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Alien: Tribute – Fan Produced CGI Short!

One of the things that never fails to impress me with the Alien fandom is the talent that some of us can show when demonstrating our love for the series. Dave Weinstock is one of those people. I noticed this when he shared his very impressive CG Alien short that he created over at r/LV426! It’s just under 30 seconds long, but it is fantastically atmospheric!

As a big fan of the Alien franchise I felt compelled to create a short that would showcase the horror and atmosphere of the first film. Solely intended as a homage.

Dave shared a breakdown of Tribute on Behance page which you can also check out here.

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Comments: 4
    Neat short, Wonder with the upcoming TV Show will they veer into practical affects, example suits and animatronics or CGI, hope with what ever the methods its affective and convincing, also is it likely the TV show will pursuit a scary horror genre or a more intense action genre?
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