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In Town With A Few Days To Kill, Predator 2 30th Anniversary Retrospective – AvP Galaxy Podcast #118

We have just uploaded the 118th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! Corporal Hicks, RidgeTop, Voodoo Magic and Xenomorphine reconvene for this retrospective episode on Predator 2 to discuss the film as it reaches the huge milestone 30th anniversary!

 In Town With A Few Days To Kill, Predator 2 30th Anniversary Retrospective - AvP Galaxy Podcast #118

We discuss the first time we ever saw Predator 2 and if our opinions have changed over the years, whether or not the film’s comedic nature works for it, how much Hicks hate the tan and mustard costuming, we try to tackle the dates around the Alien skull, and plenty more!

We discuss a couple of Predator 2 related that we’ve published on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy. You can find our article on the Lost Predator ship here, our look at how Predator: Concrete Jungle inspired Predator 2 here, and what happened to Anna’s cameo here.

At one point we also bring up the Predator-like film that Kevin Peter Hall did prior to Predator, but never circle back around to it for confirmation. It was indeed Without Warning.

What did you think of our latest episode? Be sure to let us know down below! You can also listen to any of our previous episodes in the Podcast section under the News tab on the main menu. The Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast is also available via iTunesPodBean, GooglePlay Stitcher, and Spotify! Please be sure to leave a rating and review on whichever platform you’re using!

And if you’d rather see our beautiful faces, the video version of the podcast is also available on YouTube!

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Comments: 31
  1. AliceApocalypse
    Quote from: MrBnetV on Nov 28, 2020, 12:57:28 AM
    ...I always thought the movie kicked up a natch when Busey popped in. Added another layer to the mythos, because OF COURSE the U.S. Government knew about the Predators.

    I was really looking forward to something similar in "The Predator" (2018), but unfortunately that movie played it like a parody.

    Of course the Government knew about it!  Why did Keyes get a Government job?  Honestly I enjoyed both of these elements in P2,  Busey is epic 90's and so were Government conspiracies. 
  2. MrBnetV
    ...I always thought the movie kicked up a natch when Busey popped in. Added another layer to the mythos, because OF COURSE the U.S. Government knew about the Predators.

    I was really looking forward to something similar in "The Predator" (2018), but unfortunately that movie played it like a parody.
  3. XenoHunter99
    That was quite a listen! Voodoo, your passion and enthusiasm made it quite enjoyable! Good job all!  :) I really love P2 up to the point when they meet Gary Busey and his team. To me, the movie sort of jumps off the rails there. I also love the end, when Harrigan goes into the Predator ship. Somehow, I think the movie would have been stronger if it had remained a police story with the Predator doing what he did. I should watch it again to see what I think now.

    I also like the idea of Predators having a more complex society with codes of honor and rules for their hunts. It gives the Predators depth as characters. But I'm equally happy with the historical sequences in AVP, where the Predators sort of acted as stewards of human development so they could visit at intervals and have better hunting on Earth. :P Some will say that's heresy. I guess that's maybe one more way I can give Immortan Jones an aneurysm?  :o I kid! I kid!  :laugh:
  4. Lost_Hunter
    Great podcast guys! Love me some Predator 2. One of the best endings ever in film. Still remember the first time I watched it, I was 7. It's got some moments that are pure late 80s early 90s tropes but I think it ads to the charm. They just don't make movies like this anymore.
  5. seattle24
    Very wholesome pod.

    I have fond memories of getting Predator 2 on DVD as a child when we were on holiday in the Isle of Wight. I was only 11 or 12 but my parents knew I was infatuated with Alien so caved! The cover art rocked. And the film itself isn't bad at all. I feel it's quite a unique entry into the wider mythos. Its neither glaringly bad or insanely good; in retrospect, it probably took the Predator franchise exactly where it needed to go.

