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The Bionic Predator and Feral’s Mask Come to Predator: Hunting Grounds!

It’s been a little quiet on Predator: Hunting Grounds front, with the last patch for the game back in June, enhancing the Wolf Predator model, adding an original mask, and implementing fixes. The last paid DLC class was the Emissary in April.

But now a new piece of Paid DLC has arrived in Predator: Hunting Grounds, The Bionic Predator! This is an original cyborg Predator that reminds us of the old ‘Lasershot’ Kenner figure! It’s also been some time since we’ve seen one of the original designs from Illfonic, with the last being the ‘Exiled’ Predator that released last October.

 The Bionic Predator and Feral's Mask Come to Predator: Hunting Grounds!

“Despite sustaining serious injuries in the field, this Predator’s will to live fueled its return to the field. Now, you can become an evolved hunter as the new Bionic Predator. This DLC pack includes the Bionic Predator premium class.

I actually really like the look of this original Predator. The model, predlocks, and mask are all intricately detailed, the Predator even sporting cybernetic prosthetic limbs and a glowing red eye.

Also part of this update is a new mask which is free for all players, the bone mask worn by the ‘Feral’ Predator in the recently released Prey!

 The Bionic Predator and Feral's Mask Come to Predator: Hunting Grounds!

While it’s great to have this mask in the game, we can’t help but wish for a full Feral class!

The 2.42 update is live to download. The patch notes are pretty minimal for this one:

Paid DLC

  • New Playable Predator – Bionic

Free Content

  • New Predator mask “Bone” is now available
      • Available at level 1
      • Nearly all the available tints are also unlocked by default

There are four additional Predator classes which have been datamined but have yet to appear in the game: Celtic, and three original Predators: ‘Tank,’ along with two new Female Predators ‘Pirate’ & ‘Amazon.’ Hopefully we’ll see these additional classes next! Beyond those classes we’ve seen more datamines including the Scar and Tracker masks that still haven’t shown. We’re continuing to enjoy the game so here’s hoping there’s more to come!

The Bionic Predator is available for purchase on the PlayStation Store, Steam, and the Epic Games Store.

Be sure to keep your targets set on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for all the latest Predator: Hunting Grounds news! You can also follow us on FacebookTwitter, Instagram and YouTube to get the latest on your social media walls. Be sure to join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums as well!

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Comments: 21
  1. Wweyland
    Regarding the city map, I always thought it would make sense to start with a semi-city map, like a favela or something.

    Bionic looks pretty good, I hope this isn't the last of the DLC and I'm still betting on some kind of Ultimate Edition in the end.
  2. SuperiorIronman
    You don't want to confuse the player, it's why predkour is only on tree limbs. You don't want to make the player think they can jump somewhere they really can't. And it'd require new animations to make that happen which is money a soon to be an almost three year old game doesn't have. And frankly outside of being ready for launch, they otherwise weren't going to do it anyways as the budget they had was for the jungle. The game is based on the first film and they simply weren't going to do anything beyond that scope. It's why we don't even have the game preserve because the scope of Hunting Grounds was fitting into the style of the first film.

    Doing something that requires a bit of effort is having Wolf be on model, releasing the shuriken, or fixing texture problems. But a new map with missions, geometry, textures, alternate health pickups, it's all something you'd at best get out of an expansion pack. That could never be done as free DLC.
  3. davewesker
    Quote from: SuperiorIronman on Aug 26, 2022, 12:13:21 AMPredkour in a city is more an issue than you'd think given that you'd need foliage to obscure non-cloaked players, ledges that communicate to the player where to go, new animations regarding how the Predator is scrambling up these surfaces and tells for the player that the Predator did and where it's going. And otherwise health pickups would need to be new (unless you know of a city that has wild boar running around), where the player is mudding up, require new level geometry and textures, all on top of the work needed for level design.

