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Predators 10th Anniversary Retrospective – AvPGalaxy Podcast #111

We have just uploaded the 111th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! Corporal Hicks and RidgeTop are once again joined by contributing writer and community guest Voodoo Magic, and regular host Xenomorphine is making his big video debut, as we reconvene to talk about Predators as the third Predator film reaches the big 1-0!

 Predators 10th Anniversary Retrospective - AvPGalaxy Podcast #111

We discuss how our opinions changed from the pre-release of Predators to a post-The Predator world, the controversy around the homages within the Predators, the strength of the cast and characters, Super Predators vs. Berserker Predators, and plenty more!

As we usually do, we do tangent off to talk about comic covers. And just to clarify for the post, it was indeed Phil Norwood that created the wrap-around cover art Xenomorphine was using as a background, and Den Beauvais was responsible for the cover art for Aliens vs. Predator: Booty.

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Comments: 54
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  1. Kradan
    Oh, it just reflects my rank now - Warrior Alien and the fact that it "lost" it's dome in Aliens

    When I was Chestburser I had something like this: "Watch out! I'm gonna bite off your feet!"
  2. SpaceKase
    Quote from: Kradan on Jul 19, 2020, 07:33:50 PM
    I get it

    Haha, Thanks Krad, my humor + the text format often lead to misunderstandings of the usual absurdity of my tone, plus it doesn't help that my standard lexicon is mainly composed of pop culture movie quotations and sometimes horribly paraphrased ones at that. Btw where's your caption quote about the dome from? It feels familiar but I can't place it. For some reason all I can hear in my head is "Stop eating my Sesame Cake!"
  3. SpaceKase
    Quote from: SpaceKase on Jul 18, 2020, 07:20:38 PM
    Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Jul 19, 2020, 01:23:43 PM
    Quote from: SpaceKase on Jul 18, 2020, 09:04:55 PM
    It was really more of a set-up for Voodoo, a funny little thematic quotation-bait that I'm hoping he'll take...

    Quote from: SpaceKase on Jul 18, 2020, 07:20:38 PM
    ..."crucified"? What for? Terror tactics? To scare the shit out of their enemies? Is it about... money?

    /\ This is a very serious question VooDoo, and one I think you fully know the answer to...

    I'm sorry, the correct response was...

    This is not about Money! This is about Powaa!
  4. SpaceKase
    Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Jul 18, 2020, 08:15:19 PM
    Shape of the cross not spelled out
    "The word translated "cross" in the New Testament is the Greek word stauros, which notes, primarily, an upright pale or stake.

    You're very passionate my friend but I think neither of us are in a position to guarantee anything in this subject my friend.  :)

    Fair enough, mon!

    Quote from: Huggs on Jul 18, 2020, 07:26:54 PM
    It's a form of strappado.

    Torture is the goal.

    I hear you Huggs, (See: The Fountain, Thor Ragnarok, and Mad Max: Fury Road). And thank you, I never knew this had a specific name!  It was really more of a set-up for Voodoo, a funny little thematic quotation-bait that I'm hoping he'll take...

    Quote from: SpaceKase on Jul 18, 2020, 07:20:38 PM

    ..."crucified"? What for? Terror tactics? To scare the shit out of their enemies? Is it about... money?

    /\ This is a very serious question VooDoo, and one I think you fully know the answer to...
  5. Voodoo Magic
    Quote from: SpaceKase on Jul 18, 2020, 07:20:38 PM
    The latter 3 forms, yes, correct and literal, the first one helll no, these other examples are all figurative, not literal. And I can guarantee you anyone lashing or nailing someone to that old ass stake form back in the days before Christ wasn't calling it crucifixion, and if they were they were using the word incorrectly and/or figuratively too.


    Shape of the cross not spelled out
    "The word translated "cross" in the New Testament is the Greek word stauros, which notes, primarily, an upright pale or stake.