    You knew you weren't getting Arnie back before you went in, and nothing in the film damaged what the first one set out. You can't say that about a lot of the Alien sequels which what makes Predator 2 so inoffensive in my opinion.
  6. PVC
    Hi. Im Leona's baby ..... Not any more a baby    I am 23 &half  now. I live in Europe (par time ) never heard about my dad   Mama told me he left when I was one year old. So no memories of him.  Just few photos
    My mom told me his name.  Of course it was not Jerry.   Later, she spoke about Jerry and what happened this 1997 summer.( Because .... Remember ...... It was 1997.  It's why I am almost 24.).   I learned about that story 10 years ago   I was 14 ... Almost. She told me what she saw. What happened. This thing killing her colleagues
    And the subway. But I never realy trusted her   For me ,mom , Leona , has always been a little bite " special "
    I can't say crazy .... After all , she is my mom
  7. TheBATMAN
    Because it doesnt look like an embryo after three months. It looks like a recognisable baby as shown by the Pred's vision. The point is Leona got pregnant several months before she met Jerry.
  8. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: Kradan on Nov 23, 2020, 11:28:49 AM
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Nov 23, 2020, 10:17:47 AM
    QuoteI always assumed that Jerry was father of Leona's child too

    I just never get where that comes from. Is there some sexual tension I'm missing here?

    Then who ? I mean, yeah, we know Leona was supposed to have a husband but we don't see him in the final movie at all. And Jerry definetly felt something towards her

    As much as I miss the boyfriend/husband footage from the finished film, it is pretty inconsequential to the narrative. She's human, humans have sex and make babies. It doesn't really matter who it was with.

    Sure, he felt something for her. Protectiveness over his partner. It doesn't have to be sexual.

    Quote from: TheBATMAN on Nov 23, 2020, 11:43:03 AM
    Leona is clearly around 3 months pregnant when Jerry is transferred so im not sure why people buy into that particular idea.

    And this. She'd known Jerry barely a week?
  9. Kradan
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Nov 23, 2020, 10:17:47 AM
    QuoteI always assumed that Jerry was father of Leona's child too

    I just never get where that comes from. Is there some sexual tension I'm missing here?

    Then who ? I mean, yeah, we know Leona was supposed to have a husband but we don't see him in the final movie at all. And Jerry definetly felt something towards her

    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Nov 23, 2020, 10:17:47 AM
    Quote from: Kradan on Nov 21, 2020, 06:55:14 PM
    Almost 3 hours ? I wasn't planning to sleep tonight anyway

    :laugh: The audio one is about 20 minutes less. I'm still astonished that the pauses and uhhhmms and aaahhhhs consistently add up to about 20 minutes.  :laugh:

    Oh, I never watch video ones (sorry). That's why I said almost
  10. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: Local Trouble on Nov 21, 2020, 06:47:24 PM
    Needs more F-bombs.  It just isn't the same without Hicks swearing like a prisoner in Alien 3.

    I see what we're doing here. Counting a complaint with another complaint...hmmm...  :laugh:

    Quote from: Kradan on Nov 21, 2020, 06:55:14 PM
    Almost 3 hours ? I wasn't planning to sleep tonight anyway

    :laugh: The audio one is about 20 minutes less. I'm still astonished that the pauses and uhhhmms and aaahhhhs consistently add up to about 20 minutes.  :laugh:

    QuoteI always assumed that Jerry was father of Leona's child too

    I just never get where that comes from. Is there some sexual tension I'm missing here?

    Quote from: GreybackElder on Nov 22, 2020, 12:08:35 AM
    To echo what you gentlemen have said about the lost predators at the end. Wow! I loved it! Sooooo much lore was established in the last 10-15 minutes of the film it was mind boggling. It might be my favorite moment in the whole franchise to be honest. The elder is soo awesome. He just exudes age and wisdom and just shear bad assery.

    It really is one of the most important scenes in the franchise. So damn much implied in that one scene.