    They did try Clash. Nobody liked that. Because TTK in this game is based around fighting Predator. It does not mesh with fighting other players like in a COD match.
    Respectfully disagre. The predkour could easily be done with fire escapes, ledges on sides of buildings etc. Food source is could be done with dumpsters and take away food dumped etc. Admittedly yes would require a bit of work but that's what I find the most frustrating thing about illfonic the lazyness and refusal do do anything that requires a little effort.
  4. SuperiorIronman
    Predkour in a city is more an issue than you'd think given that you'd need foliage to obscure non-cloaked players, ledges that communicate to the player where to go, new animations regarding how the Predator is scrambling up these surfaces and tells for the player that the Predator did and where it's going. And otherwise health pickups would need to be new (unless you know of a city that has wild boar running around), where the player is mudding up, require new level geometry and textures, all on top of the work needed for level design.

    They did try Clash. Nobody liked that. Because TTK in this game is based around fighting Predator. It does not mesh with fighting other players like in a COD match.
  5. davewesker
    Quote from: Kailem on Aug 24, 2022, 03:07:47 PMThey're just done with the game is all. They've been done with it since last year. All they likely have is a very small team of a few people keeping the lights on and releasing the last few Predator characters they've got left. The lion's share of the studio is working on Ghostbusters now, and have been for a while.

    Unless there are any massive game-breaking bugs that crop up in the future, there won't be any more bug fixes, balance changes, new weapons, maps, game modes or anything substantial beyond these new Predators.

    That's such a shame. This game has so so much potential but comes across they can't be bothered to do anything unless it's paid dlc skins. So so much that could have been added but essentially all we got was paid for mods using already established models.

    I will never buy the whole "we don't know how to make predour work in a city" bs

    They were given a massive box of lego to play with but couldn't be bothered after they made a few things to put any effort into other stuff.
  6. Kailem
    They're just done with the game is all. They've been done with it since last year. All they likely have is a very small team of a few people keeping the lights on and releasing the last few Predator characters they've got left. The lion's share of the studio is working on Ghostbusters now, and have been for a while.

    Unless there are any massive game-breaking bugs that crop up in the future, there won't be any more bug fixes, balance changes, new weapons, maps, game modes or anything substantial beyond these new Predators.
  7. Mr.Turok
    I will say that aside from the new Predator, it's also again disappointing that no new long range Predator weapons or balance changes are not touched. People can say things about not expecting much from this development team but come one, some semblance of bare new gameplay changes is somehow too much to ask? I just don't buy the whole "small studio" thing anymore, especially that they are planning to work on another game after Arcadegeddon and Ghostbusters when they haven't even done some polishing for the games they got now.
  8. Samhain13
    Once again, if you buy the DLC on Epic Games Store, it still appears as locked. Illfonic continues to never learn from their mistakes and be the most incompetent potato developers ever.
  9. Kailem
    Feral's mask definitely gives everyone a bit of a case of "Deac cheek" when its equipped, unfortunately. Which I don't mind as much as the mandibles not being visible at all when it's on. It's cool that they added it, but that does take a little bit of the excitement out of it for sure.

    As for Bionic, I really like him! They really stepped it up a notch with this model like Superior Ironman said. Feels like the complete opposite reaction to when Wolf came out and had all those issues with his model.

    And he seems like a good, well-rounded class to play as too. Definitely a really cool Predator.
  10. SuperiorIronman
    Quote from: davewesker on Aug 23, 2022, 10:03:39 PM
    Quote from: SuperiorIronman on Aug 23, 2022, 09:53:05 PMAssuming the releases keep up the way they're doing it'll definitely roll over into the games next anniversary. If they keep going they'll probably have Feral on the next batch.
    What do you mean? They did Jack for the second year anniversary just got community members to make a video. Game will be completely dead by 3rd.

    And what you mean by keep up with releases? 3 months and 1 random new pred and no bug fixes, balances.

    Not that they'd do anything special for the anniversary, I meant that the next batch of DLC by then might have Feral on said list. According to some tests ran by people over on the Illfonic forums things have been adjusted it just wasn't listed. Not many changes so far but they did make some changes which isn't uncommon for them. They really should put it in the patch notes but it's been a known thing they leave that out.
  11. davewesker
    Quote from: SuperiorIronman on Aug 23, 2022, 09:53:05 PMAssuming the releases keep up the way they're doing it'll definitely roll over into the games next anniversary. If they keep going they'll probably have Feral on the next batch.
    What do you mean? They did Jack for the second year anniversary just got community members to make a video. Game will be completely dead by 3rd.

    And what you mean by keep up with releases? 3 months and 1 random new pred and no bug fixes, balances.
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