    You're very passionate my friend but I think neither of us are in a position to guarantee anything in this subject my friend.  :)
  6. SpaceKase
    The latter 3 forms, yes, correct and literal, the first one helll no, these other examples are all figurative, not literal. And I can guarantee you anyone lashing or nailing someone to that old ass stake form from back in the days before Christ wasn't calling it crucifixion, and if they were they were using the word incorrectly and/or figuratively too. They sure as hell didn't have the benefit of etymology or even commonly available resources for formal education, and the folk who started using it as a figurative term in the 1620's plainly didn't really care either. But a cul-de-sac is not and never will be a crossroads. But setting that aside...

    My latter point is, what are the specific implications of saying this guy has been figuratively "crucified"? What for? Terror tactics? To scare the shit out of their enemies? Is it about... money?
  7. Voodoo Magic
    Quote from: SpaceKase on Jul 18, 2020, 06:24:03 PM
    I'm not as convinced that people do realize he's not literally been crucified. What is implied by figurative crucifixion?


    Roman Forms of Crucifixion
    Historians of the time of Christ record that Roman crucifixions were carried out on simple stakes in the ground, stakes with crossbeams in various positions and even on tree trunks.


  8. Voodoo Magic
    Quote from: SpaceKase on Jul 18, 2020, 05:45:39 PM
    Okay, here's a nitpick for y'all, especially since Aaron humorously kept correcting the these were "Berserker" Predators. So, in that same vein and with similarly humorous outrage because it drives me insane every time it's said or seen in the motion comic prequel, but... the classic Yaut is Not Crucifed. The one and Only requirement for crucifixion it the use of a cruciform, cruci = crux = cross, there is no cross involved here in any way shape or form. The classic Pred has been tied to a stake, or a weird ceremonial monolith, but whatever you want to call it, the one thing it Is Not is a Cross. You Cannot be Crucified without a Cross.

    This will never be corrected, I know it will never be corrected. I will simply have to live in the perpetually maddening reality where this evisceration of the English language exists and will ever torture me, and as an American I am well versed in the torture of the English language. But hopefully, I will no longer be alone, and others will now be likewise plagued with this cursed knowledge.


    cru·​ci·​fy | \ ˈkrü-sə-ˌfī  \
    crucified; crucifying

    Definition of crucify
    (transitive verb)

    1: to put to death by nailing or binding the wrists or hands and feet to a cross

    2: to destroy the power of : MORTIFY crucify the flesh

    3: to treat cruelly : TORMENT

  9. SpaceKase
    I'm not as convinced that people do realize he's not literally been crucified. What is implied by figurative crucifixion? I mean, if we just want to use cool words that don't make sense how about Sacrifyx !! (1987's The Gate... anyone? Aaaanyway...) One more mystery left plaguing the brain, who is this Pred anyhow? A hapless traveler ensnared by Berserkers? A special offering from whoever the poachers are that collect and deliver all this prey? Perhaps a scapegoat offering from an intimidated lost clan? The leader of his clan offering himself up to spare the rest of his clan? The mind reel, and chances are Disney is just going to throw everything out anyways and relegate all of this to "Legends" status. Uf.  :P

    Also, great podcast, guys. Love getting to nerd it up with y'all.
  10. SpaceKase
    Okay, here's a nitpick for y'all, especially since Aaron humorously kept correcting that these were "Berserker" Predators.

    So, in that same vein and with similarly humorous outrage because it drives me figuratively insane every time it's said or whenever I see it in the motion comic prequel, but... the classic Yaut is Not Crucified. The one and Only requirement for crucifixion is fixation to a cruciform, cruci = crux = cross form, there is no cross involved here in any way shape or form. The classic Pred has been tied to a stake, or a weird ceremonial monolith, but whatever you want to call it, the one thing it Is Not is a Cross. You can't be Crucified without a Cross.

