We have just uploaded the 117th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! Regular hosts Corporal Hicks, RidgeTop, Voodoo Magic and Xenomorphine reconvene to discuss their desires for where they’d like to see Alien and Predator go in the future!
We cover all sorts of possibilities in this episode including branding, the dreaded reboot, expanding the universe to include stories that don’t necessarily feature the Alien or Predator but still set within the universe, turning to streaming or TV, affordable merchandise and plenty more!
Unfortunately there was a little confusion over the topic of the podcast and AJ thought we were talking specifically about Alien vs. Predator when my intent had been to talk about Alien and Predator as a whole.
At one point we start discussing the rumored Alien vs. Predator anime and there’s a little confusion over what we actually knew about it. According to Perfect Organism who broke the news, it was a completed series that was produced and then shelved.
What did you think of our latest episode? Be sure to let us know down below! You can also listen to any of our previous episodes in the Podcast section under the News tab on the main menu. The Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast is also available via iTunes, PodBean, GooglePlay Stitcher, and Spotify! Please be sure to leave a review on whichever platform you’re using!
And if you’d rather see our beautiful faces, the video version of the podcast is also available on YouTube!
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Thanks for that!
It all makes sense now !
If I'd have to choose, I'd rather choose to sacrifice Alien to Star Wars than to Marvel
Perhaps. But you really want to hear them announcing something? I mean, they can come and say:
"Dear fans (Marvel fans)...
It is a pleasure for us to announce that two new purchases join our beloved superhero family. Their universe does not interest us, so we prefer to take these two monsters to play with them in our favorite sandbox. You know, the one that it's actually profitable according to our most optimistics standards as a megacorporation".
Now you can expect superheroes flicks that often featured Aliens and Predators.
True we might look back in 10 years from now and we've written off the Xenomorph too many times before only for it to bounce back with egg on,some of, our faces.
Like the videogame crash of the early 1980s look at where we're at now, it's been booming the past 30 years! Hopefully cinema and ALIENS will return.
Don't count on netflix though, I heard even they are experience turbulent times with controversies and reports of subscription cancellations.
Some people were blaming "that french underage movie" but given the timing and covid sounds like an excuse with a get out clause to save cash on a 12 month lock in contract, while being furloughed.
That would indeed be a cool concept for a Predator series! I've said it before but something like "Band of Brothers" meets Predator would be something I'd like to see!
Same here. A series is really what I'd like to see in the future, for both franchises. For Predators, something maybe along the same line as "Predators", with perhaps a condensed Lost-like spin, with the objective being (like the movie) to return home. I think that could have potential.
I haven't listened to the podcast yet, but I do sense that Alien in particular has a bright future in the coming year
That was a good listen! Thanks to the prevalence of AVP content growing up I've always liked to imagine that the Alien and Predator universes were one and the same, so I'd definitely love it if they just finally made it totally officially official (as opposed to just partially official, of course). I don't ever want the "AVP" branding to go away, but I'd be totally down for one big all-encompassing Alien/Predator Universe.
That's one of the reasons I love the Alien RPG so much is that it basically takes everything and presents it as a real universe of Alien content. I'm just hoping that Free League eventually relents to all the constant requests for a Predator sourcebook and eventually makes one so that it can truly be complete!
But yeah I definitely wouldn't want them to throw everything out and start from scratch to get there, if only because let's face it, they're never going to top the absolute best movies of either series no matter how good any potential reboot might be. I agree that they could do some unconnected stories off in some far-flung corner of the universe just fine without necessarily having to be burdened by the continuity of the existing films if they really wanted, and I'd be all for an approach like that.
I definitely want another AVP film at some point though, likewise unconnected to the existing too. And another game, for sure. No more prequels though.
There was so many different ways mooted of how the franchise could continue, a lot of which would be fine with me.
I think the reality is that we won't see anything theatrical or TV wise for a good while- the comics/novels and perhaps video games will tick along and keep it going until then.
Despite Ridley saying it's in progress, I'm not so sure his final prequel will get made. And I'm one of the people who generally rates the prequels, for all their flaws. Perhaps David's story will be finished in another medium.
They should definitely reconsider how the alien universe can be portrayed on a smaller budget. Claustrophobic, but still hinting at a wider universe without showing it.
