Theory who disliked the absence of lightsabers and the force and recognisable George Lucas elements which fair enough, if that's what you're interested in, and conservatives who took issue with "the politics" because they are uncomfortably close to Fascism and do not want to admit it.

    I just would like any evidence for the wild claims I see from him.
  14. Kradan
    Quote from: PAS Spinelli on Apr 28, 2023, 05:13:15 PMIsolation being a "unplayable glitchfest" genuinely sounds like a you issue, I've played through that game multiple times through the last decade and have yet to ever run into any kind of bug

    Have you ever heard a Tragedy of Bolt Gun The Floating ?

    I love Isolation and have nothing against Xenomorphine for disliking it cause he explained his POV on numerous occasions
  15. PAS
    Isolation being a "unplayable glitchfest" genuinely sounds like a you issue, I've played through that game multiple times through the last decade and have yet to ever run into any kind of bug
  16. Xenomorphine
    Quote from: BlueMarsalis79 on Apr 27, 2023, 07:01:55 PMIsolation's not good, Andor's not good, your takes just get worse each year huh?

    I've praised the presentation style of 'Isolation' countless times. But if you're going to claim I should promote something which has been nothing but an unplayable glitch-fest for me, you're basically saying I should lie.

    That's why I've also qualified my comments on it by saying I'm in the minority and that I'm glad others have enjoyed every minute with it. That's honesty. Not understanding why you'd have an issue with that.

    And, yes, I regard 'Andor' as bad. Many others do, too. I can go into why that is and provide constructive criticism to back my view up.

    Quote from: RIP77 on Apr 27, 2023, 08:16:53 PM
    QuoteMany of us detested 'Andor'. Attrociously written, IMO, with zero character development. It's better not to assume one's personal views apply to the entirety of a fan

    Apply it to you too when speaking not only for your but for many. At the end of my comment I say that I speak for me.

    You wrote, "the fans." Like, the entire fandom. I was pointing out opinion on 'Andor' is very divisive. It's not a great example of something which has had overwhelmingly positive response in a fandom.
  17. Gimitko
    She was in another FX series called Pistol. In Darling she was one of the wives, the short-haired androgynous one. The casting for Wendy was looking for an androgynous actor. Hopefully trades confirm soon.
  18. Nightmare Asylum
    Looking at her filmography and it looks like Don't Worry Darling is the only thing I've seen her in (and to be completely honest I don't really remember her in that), so I'm not overly familiar with her work.

    No idea how true this is given the notoriously janky source but... I guess she might be our Wendy?
  19. Gimitko
    The notoriously unreliable source Giant Freaking Robot just claimed Sydney Chandler (daughter of Kyle Chandler) will play the lead of this series. Sometimes they post accurate news like a day before the trades and I suspect this is one of those cases, because she is an unknown actress and that wouldnt bring them any clicks if they were making it up.
  20. RIP77
    QuoteMany of us detested 'Andor'. Attrociously written, IMO, with zero character development. It's better not to assume one's personal views apply to the entirety of a fan

    Apply it to you too when speaking not only for your but for many. At the end of my comment I say that I speak for me.

    Andor is liked by many and not by others, as always happens.

    But we are not talking about Episode I or Alien4 than   like less, but about Andor than  like a lot and that is not an opinion, it is a fact.

    And it doesn't change that many don't like it, as happens in all series. Andor is not Alien, which is something perfect and 99% like it. But I think the majority of SW fans like it and if it is not like that, they lose it because within SW it is one of the best written.

    But is a example on Tony G like showrunner no fan of SW and polemican desicions.  But Is not site to speak SW. Is a example.

    Noah is polemic and fan de Alien? or fan SCFI como Tony que used SW/Alien for make  other show different SW/Alien but than is SW/Alien too. Renoved, more serious, more politique, more thriller ...

    Noah tell  than this show is thriller style cold war  with two corporations enfrentend. Spies, SCFI, tecnology different..But terror, Alien small scenaries  with people versus Alien too in typical movie Alien.