    This will never be corrected, I'm aware it will never be corrected. I will simply have to live in the perpetually maddening reality where this evisceration of the English language exists and will ever torture me, and as an American I am well versed in the torture of the English language. But hopefully, I will no longer be alone, and others will now be likewise plagued with this cursed knowledge.
  11. 426Buddy
    To nitpick the film a lil I'm not sure if its the suit effects that bother me or the suit acting. They feel wrong and the traditional predator doesn't move right either. The fight between the two predators should have been way better. But in hindsight its a nitpick and its all an A+ effort.

    Who knew the next predator film would be such a travesty? I do like fugitive but that pretty much it for the entire film.

    -edit- after listening to this podcast and all this talk about it I watched Predators again. This would be the second time since The Predator came out. I think I again enjoyed it even more than before, maybe because I tried to go into it with a fresh perspective after the podcast. Alot of my issues just bother me less and less as time goes on.

    One of my favorite parts is when Royce uses Edwin as a trap.
  12. JungleHunter87
    I'm a little late to the party. But, I'm so glad that you guys did this anniversary podcast!

    I'm a huge proponent of this film and have been leading up to it's initial July, 2010 release.

    I think the biggest shame in this podcast was that PREDATORS, so often, had too be compared and contrasted with THE PREDATOR. Which I feel is unfair to PREDATORS.

    While PREDATORS isn't flawless, it does more right than it does wrong, imho. I just wish that sequel would've been made...
  13. Kradan
    Quote from: Darkness on Jul 10, 2020, 06:12:36 PM
    It definitely deserves another watch. Haven't seen it since I saw The Predator so I might have to re-evaluate it. So much of it just screams remake to me and that's what I thought when I came out of the cinema. The Super Predators were hardly in it either. .

    Nice to see you Xenomorphine. You've been gone for ages.

    So maybe it's time for you to appear on the show ?
  14. Voodoo Magic
    Quote from: 426Buddy on Jul 10, 2020, 10:57:26 AM
    Quote from: Enjoy on Jul 09, 2020, 11:03:23 PM
    Nope. I did not read your post. Sorry . Nothing personal.

    Why come to a discussion board at all?

    He's posting from the comments side I believe, but still...

    Quote from: Kailem on Jul 10, 2020, 04:26:22 PM
    The first two will always be sort of in a league of their own as far as style and nostalgia and all that are concerned,

    My man...
  15. Darkness
    It definitely deserves another watch. Haven't seen it since I saw The Predator so I might have to re-evaluate it. So much of it just screams remake to me and that's what I thought when I came out of the cinema. The Super Predators were hardly in it either. .

    Nice to see you Xenomorphine. You've been gone for ages.
  16. Kailem
    Good stuff! I agree with pretty much all the main points you guys brought up, though I see both sides of the reference/homage debate. Personally they didn't bother me too much or detract from my enjoyment of the film, but given how many of them there are I can certainly see that not being true for others.

    And yeah one of the things I've always loved about the film is how much it introduces without going into detail about. As you said, "the Space Jockey effect". I've always felt that the lore side of Predator works best with a lot of mystery and questions, so I really liked that we basically got no explanations for any of the new stuff that we saw. Are these new Predators a different clan? A sub-species? Genetically modified? Why are they feuding with the classic ones? Did the drill belong to the Predators, or some other alien race? Who knows! It does what the first two films did in that it makes these small but significant contributions to the lore but doesn't over-explain them, allowing us fans to ponder all sorts of possibilities, and that's great.

    I thought KNB did outstanding work as well, especially considering the time constraints they were under. I loved the look of the Super/Berserker Preds, with masks and without, and classic/Crucified looked awesome, as did the Hell Hounds and River Ghost.

    And on the topic of "Super Predators", it definitely always felt to me like some people held that name against this film in a "nu-uh, the classics are the best! How dare they and act like these new ones are better! There's nothing super about them at all!" kind of way. I stayed away from any pre-release leaks or spoilers, but it's definitely an attitude I've noticed in the years since.

    Either way I've always liked the film. The first two will always be sort of in a league of their own as far as style and nostalgia and all that are concerned, but I've always felt that Predators was a worthy sequel and it's always been something I've been glad exists. It's a shame indeed that we never got a direct sequel.
  17. Wysps
    Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Jul 07, 2020, 04:37:38 PM
    Boy did those 10 years go by fast!  It feels like yesterday when I was just watching the trailer!

