It appears the remaining three Alien films may be coming to 4K Blu-Ray after all. There were rumours last year that Disney was going to stop releasing 4K Blu-Rays for most films although they later insisted they’re still committed to the format. A new report on TheDigitalFix says that Aliens, Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection are currently being remastered for 4K for release on their streaming service and 4K Blu-Ray.

Aliens in 4K?
Disney recently released ‘Star’ on their Disney+ streaming service which is a section for all their adult movies. The Alien films appear to be absent in the US and UK regions although the normal HD versions appear in some regions such as Australia. Ridley Scott’s Alien was released on 4K Blu-Ray in April 2019 and after that, we heard very little about the remaining Alien films.
The report says that the latter three Alien films will be released in 4K on Disney+ this year and an Alien Film 4K Blu-Ray Collection will be released in 2022. The Alien Quadrilogy in 2003 and Alien Anthology in 2010 were both amazing releases packed with hours of features. I’m hoping Disney will raid the archives even further and put some brand new material on there. I guess the other question is whether they are doing 4K remasters of the Special Editions or the Theatrical versions of the films and whether they’ll include both versions via seamless branching.
Aliens, Alien 3, Resurrection not yet available on 4k Downunder, though there was mention somewhere (forgot where) that they were coming in 2022 ... we be running out of days there.
Strangely all the Predator movies are available on 4K
The issue with 4K remasters is the picture is "too clear" in revealing out-dated effects, unconvincing scaled models that are Thunderbirds are go! tier, weird green screen outlines, stuntmen extra bloopers.
Aliens and Alien 3 would really benefit from this. Some want lists
- Fix the dropship sequence slightly or CGI the ship itself in some shots. The unwinged combat mode with headlights and APC dust-off landing was fine though.
- Add (practical) alien death effects to the sentry gun sequence rather than stock footage of prior scenes
- The alien queen minatures with the exception of her getting blown out the airlock
Alien 3
- While the suitmation stuff is fine sort out that damn rod puppet and overlays. Especially in the "flare throwing" tunnel running scene. Otherwise the work Charles de Lauzirika did on the Assembly Cut was amazing.
I agree in all but this one case.
Its already been done.
Ok but seriously, Aliens is soooo grainy. What are they going to do to correct that?
If he was working on it in an official capacity for Disney then I don't think he would have been dropping hints of it's existence - NDA and all that.
Interesting though to see that CdL follows him...
The Special Edition's changed with each release I expect it will change again with this one.
This is great news. Here are my hopes:
1) they take this opportunity to fix the compositing issues in Alien 3.
2) as much as I dislike AVP the proper extended cut needs a better release. A lot of fans don't even realize it exists, only the extended opening version. And if they release the extended cut, I hope they redo the cgi blood they had added. It's dated and cheap looking.
But let's see!
So this guy is apparently where the website got their exclusive? Not sure if its official work or not?
Considering branching is intended to save space and memory, it makes sense they'd just use the TE star field shots of the Nostromo flybys rather than branch an otherwise identical shot. It's no big loss.
Ah, true, all good points.