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Ultimate Map Pack 3 for Aliens vs. Predator 2 Released!

The good folk over at AvP Unknown have been helping support the Aliens vs. Predator 2 fanbase for many years now, releasing new content, hosting servers, providing support and even having the game available for download!

They’ve just now released a nice chunky update in the form of the Ultimate Map Pack 3, the details of which you can find below. You can head on over to the Ultimate Map Pack website to pick up the new update!

  • Super Compression
  • 26 New/old maps have been added, some brand new i.e 2020! and some really old never been featured in any version of UMP before.
  • New Splash – Missing textures on any maps from UMP1/2 have now been found and fixed for UMP3
  • Sound files have been compressed to save some space.
  • Our UMP Server has been updated (AVPUNKNOWN – UMP3)
  • More UMP3 Details in Ultimate Mappack 3 Info.txt

 Ultimate Map Pack 3 for Aliens vs. Predator 2 Released!

If you don’t have your old Aliens vs. Predator 2 disc, AvP Unknown also has you covered with the All-In-One download that lets you not only play Aliens vs. Predator 2 again, but also Primal Hunt. Be sure to also download the Master Server Patch 2.4 update so you can jump online and get stuck in like it’s 2001.

Follow Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest Alien and Predator gaming news! You can find us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!

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Comments: 14
  1. Sexual tyrannasuarus
    Unfortunately I'm only playing single player because the patch for vision modes doesn't work online but this is epic! I was 16 when this game released! I wish they could get avp and gold edition running for us! God i had good times on mplayer!
  2. Mike
    I tried that step with Notepad, but when i try to save the changes for the new resolution, it sais that i'm not
    allowed to open that file,is with administrator rights, i tried that step many times, but no chance! :(
  3. KingKenny
    Quote from: Mike on Aug 22, 2020, 05:28:01 PM
    It didn't resolved this issue, sorry, thank you anyway for your help, i will play the first AVP2 for the moment, this game was one of the first games i played when i got a PC computer, it was very fun back then, is amazing that you still have the posibility to play this game online today, thank you for making this game better, this thing brings back so many beautiful memories.

    Scroll down to "My screen resolution is too low or not what I want." You can use the autoexec.cfg option or the widescreen patch for Primal Hunt.
  4. Mike
    It didn't resolved this issue, sorry, thank you anyway for your help, i will play the first AVP2 for the moment, this game was one of the first games i played when i got a PC computer, it was very fun back then, is amazing that you still have the posibility to play this game online today, thank you for making this game better, this thing brings back so many beautiful memories.
  5. Mike
    I fixed the problem with AVP 2, i can now play it on my maximum resolution 1980x!080, but i can t play Primal Hunt now with max resolution, even in game menu i can t modifiy the aspect ratio to use my max resolution! I tried some resolution patches some of them recomended by this site but it didn t worked for me! When i tried to modify the resolution with Notepad in autoexe cfg.when i tried to save the text file, it didn t let me, it said that i don t have the permision to modify it! Any solutions for Primal hunt?
  6. aliens13
    What a great news! This game should never die, one of the best  campaign and multiplayer that I ever played (if not THE best). I wish had a Pc or a notebook to play it, but still this made my day. Great work x-X-x!! 🍻
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