    It's true, feels so weird that it was 10 years ago...AH!  Time flies so, so fast.  Maybe they got enough survivors now to have a colony going. 

    Quote from: Immortan Jonesy on Jul 08, 2020, 09:44:12 PM
    Quote from: seattle24 on Jul 08, 2020, 11:53:49 AM
    I agree with, I believe it was Xenomorphine's take, that P2 is something of a Steven Seagal 90's-type movie, save for a few scenes, it's not that great...

    Honeslty, never thought about P2 that way until now. That is what I like about these podcasts. You learn other perspectives and takes, which is quite great if you ask me.  8)

    Having said that, I also liked Xenomorphine's take on Adrien Brody's Royce as a solid character who performs through his body language, like Kate Beckinsale's Selene (Underworld).

    The same.  I thought Royce was a good character; no real complaints from me.  I really enjoyed Predators and was generally pleased with how it came out and, of course, sad that it hasn't gotten a sequel.  So much potential there for world exploration and building.  I thought the series was in good hands at that point  :-\

    Thank you guys for the thoughtful podcast.  And I also appreciate RidgeTop's throw pillows.
  18. j0nesy
    awesome episode as always! also pulled up youtube to check out the art in eric's virtual background, and it was worth it

    i agree with pretty much the whole gang; i do enjoy predators a good bit, and i put it side by side with predator 2 in terms of its place in the series
  19. Voodoo Magic
    Quote from: Enjoy on Jul 09, 2020, 09:39:18 PM
    You kidding ? Keys upper toso and legs .

    Where you lost me is your statement of bad editing resulted in a "short but fun ride"  One can argue that the editing of the presumptive gore in that scene ultimately leaves viewers perplexed in regards to where Keyes' head ended up, i.e. badly edited, but I don't believe cutting gore in the film would equate enough to a shorter feeling film, other than technically. And remember, the smart-disc Keyes death scene was in slow motion to boot!

    Now keeping Danny's funeral scene intact, for instance? That would have elongated the experience. :)

    QuoteCommunication over.

  20. Shimmering Canopy
    U guys did a great podcast - thanks so much for all your time and effort to keep this site going 👍👍

    love Predators - seen it so many times... and like Xenomorphine says, it has something that sets it apart.. I can watch it anytime. For some reason also, I'm really fine if we never hear again from Royce/Isabella, don't know why - I should be demanding to know their fate, but dunno why it just doesnt bother me.. just a great, self containd story. I'd be happy if future pred films were in this 'format' - and so should be disney - as relatively cheap..?
  21. Voodoo Magic
    Quote from: 426Buddy on Jul 08, 2020, 08:51:43 PM
    I also disagree with comparing P2 to Seagal film, they share almost nothing in common in terms of acting, story, tone, or fight choreography or even overall quality. I don't see the connection other than perhaps drugs and Gary Busey

    Quote from: Enjoy on Jul 08, 2020, 11:07:44 PM
    P2 could have been made better if we saw the other lost tribe members hunting around the city and if it had not been so baddly edited down to a short but fun ride that also left some questions.

    What scene or scenes were badly edited down?
  22. AliceApocalypse
    Quote from: Enjoy on Jul 08, 2020, 11:07:44 PM
    P2 could have been made better if we saw the other lost tribe members hunting around the city and if it had not been so baddly edited down to a short but fun ride that also left some questions.

    The tribe at the end was a nice bonus, having them scattered during P2 might have been distracting.

    Quote from: Enjoy on Jul 08, 2020, 11:07:44 PM
    Also the shot of city hunter saying "ugly motherf**ker" still look's cartoonish under the blue light and such a close up.

    It was the 90's  ;D

    Quote from: Enjoy on Jul 08, 2020, 11:07:44 PM
    I also would have liked to have seen city hunter getting high on blow before mass murdering the subway car.

