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Check Out More Pathogen Expansion Gameplay in Aliens: Fireteam Elite Interview!

A few days after the upcoming ‘Pathogen’ Expansion was announced during IGN’s Summer of Gaming event, IGN shared another interview with Cold Iron Studios CEO and founder Craig Zinkievich.

The interview doesn’t get too in depth but it’s coupled with some new gameplay. We get a good look at some of the new weaponry, neomorphic enemies, and environments featured. Our marines make their way into locked Engineer ruins, eventually transitioning into a spore infested pathogen hive. It’s interesting to see this new white hive inside the Engineer structure, in contrast to the Xenomorph hive built within the industrial human setting in the main game 

Zinkievich gives some details on notable elements such as the pathogen enemies and Xenomorphs fighting each other, as well as additional branching paths here which we saw in a few levels of the main campaigns.

The Pathogen Expansion drops on August 30th, and we still have Season 4 of the first year of the game’s content to look forward to next month, which will bring long-awaited crossplay to the game.

Make sure to keep a close eye on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest intel on Aliens: Fireteam Elite! You can follow us on FacebookTwitter, Instagram and YouTube to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!

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Comments: 8
  1. Buttz
    This is one of the most bizarre interviews ever. First of all, the team playing is not doing well despite what the interviewer is saying. Secondly, has this guy never played a video game before? How is he not familiar with the concept of a locked door and a timer? That's one of the reasons the game failed was the objectives were cliche, boring, and repetitive. Sadly this expansion doesn't appear to change anything or offer anything new beyond what looks like a basic re-skin of the Aliens and a new but bland and visually uninteresting level. I don't see any reason here to return to the game, and certainly nothing that justifies spending more money on it.
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