Even Aliens was actually a relatively small budget wasn't it, when putting it in context of the time? The final explosion was a light bulb under some cotton wool.
I'd totally be down with a TV series set in another corner of the universe. Concentrate on the struggles of a group of colonists and only hint at the aliens, build it up. Similar to how the RPG campaign approaches. Or a Predator series with each season set in a totally different time period.
Also totally down with seeing some other creatures, the black goo can facilitate that as long as it doesn't become too much of an easy plot device.
Other people mentioned the neomorph but I also think the Trilobite creature was cool as hell.
That's a longshot. Dark Universe was something Universal tried to do. Alien/Predator is Disney.
Of course, I would like to be proven wrong on that one
I was thinking more of a horror universe. Blumhouse to a degree, or Stephen King's favorite vacation spot, Castle Rock. Loose connections. Plenty of terror. No quips.
Seriously though, I'm anxious they'd not only create a shared universe of Alien and Predator but would try to replicate the feel of Marvel movies. You know, with ridicilously high stakes, witty characters, dramatic moments cut with jokes, piles of CGI etc. The Predator tried to do that and (no matter how I feel about the movie) pretty much failed at it. Marvel tone just doesn't fit both franchises
And as other hosts pointed out you don't really need shared universe and "clean slate" for great Alien and Predator stories to be told. Alien stories can be separated from each other by light years. Predator stories - centuries
Wait. So the Xenomorphs, the Predators, and all the new beings created in the Alien Predator Universe resolving their differences and coming together to fight off a Super Powered Engineer who wants to destroy half the universe for the common good sounds bad to you?
I wouldn't
And as Xenomorphine said in the episode, David's conclusion could be quickly shat out in a flashback. I'd gladly take that.
I'm glad everyone enjoyed the episode so far. Thank you.
I'd picture Disney trying PG-13 long before I'd ever imagine Fox doing it... and Fox already did it in 2004.
Agreed. I want to see where the prequels go. I don't want to see Ripley at all. Create something new.
Some kind of sequel to The Predator where the robot suit was used and Dutch returned could actually be fun.
I think AVP should be left alone but if something had to be made a straight adaptation of the original comic series would be best. I believe a script was written in the 90s.
Pair of legends!
To add my own thoughts to the conversation, speaking strictly about the Alien series, I want to see Ridley Scott make his sequel to Alien: Covenant that concludes the prequel narrative, followed by individual films done by totally different creative teams with different tones/style/content. And me personally, I would like to see Alien and Predator stay totally separate.
Also, ADI did some really fantastic work on Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection, in my opinion. They really delivered on what they were asked to make in those two. Alien vs Predator cheaped out and reused the Alien: Resurrection suits, which made absolutely no sense given that that particular design only works within the very specific context of Resurrection and was ultimately one of a great many things that didn't work in AVP.
100% BACKED!
Moving forward I would love to see these creatures animated, it's been a dream of mine for some time. An Animatrix esque anthology film would be awesome.
Can't imagine we'll be seing these creatures on screen for a while tho given the state of the world. That being said a Star Wars/ Trek like universe full of new worlds and creatures would work best. With more of a focus on horror and human brutality.
Also, a break away from first person gaming would be a great addition to both franchises.
Keep up the good work everyone!
I really align myself with the route Disney should take is a TV series (for Alien). I think you could adapt the events before Aliens really well into that format, as well as Alien Isolation.
Would absolutely love to see Blumhouse acquire Alien, too, as a wish list alternative.
On the subject of what was seemingly most of the guys saying they do not want Scott to return with his current prequel trajectory - the same must be said for ADI in my opinion. They should be toast in these franchises. Maybe Voodoo would back me up on this after their work on The Predator?
I really liked Odd studio's work on Covenant. Even if a lot of it remained behind the scenes. Just my two cents.
Closure on David's story in literally any official medium.
Aside from that, I'm pretty much open to anything but a remake.
Worst case scenario:
Cheap Marvel comic cash grabs. Nothing more.
Best case scenario:
Disney's market research concludes that fans want Ripley, Newt, Hicks, and marines.
So they bring Sigourney back for a PG-13, action-focused film that probably features a surprise predator appearance, actively retconning 3 & 4 and ignoring the prequels altogether.
(I don't want this, but I'd consider it best case scenario because it would show the most financial investment in the IP.)