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Updated: New Prey TV Spot Shows Off Predator Weapon

With Prey only a little more than two weeks away, a new 30-seconds TV Spot was posted to Twitter today and later uploaded to YouTube showing some extra footage from the Predator prequel.

While the spot is pretty short and mostly comprised of what we’ve seen in the previous spot and trailer, we get a nice new shot of the ‘Feral’ Predator and a look at what appears to be a new iteration of the speargun!

 New Prey TV Spot Shows Off Predator Weapon

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Another spot was posted to the Predator Instagram, showing a new shot of the Predator raising a bladed weapon to strike:


Some more Prey production stills have been released showing Naru in the forest. I think we’ve seen these before in the recent magazine articles but now, they’re in much higher resolution.


Thanks to Mike’s Monsters for the tip.

Post Comment
Comments: 32
    Those mandables....holy crap. People keep calling him a crab but to me its very spider like. I'm digging it and I'm ready to see a different type of Predator.
  2. funk_master_chunk
    Quote from: Kailem on Jul 19, 2022, 01:48:53 PM
    Quote from: funk_master_chunk on Jul 19, 2022, 12:52:03 PM
    Quote from: Xerxész on Jul 19, 2022, 09:26:18 AM
    Quote from: Doomofman on Jul 18, 2022, 10:48:18 PMI think the blood covered thing Naru is holding in the SFX shoots is part of that new weapon
    I think it IS the same weapon.
    Most likely that weapon can be bended into a ring (Naru holding it), and in the TV spot Feral uses it in its straight form.
    Or...maybe by the time Naru possesses it, the weapon is damaged/broken.

    Hi - what weapon is this?

    Seen a few people mention it now and I don't think I've seen it.

    It's in a shot from the recent SFX article:

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    It does look like the same thing it's swinging over it's head in the other pic.

    Smaller so perhaps it's snapped or something? Maybe it's like a snare or Yautja style bolas designed to wrap around the target and just maim them.

    From the stills/trailers it looks like it's used during the dusky/smoky fight scene with the trappers. Maybe he uses it to snare one of them and it's left at the scene (like the spear tip in P2?) and she's then pondering it in the above pic?

    Have to say everything released in the marketing and trailers so far seems very considered. Cannot wait to see this!!!
  3. Kailem
    Quote from: funk_master_chunk on Jul 19, 2022, 12:52:03 PM
    Quote from: Xerxész on Jul 19, 2022, 09:26:18 AM
    Quote from: Doomofman on Jul 18, 2022, 10:48:18 PMI think the blood covered thing Naru is holding in the SFX shoots is part of that new weapon
    I think it IS the same weapon.
    Most likely that weapon can be bended into a ring (Naru holding it), and in the TV spot Feral uses it in its straight form.
    Or...maybe by the time Naru possesses it, the weapon is damaged/broken.

    Hi - what weapon is this?

    Seen a few people mention it now and I don't think I've seen it.

    It's in a shot from the recent SFX article:

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  4. funk_master_chunk
    Quote from: Doomofman on Jul 19, 2022, 12:53:14 PM
    Quote from: funk_master_chunk on Jul 19, 2022, 12:52:03 PM
    Quote from: Xerxész on Jul 19, 2022, 09:26:18 AM
    Quote from: Doomofman on Jul 18, 2022, 10:48:18 PMI think the blood covered thing Naru is holding in the SFX shoots is part of that new weapon
    I think it IS the same weapon.
    Most likely that weapon can be bended into a ring (Naru holding it), and in the TV spot Feral uses it in its straight form.
    Or...maybe by the time Naru possesses it, the weapon is damaged/broken.

    Hi - what weapon is this?

    Seen a few people mention it now and I don't think I've seen it.
    There was a slightly different cut of this spot on IG that had this in it


    Ah yes!

    That one I did see actually. Looks like it could be a brutal one!
  5. Doomofman
    Quote from: funk_master_chunk on Jul 19, 2022, 12:52:03 PM
    Quote from: Xerxész on Jul 19, 2022, 09:26:18 AM
    Quote from: Doomofman on Jul 18, 2022, 10:48:18 PMI think the blood covered thing Naru is holding in the SFX shoots is part of that new weapon
    I think it IS the same weapon.
    Most likely that weapon can be bended into a ring (Naru holding it), and in the TV spot Feral uses it in its straight form.
    Or...maybe by the time Naru possesses it, the weapon is damaged/broken.

    Hi - what weapon is this?

    Seen a few people mention it now and I don't think I've seen it.
    There was a slightly different cut of this spot on IG that had this in it

  6. funk_master_chunk
    Quote from: Xerxész on Jul 19, 2022, 09:26:18 AM
    Quote from: Doomofman on Jul 18, 2022, 10:48:18 PMI think the blood covered thing Naru is holding in the SFX shoots is part of that new weapon
    I think it IS the same weapon.
    Most likely that weapon can be bended into a ring (Naru holding it), and in the TV spot Feral uses it in its straight form.
    Or...maybe by the time Naru possesses it, the weapon is damaged/broken.

    Hi - what weapon is this?

    Seen a few people mention it now and I don't think I've seen it.
  7. GreybackElder
    It's definitely cool to see the speargun get some love. It's hard to tell if it's a wrist spear gun like in P2 or is it more of a handheld weapon?

    Also, those downward facing Mandibles are definitely unique. It will be interesting to see if the "new look" is pulled off in the end.

    That edged weapon is cool. I hope all of Feral's gadgetry isn't completely spoiled before the movie arrives.
  8. 426Buddy
    It kinda looks like the tooth and bit of bone from a predator mandible. Could be wrong though. Also the giant mandibles are not bothering me actually.
  9. Doomofman
    Quote from: Kailem on Jul 18, 2022, 08:02:59 PM
    Quote from: Doomofman on Jul 18, 2022, 08:01:21 PMI will admit, it's gonna be a little weird seeing...

    Feral wailing on some poor dude with a club. It's a bit more barbaric then what we're used to seeing
    Well the end does look very pointy still. But they likely dubbed him "Feral" for a reason!
    Interestingly, the AVPGalaxy new post says it's a bladed weapon, I'm not entirely sure I see it
  10. Doomofman
    I will admit, it's gonna be a little weird seeing...

    Feral wailing on some poor dude with a club. It's a bit more barbaric then what we're used to seeing
  11. shadowedge
    Quote from: Mike's Monsters on Jul 18, 2022, 07:35:47 PM
    Quote from: shadowedge on Jul 18, 2022, 07:30:56 PMAnother weapon on Instagram.
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    You can see metal on his mask underneath the skull much easier here. Definitely wonder if we will see the skull come off of the mask and see what's underneath. Or if it's all one piece.

    You can also more clearly make out the giant mandibles now too.
  12. Kailem
    I shouldn't look, but it's before my self-imposed deadline of this Thursday, so I did! :o

    Interesting! It feels a bit reminiscent of......
    ......Wolf's whip in terms of the segmented design. I wonder if it's something that folds out too?
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