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New Prey TV Spot: Deadliest Hunt In History

A new Prey promo spot has been released on the official social channels. The 22-second promo begins with some new footage of Amber Midthunder’s Naru finding some tracks and remarking that they were huge.

There’s a new shot of the Predator’s vision mode of a campfire before the promo shows lots of quick cuts of the Predator. There’s an interesting new scene of Naru holding a metallic object.

Prey will stream August 5, 2022, as a Hulu Original in the U.S., Star+ in Latin America, and Disney+ in all other territories. Be sure to keep your targets set on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for all the latest Prey news! You can also follow us on FacebookTwitterInstagram, and YouTube to get the latest on your social media walls. Be sure to join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums as well!

Thanks to ace3g for the news.

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