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Daybreak Games Acquires Cold Iron Studios, Alien Shooter Remains In Development!

After much uncertainty and radio silence regarding the fate of Cold Iron Studios and their in-development persistent online Aliens shooter after the studio was sold to Scopely as part of a huge deal following Disney’s purchase of 20th Century Fox, we now know that Cold Iron has found a new home at Daybreak Games!

Daybreak Games, global publisher and developer of large-scale multiplayer online games, today announced it acquired Cold Iron Studios, the San Jose based studio of veteran MMO, action and shooter developers currently working on a PC and console game set in the iconic Alien universe.

Cold Iron Studios co-founder Craig Zinkievich will continue to lead the studio and the development of the Alien game, reporting to Ji Ham, CEO of Daybreak Games. The game promises to deliver an action-packed, sci-fi shooter experience unlike any other game on the market.

“We’re incredibly proud and excited to be part of the Daybreak family,” said Zinkievich. “Daybreak and Cold Iron share the same passion and long history for delivering action-packed multiplayer games for audiences worldwide. In combining our decades of experience developing and launching globally successful multiplayer titles, we’re destined to make great games together.”

Sharing the news of sale on Twitter, Cold Iron’s founder and chief creative officer tweeted that “yes, Cold Iron is still going strong. Yes, our Aliens shooter is still kicking MUCH ass.

 Daybreak Games Acquires Cold Iron Studios, Alien Shooter Remains In Development!

Ignacio Bazan Lazcano’s concept art for Aliens: Colonial Marines

It was reported at the start of the year that while Cold Iron was sold to Scopley as part of the sale of 20th Century Fox’s entire gaming arm, Cold Iron didn’t exactly fit into Scopley’s portfolio as they were known primarily for mobile games. From what we know of Cold Iron’s Alien game – “action-packed persistent world” and a “massively multiplayer online shooter,” Cold Iron seems more at home with Daybreak Games who are known for publishing online focused games such as H1Z1 and DC Universe Online.

Details about the game are still sparse. Aliens: Infiltrator, a prequel to the game, is currently slated for release on October 20th this year. Possible details on the game “leaked” on 4chan back in May, where the user claimed to have insider information regarding plot and game play mechanic details.

The timeline is set several years after Aliens, and immediately follows Alien: Infiltrator. You play as one of several Colonial Marines aboard the USS Henley-in-Arden (acting as the main hub world) with Destiny/Borderlands-style character presets. You’re tasked with making regular trips onto a backwater planet after Pala Station crashes into the surface, unleashing Aliens which wreak havoc on the local Colonies and crossbreed with wildlife.

Monetisation for cosmetics, such as skins, armour decals, weapons, allow for plenty customisation options. Plenty of Easter eggs from the franchise too.

Hopefully now that Cold Iron has found a new home at Daybreak, we’ll start to see some press regarding the upcoming game!

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Comments: 41
  1. phifty2
    Just use the CM, WY Mercs, and xeno's in a SW: BF 2 type game. Each faction has its different set of troops from specialists, infantry, wariiors, drones, runners, etc.
  2. Corporal Hicks
    I'm still hesitant about the format since none of these MMO-shooters have grabbed me so far, but I'm still really excited to see Aliens get a new online shooter. Isolation is the current pinnacle of the Alien gaming experience IMHO, but I genuinely miss having an active online Aliens platform for me to jump on. I had enjoyed Colonial Marines MP but it was buggy, and the game genuinely deserved to die a death. AvP2's MP was a big part of my fandom history, so I'm just looking forward to seeing it return to that online realm. I just hope it's good and grabs me unlike those other MMO-shooters.
  3. acrediblesource
    I stopped having hope for something along the lines of A:Isolation as a full blown shooter...Right now my fix is Predator: Hunting Grounds. If the gaming industry chooses to make a cartoon shooter out of it....i'm ready to not play it.
  4. acrediblesource
    I like that they are going this kenner route,with wild life and that its going to be like a shooter BOrderlands style or even Destiny so you got realism elements along side a great number of UI effects..Maybe it will be like ACM but 2.0?
  5. LightBringer
    That's great news . The possibilities are endless with a conceptual design like Destiny .

    If the game is made right then it could make other games redundant .

    Considering how many hours I spent with Destiny , then this would be a dream come true .

    This is a second chance . I hope the don't screw this up
  6. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Aug 11, 2020, 06:46:10 PM
    Utilizing the pathogen from the prequels in the game would be a good way to get some weird genetic offshoots in there and up the enemy variety, I think.

    I imagine that's what we'll be seeing in this one. Seems like the best option to give them some more variety and also remain constant to the lore. Unless they do just go full Kenner.

    Quote from: windebieste on Aug 11, 2020, 11:05:28 PM
    As you say, anything could happen and while 'ALIENS - Colonial Marines' was in development for six years, it was still "rushed".