    No thank you.
  23. Enjoy
    Predators has some fun aspects but was cut short by many issues steming from the way fox handled the movie.
    P2 could have been made better if we saw the other lost tribe members hunting around the city and if it had not been so baddly edited down to a short but fun ride that also left some questions.
    Also the shot of city hunter saying "ugly motherf**ker" still look's cartoonish under the blue light and such a close up.

    I also would have liked to have seen city hunter getting high on blow before mass murdering the subway car.
  24. Immortan Jonesy
    Quote from: seattle24 on Jul 08, 2020, 11:53:49 AM
    I agree with, I believe it was Xenomorphine's take, that P2 is something of a Steven Seagal 90's-type movie, save for a few scenes, it's not that great...

    Honeslty, never thought about P2 that way until now. That is what I like about these podcasts. You learn other perspectives and takes, which is quite great if you ask me.  8)

    Having said that, I also liked Xenomorphine's take on Adrien Brody's Royce as a solid character who performs through his body language, like Kate Beckinsale's Selene (Underworld).
  25. 426Buddy
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jul 08, 2020, 09:21:04 AM
    Quote from: XenoHunter99 on Jul 07, 2020, 08:37:02 PM
    That was a good discussion. I don't recall the vitriol in the pre-release. Predators is not a perfect movie, but I like it well enough.

    I was a little surprised by it too. I remember all the IMDB morons after the film came out, but re-reading all the responses to the news articles, there was a lot of it. Was embarressing.

    Quote from: 426Buddy on Jul 07, 2020, 10:19:35 PM
    Lol Xenomorphine I thought you were an old man based on your voice, what a surprise lol. :laugh:

    :laugh: He's like 70.

    Quote from: 426Buddy on Jul 07, 2020, 11:07:45 PM
    I had such a different picture in my head lol. I mean I'm only 34 but man I thought you were this crusty looking slightly overweight old guy lol. I have no idea why ;D

    Wow. What a compliment.  :-X  :D

    QuoteWeird I agreed with Ridgetop over AP more in this one. Usually its the other way around lol. Thank you guys!

    You're allowed to be wrong occasionally.  :P

    QuoteHowever I have always loved Brody in this flick, he was the best part for me. Also having recently gone back and watched it I found it much more enjoyable than I remember. Upon release I gave it a 6/10 but now I would also say 8/10.

    That's a fair score. How does that compare against Predator 2? What would you give that?

    Quote from: Kradan on Jul 08, 2020, 07:57:39 AM
    Btw, Corporal, what about AVP2 Marine campaign ? I'm so thirsty for that

    It's coming. I've only got so much time in a day, so much will in a week, and only so much neglect the GF will take.

    Lol no offense meant to Xenomorphine, just find it so funny. The images we create for in our heads for people when we hear their voices and nothing else.

    In terms of quality I still rate P2 an 8/10 but I find it more enjoyable than Predators if that makes sense. I find the suit acting in Predators to be very awkward looking, especially when trying to fight with that single blade. There are great moments in P2 that P's can't touch. The ending on the predator ship in P2 is probably my favorite scene from the entire franchise. The original is still top dawg though imo.

    I also disagree with comparing P2 to Seagal film, they share almost nothing in common in terms of acting, story, tone, or fight choreography or even overall quality. I don't see the connection other than perhaps drugs and Gary Busey
  26. seattle24
    Yet again, another really great pod, this has helped me through not far off half my working day ;D

    I actually share Corp. Hicks enthusiasm for this film, I think it's a hugely great addition to the Predator series and for me, far and away the best sequel. I agree with, I believe it was Xenomorphine's take, that P2 is something of a Steven Seagal 90's-type movie, save for a few scenes, it's not that great...

    Predators has a bombastic start (I love the title card) and like all the gents in the pod agree, never lets up from start to finish (aside from Nolan's introduction where I find it does catch a breath, and maybe could have done with tweaks). The cast is brilliant. Mr. Black in my opinion is the best Predator after Jungle Hunter. There is a lot to love!