    QuoteAs a tangent Did you boys pick up the node to P2 in tim Lebbon ' rage war series?? I'm pretty sure the main elder pred in that series is greyback. Anyhoo, cheers and happy 30th P2!!!

    I know it's supposed to be in there, but I just can't remember it. I'm due a re-read of the entire trilogy when I can get to it.

    Quote from: ChigusaCorp on Nov 22, 2020, 01:16:21 AM
    Outstanding podcast!  I really enjoyed listening.

    Glad you enjoyed.  :)

    QuoteDark Horse first took the idea to Fox for approval and then set out to create the comics starting in late 1989 in Dark Horse Presents.   I will have to research to find when it was first publicly announced for certain, though I did find this solicitation copy from AMAZING HEROES #170 - published in August 1989.

    It says 2 issue mini-series there. Wonder if that was a mistake or actual intention. Given the circumstances with Marvel and Dark Horse, I feel like now would be a bad a time to talk to try to talk to Warner or Stradley. Be worth remembering to go to them about the timeline of that development some more.

    Quote from: Glaive on Nov 22, 2020, 07:01:12 PM
    In Town With A Few Days To Kill, Predator 2 30th Anniversary Retrospective – Proudly brought to you by 'Starburst'?

    Haha. We didn't have too many old interviews to go from during prep, but the Starburst one was a pretty good one. If Starbust would like to sponsor the show...

    Are they even still around?
  11. Voodoo Magic
    Ha, no shares. Just trying to give credit to sources.

    One of the Starburst Magazine writers happened to be old friends with Stephen, predating Hopkins rise in Hollywood. So Starburst got all the good Predator 2 scoops!
  12. Glaive
    In Town With A Few Days To Kill, Predator 2 30th Anniversary Retrospective – Proudly brought to you by 'Starburst'?

    aka The Poor-Mans 'Starlog'

    Someone must have shares...
  13. Voodoo Magic
    Quote from: ChigusaCorp on Nov 22, 2020, 01:16:21 AM
    Outstanding podcast!  I really enjoyed listening.

    As for the origin of the AVP concept, it is definitively the idea of Dark Horse Comics' Chris Warner.

    Dark Horse first took the idea to Fox for approval and then set out to create the comics starting in late 1989 in Dark Horse Presents.   I will have to research to find when it was first publicly announced for certain, though I did find this solicitation copy from AMAZING HEROES #170 - published in August 1989.

    Awesome share brother!

    We also know some of Joel Silver's team and the actual Thomas Brothers had meetings with Dark Horse in the Summer? of 1989 with at least Mark Verheiden, so that's why there's a mystery! :)
  14. ChigusaCorp
    Outstanding podcast!  I really enjoyed listening.

    As for the origin of the AVP concept, it is definitively the idea of Dark Horse Comics' Chris Warner.

    Dark Horse first took the idea to Fox for approval and then set out to create the comics starting in late 1989 in Dark Horse Presents.   I will have to research to find when it was first publicly announced for certain, though I did find this solicitation copy from AMAZING HEROES #170 - published in August 1989.

  15. GreybackElder
    Loved P2! I used to always catch it in pieces on TNT in the 90's when I was younger. In fact while growing up, I don't think I ever saw the whole film until I bought the VHS around 2000. Anyhoo,  I liked P2 and the city hunter more than P1 as a kid. The city hunter was just so entertaining. I loved the action sequences, especially the slaughterhouse scene. To echo what you gentlemen have said about the lost predators at the end. Wow! I loved it! Sooooo much lore was established in the last 10-15 minutes of the film it was mind boggling. It might be my favorite moment in the whole franchise to be honest. The elder is soo awesome. He just exudes age and wisdom and just shear bad assery. As a tangent Did you boys pick up the node to P2 in tim Lebbon ' rage war series?? I'm pretty sure the main elder pred in that series is greyback. Anyhoo, cheers and happy 30th P2!!!
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