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Reviving A Legend, Illfonic’s Jared Gerritzen Talks Arnie’s Return To Predator! – AvPGalaxy Podcast #110

We have just uploaded the 110th episode of the Alien vs. Predator Galaxy Podcast (right-click and save as to download)! Corporal Hicks and RidgeTop are once again joined by Illfonic’s Chief Creative Officer Jared Gerritzen to talk about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s return to Predator and Predator: Hunting Grounds lore!

 Reviving A Legend, Illfonic's Jared Gerritzen Talks Arnie's Return To Predator! - AvPGalaxy Podcast #110

We talk about the decision to add a narrative element into a multiplayer game, the experience of writing for and recording with Arnie himself, expanding the Predator world past The Predator and plenty more!

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Comments: 10
  1. Tichinde
    I just wanted to say I love what they did with Dutch. He has had a slight character evolution based on the tapes, he's a bit harder a bit more of a jerk. Where once he told his superior "we're a rescue team, not assassins" he is now very much an assassin of the yautja. He talks about how he is basically bringing men to thier deaths, old haunted soldiers he is using to contend with the predators. I really do like this dynamic, it's not something I pictured but it makes sense, he's got radiation sickness, he's old, and he's at war now trying to get vengeance for his original team and himself. He's evolved or really deteriorated in an interesting way. Especially love the wristblade knife he carries, very nice touch. I do however want this Dutch to get a send off some time. Not in a book or comic but an actual movie where he dies doing something heroic and being who he was originally. Even Arnold's voice acting (which most just think is lazy) seems one note and depressed. Maybe it's on purpose maybe its not, but I hope they end Dutch's story correctly, either way I'm along for this ride!
  2. Voodoo Magic
    Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 29, 2020, 08:56:44 AM
    QuoteI love the perspective of Dutch wearing trophies, turning those tables and introducing an intimidation factor towards the Predators! So cool.

    Yeah! Kinda makes me want one of those Predator POV moments in a book where a Predator comes up against Dutch (or someone else) with that kind of display on show!

    Right?  That subsequent reaction I would definitely enjoy reading/watching/experiencing!
  3. Corporal Hicks
    Quote from: Mr.Turok on Jun 27, 2020, 08:30:55 PM
    Oh and I noticed how the question of Dutch's Pred tech wasn't exactly answered. He takes them as trophies but do they really work for him as assets on hunts or its just for show?

    I think he was implying that it was being left open for possible exploration down the line.

    QuoteIn fact, a lot of questions wasn't answered but I guess time restraints and all that jazz.

    The ones we actually asked him? Or you mean extras that people submitted?

    Quote from: SuperiorIronman on Jun 28, 2020, 03:43:39 PM
    I burst out laughing when you mentioned I had a f**kin ton of questions. Your welcome fellas!

    Haha. And you got to be the guy who actually put Jared up against the question he'd been hoping to avoid all this time!  :laugh:

    Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Jun 28, 2020, 08:28:13 PM
    Really great podcast guys!!!

    Thanks! Glad you enjoyed. This was so much fun to record. Jared is a cool dude.

    QuoteI love the perspective of Dutch wearing trophies, turning those tables and introducing an intimidation factor towards the Predators! So cool.

    Yeah! Kinda makes me want one of those Predator POV moments in a book where a Predator comes up against Dutch (or someone else) with that kind of display on show!

    QuoteAnd will Predator Hunters III feature Dutch 2025 at the end of the miniseries?  My spidey-sense is tingling!

    Wouldn't that be f**king sweet!

    Quote from: GreybackElder on Jun 28, 2020, 08:45:21 PM
    Great podcast gentlemen. I was wondering, if I purchased the Alpha Predator is the code valid for PlayStation users only?

    It's currently valid for only US/CA PS4 players. I don't believe Epic has any kind of code redemption. But I wouldn't worry, I'm confident it'll be coming to the other platforms later on.
  4. Voodoo Magic
    Really great podcast guys!!!

    I love the perspective of Dutch wearing trophies, turning those tables and introducing an intimidation factor towards the Predators! So cool.

    Aww nuts, my suspicions were way off about the Alpha Predator Illfonic/Neca collaboration. So major props to Neca for Alpha's full conception and subsequent well deserved accolades!

    And will Predator Hunters III feature Dutch 2025 at the end of the miniseries?  My spidey-sense is tingling!

  5. Mr.Turok
    Love to hear the passion from the devs and that they really do care about making the game better. I just hope they know the very limited maps can grind a person's mind and will be included in the next DLC. And yes they did think about more story driven maps and missions I hope they can continue on with this. And a shame really that singular player can't be implemented but with how the way things are going I still think some good story can be told through these missions. Everything looks promising.

    Oh and I noticed how the question of Dutch's Pred tech wasn't exactly answered. He takes them as trophies but do they really work for him as assets on hunts or its just for show?

    In fact, a lot of questions wasn't answered but I guess time restraints and all that jazz. 
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