    Well, I guess technically that game was only really in development for like a year of those 6 years.  :laugh:

    Quote from: Bug hunt wilson on Aug 12, 2020, 02:27:07 AM
    I wonder if we will  get a teaser trailer at the end of the year

    That's my hope. But I'm trying not to expect anything.
  7. Nightmare Asylum
    Quote from: Xhan on Aug 12, 2020, 12:47:31 AM
    Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Aug 11, 2020, 06:46:10 PM
    Putting the awful enemy AI aside, even just in terms of design and story I thought Colonial Marines pushed things way too far there.

    I'd be more interested in visiting a lab that was experimenting on Aliens and yielding all kinds of weird mutations a la the Newborn or the Neomorphs or the various Prometheus creatures than I would be in seeing dozens of Aliens that just have these radically different builds and "attack modes" solely for the sake of gameplay. But then, the random Aliens in Colonial Marines are just one symptom of a much larger problem that all trickled down from someone deciding that it would be a good idea for Hadley's Hope to still be standing.

    Utilizing the pathogen from the prequels in the game would be a good way to get some weird genetic offshoots in there and up the enemy variety, I think.

    We already knew this was going to be a thing two years ago and there's not going to be much of a game without variation repetition.

    Which is why I feel like this particular style of game isn't the right fit for this universe. I don't have anything at all against games like this. I adore Destiny 2. But that is such a far cry from the sort of experience that I want out of a game with "Alien(s)" in the title.

    Any experience that I've ever had in an Alien(s) game that's ever really felt true to the series for me has played up the horror angle and has forced me into tight, enclosed spaces rather than an expansive, open world.

    I would love to be wrong and would be so happy if this works, because I do enjoy games like this and I obviously love Alien. I'm just keeping myself reserved for now.
  8. Xhan
    Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Aug 11, 2020, 06:46:10 PM
    Putting the awful enemy AI aside, even just in terms of design and story I thought Colonial Marines pushed things way too far there.

    I'd be more interested in visiting a lab that was experimenting on Aliens and yielding all kinds of weird mutations a la the Newborn or the Neomorphs or the various Prometheus creatures than I would be in seeing dozens of Aliens that just have these radically different builds and "attack modes" solely for the sake of gameplay. But then, the random Aliens in Colonial Marines are just one symptom of a much larger problem that all trickled down from someone deciding that it would be a good idea for Hadley's Hope to still be standing.

    Utilizing the pathogen from the prequels in the game would be a good way to get some weird genetic offshoots in there and up the enemy variety, I think.

    We already knew this was going to be a thing two years ago and there's not going to be much of a game without variation repetition.
  9. GreybackElder
    I'm just excited there is an Alien game on the horizon. Alien isolation did an incredible job capturing the essence of Alien. I hope this Alien shooter will capture the action and intensity of Aliens. I hope this Alien game captures of desperation felt in Aliens as well. I want to be outnumbered by hoards of Aliens, low on ammo in a cramped air duct like Vasquez and Gorman. Think there will be a queen?
  10. Nightmare Asylum
    Well, there are a great many things that could go wrong, and a ton of things that are already rubbing me the wrong way about the game conceptually.

    But the one thing I won't say is that it was "Rushed." We've known about it for, what, almost three years now? And still don't even have a name? :D
  11. PAS
    Quote from: Nightmare Asylum on Aug 11, 2020, 06:34:07 PM
    I'm kinda of expecting the game to go full Kenner with its Aliens, honestly. If this is supposed to be an open-world shlooter a la Destiny then they're going to need enemy variety. :-\
    We are probably getting varied enemy type via humans aswell
    Betting that WY and Androids will play a big part in this, Alien wise we'll probably see 3 variations per host, Drone, Warrior and Praetorian, that also not mentioning how they'll go with probable Alien experiments such as K-Series like stuff
  12. Nightmare Asylum
    Putting the awful enemy AI aside, even just in terms of design and story I thought Colonial Marines pushed things way too far there.

    I'd be more interested in visiting a lab that was experimenting on Aliens and yielding all kinds of weird mutations a la the Newborn or the Neomorphs or the various Prometheus creatures than I would be in seeing dozens of Aliens that just have these radically different builds and "attack modes" solely for the sake of gameplay. But then, the random Aliens in Colonial Marines are just one symptom of a much larger problem that all trickled down from someone deciding that it would be a good idea for Hadley's Hope to still be standing.

    Utilizing the pathogen from the prequels in the game would be a good way to get some weird genetic offshoots in there and up the enemy variety, I think.
  13. Xhan
    Daybreak shepherded Everquest and DCO. As bosses go CI could have done much much worse, + Disney does not f**king get video games and never have. That's the good news.

    The bad news is CI better have their shit together in terms of long term monetization.= now, not later.
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