    His show is  big an ambicious in tones, geners, styles.. My intuition

    Mind open like ANDOR , MY opinion OF COURSE.

    I fan stranger/radical becose love Alien but bored me Alien. I Need new formule, I need a terrorism showrunner to piss off fans and do what they want without paying attention to them.

    Fede Alien yes. Respect, Original formule, classic Alien 79.   I Love these  style BUT in show Noah I  want revolution and shit on Alien.

    This is the Way, MY Way  ;) .

  21. 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔓𝔞𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔯
    Quote from: Ingwar on Apr 27, 2023, 07:43:43 PM
    Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Apr 27, 2023, 06:45:31 PMNext thing you know they'll be putting dragons into the Alienverse...

    Didn't Scott call Xenomorphs dragons at one point? :)

    QuoteIf I see one more dragon I'm going to shoot myself. Stop the dragons.

    Ha yes, indeed!  :laugh:
  22. Xenomorphine
    Have been trying to think of a situation where blades wouldn't come across as ridiculous and... Holographic training? but it wouldn't make sense to train someone for a technique like that.

    Maybe a dream sequence, but it would still be hopelessly predictable.

    A synthetic trying to do a 'last stand' thing? The blades look too obviously... Bladey, not something improvised and repurposed as last-ditch weapons.If you were a robot, you might as well just hurl rocks at range with the force of a hydraulic cannon, instead.

    Maybe they're not metal blades, but some sort of super-heated industrial tool? Well, then you might (maybe) not damage the instrument, but the wielder will still be getting splashed.

    It runs a danger of feeling very cartoonish, in any case. The recent comics had a very similar issue.

    Quote from: RIP77 on Apr 27, 2023, 11:45:22 AMIs more important quality general and quality Showrunners or directors like Filoni in Mandalorian or Tony Gilroy in Andor.

    The fans didn't trust Tony before they saw it.

    Many of us detested 'Andor'. Attrociously written, IMO, with zero character development. It's better not to assume one's personal views apply to the entirety of a fandom.
  23. RIP77
    Quote from: [cancerblack] on Apr 27, 2023, 01:44:46 AMThe problem with that is that stripping out a lot of the Star Wars from a Star Wars product makes it better, not worse, and this seems to be adding a lot of tonally weird shit rather than trimming back.

    Better or worse is more complicated than more or less Star Wars.

    The Mandalorian is good and pure Star Wars.

    Is more important quality general and quality Showrunners or directors like Filoni in Mandalorian or Tony Gilroy in Andor.

    The fans didn't trust Tony before they saw it.

    Good scripts are the most important thing and people who know what they are doing with creative freedom.

    Noah H is good but is Noah...

    Alien hasn't had a really good movie, a really good one since Aliens. Is a Universe dead where experiment in this serie and movie Fede is  more clasic.

    Fox give two  products Alien  very differentes to differents audiences.

    FX is not Fox. FX is more liberty to showrunners than Fox to directors.

    His tone in this series will only be known if he is good at watching the series.

      Seeing concept art is tricky out of context.

    PREY suffered hate before the premiere so this series will be hated more because it is riskier que PREY and than Fede's movie.

    Only by seeing it will we know if everything fits well or not. But for my part, a very open mind because Noah has had carte blanche for better or worse. And YES ninja robot is rare but in context  in show maybe no. For me narrative is more importa than ALL, repeat  speak for me.

  24. Kradan
    Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Apr 27, 2023, 08:22:25 AM
    Quote from: Kradan on Apr 26, 2023, 09:48:41 PM
    Android ninja ? Not too sure about that

    We've had space truckers, space marines, space convicts, space pirates, space scientists and space colonists, so why not duel-wielding, android space ninjas?  ;D


    I suppose it worked in Music of Spears. Although IIRC all but one of the ninja squad were melted by acid. And they were there to steal an egg, not to slash some Aliens.
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