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Predator: Hunting Ground Trophies Decloaked!

The trophy list for Illfonic’s impending Predator: Hunting Grounds is now available on PSN Profiles and Playstation Trophies! Hunting Grounds will have a total of 46 trophies, with 8 of them being hidden ones – but they’re viewable on PSN Profiles – worth a total of 1,230 points.

 Predator: Hunting Ground Trophies Decloaked!

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Comments: 8
  1. Kailem
    I'm sure they will be, unless Epic Game Store doesn't do trophies.

    That "Traditionalist" one for killing the whole team with wrist blades just gives me another reason to have a proper Jungle Hunter loadout that has the blades and the plasma caster as the only weapons available.
  2. SuperiorIronman
    Well for 1000 trophies it requires about 250 matches of solid wipes and does only mean a fairly reasonable amount of playtime that anybody sticking with it that long was going to do so anyways.

    Only thing I'm worried about is contextual kills like blowing up five A.I with an explosion or weapon specific achievements. I don't know it just gives me horrible flashbacks to the BS like AVP 2010's "six pack" achievement where if you didn't have 6 friends with the game the achievement was impossible.
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