    You know, if there was a bit more financial clout behind this film, it really could have been elevated. Nimrod clearly spent the money perfectly. Imagine what he could have achieved with more?

    I also liked the but where you guys lauded KNB, the creature guys. After Stan Winston, they've done the best job in the series by quite a distance.

    I would give Predators a really solid 7/10. Very good entry.

    Great pod once again!
    Wow to think that movie came ten year ago, How times have changed, I recall an eagerness and hype for this movie, but also trepidation that it could've sucked. I was very post seeing the movie, I can acknowledge it wasn't perfect, mildly disappointed it wasn't an objectively great 10/10 like we wanted for Predator to make a come back. Had some interesting exchanges with other who were disappointed with the film and brought some Constructive point to support their opinions. I think the movie holds up ok, wondering how the 10 year anniversary for The Predator will Look, and hopefully  there are movie Predator movies to come.
  28. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: XenoHunter99 on Jul 07, 2020, 08:37:02 PM
    That was a good discussion. I don't recall the vitriol in the pre-release. Predators is not a perfect movie, but I like it well enough.

    I was a little surprised by it too. I remember all the IMDB morons after the film came out, but re-reading all the responses to the news articles, there was a lot of it. Was embarressing.

    Quote from: 426Buddy on Jul 07, 2020, 10:19:35 PM
    Lol Xenomorphine I thought you were an old man based on your voice, what a surprise lol. :laugh:

    :laugh: He's like 70.

    Quote from: 426Buddy on Jul 07, 2020, 11:07:45 PM
    I had such a different picture in my head lol. I mean I'm only 34 but man I thought you were this crusty looking slightly overweight old guy lol. I have no idea why ;D

    Wow. What a compliment.  :-X  :D

    QuoteWeird I agreed with Ridgetop over AP more in this one. Usually its the other way around lol. Thank you guys!

    You're allowed to be wrong occasionally.  :P

    QuoteHowever I have always loved Brody in this flick, he was the best part for me. Also having recently gone back and watched it I found it much more enjoyable than I remember. Upon release I gave it a 6/10 but now I would also say 8/10.

    That's a fair score. How does that compare against Predator 2? What would you give that?

    Quote from: Kradan on Jul 08, 2020, 07:57:39 AM
    Btw, Corporal, what about AVP2 Marine campaign ? I'm so thirsty for that

    It's coming. I've only got so much time in a day, so much will in a week, and only so much neglect the GF will take.
  29. Immortan Jonesy
    I couldn't have said it better! the alien drill has the Space Jockey-like mystique.

    I've really enjoyed this podcast. Nice job.

    That said, I found it interesting when RidgeTop brought up the comparison between dogs & wolves as an analog equivalent between Super Predators & Predators. The former really look more raw, bestial and primitive.

    I also agree with Voodoo's criticism on the Hell-Hound design; in particular the point related to evolution.

    Quote from: 426Buddy on Jul 07, 2020, 10:19:35 PM
    Lol Xenomorphine I thought you were an old man based on your voice, what a surprise lol. :laugh:

    The feeling is mutual  :laugh:
  30. j0nesy
    i remember a few laughs in the theater when it came to his arnie-style shirtless, camouflage reveal, but i too rather enjoyed his portrayal or royce. especially the dynamic with isabelle, who i also found to be a neat character
  31. 426Buddy
    I had such a different picture in my head lol. I mean I'm only 34 but man I thought you were this crusty looking slightly overweight old guy lol. I have no idea why ;D

    Loved the podcast fellas!

    Weird I agreed with Ridgetop over AP more in this one. Usually its the other way around lol. Thank you guys!

    I was pretty meh on this film upon release. I also felt the homages were too much and the effects/suit work didn't quite work for me.

    However I have always loved Brody in this flick, he was the best part for me. Also having recently gone back and watched it I found it much more enjoyable than I remember. Upon release I gave it a 6/10 but now I would also say 8/10.
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