We have just uploaded Alien vs. Predator Galaxy’s first ever fan commentary (though our third attempt!) and for our first release we’re watching the fan favourite Alien vs. Predator Requiem (right click and save as download), the Unrated Edition!
Don’t worry, it’s not entirely 2 hours of us tirelessly ripping into Requiem! We talk through things that we’re enjoying about the film, the things that we really don’t take to, plenty of mocking, and RidgeTop gets progressively more drunk over time!
At one point Xenomorphine mentions a fanfilm that we couldn’t recall the name of at the time. Here it is – Colonial Marines: Elite Force. And as promised at the end of the commentary, we have some drinking game suggestions to help entertain!
- Take one every time there’s a homage to the earlier films.
- Every time you genuinely can’t see what’s happening on screen.
- Every time there’s a piece of dialogue which literally makes you cringe.
- Every time a character, including the monsters, does something stupid.
What did you think of our first attempt at a fan commentary? Be sure to let us know down below! We’re previously had the pleasure of chatting to two people involved in Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem for our Podcast: Ian Feuer who played various Predators in the film, and a very candid discussion with creative consultant Liam O’Donnell. They’re well worth a listen if we do say so ourselves!
Keep a close eye on Alien vs. Predator Galaxy for the latest on Alien and Predator! You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get the latest on your social media walls. You can also join in with fellow Alien and Predator fans on our forums!
Here's hoping for a avp commentary. Or even the predator 😂
I would like to donate to this cause
He might have to borrow RidgeTop's mini bar.
Having recorded a few commentaries in my time I totally understand. You want it to be organic and flow so you have to pretty much just accept that there will be great background notes you'll just never get to. You do have some extended AVP:R discussion on the podcast proper, though, so it's at least nice to have additional options to complement the experience/analysis.
It's all very frustrating.
Great podcast and great site gentlemen
Big thumbs up
I actually found it quite hard to get a full knowledge drop thing off, with the conversation constantly shifting based on the actual footage. Was a strange thing to edit too.
Fair enough. Really didn't feel like it, but I guess it was never going to be free of some complaints given the film.
Yes I will forever love the AVPR : Critters comparison. I haven't watched Critters in a longtime, but I distinctly remember the camp and how it made me feel. And I get those same feelings watching AVPR lol.
I'd say AVPR is like Critters (1986) taking itself too seriously: alien rampage on a small town with space cleaners kicking the alien asses. There is even a glimpse of an extraterrestrial place, and an alpha Critter so to speak; which is bigger and stronger
But I guess The Blob (1958) is a better compassion. I'm in the minority, but I don't like the easy way in which Wolf kills the Aliens, and the horrendous designs of such Aliens as well.
My man!!
Overall a decent first go at it, although I think you guys shit on the movie a lot more than you seem to think you did. Kind of made it less enjoyable for me than I would have liked but I understand that most people within the fandom really hate this movie and I am in a very small minority.
Considering all the research and your guys' extensive knowledge of the original script et al I was also surprised there was less background information on the film and behind-the-scenes stuff discussed.
Anyway, RidgeTop, don't despair. You're not alone out there in enjoying this movie and I agree that a 4K with new colour timing and additional content would be cool to see. I'm a sucker for commentaries and truly hope you all continue with the other 11 films across the franchises.
To be fair, I probably would have been right there with you, knocking back gin and tonics!
And I'm right in line with you for a color corrected 4K release. That would be truly awesome. However, unfortunately, I think it would take another AvP movie in production to kick something like that in gear in anticipation for the new film's release.
Getting drunk is definitely a requirement to watch this movie.
Glad you enjoyed it! I'm curious though as to what other films you've noted that we disagree on.
Good to hear that someone is on my side!
Indeed, he's one of the best aspects and still my favorite Predator character from the films.
I expected them to do a better job keeping up with the rounds, I wanted to have a party! I didn't get drunk though, just got a good buzz going.
It's a totally valid perspective to like The Predator more, to each their own, and don't let us ribbing on a movie harm your enjoyment of it. There are things that The Predator does well and when we get around to doing that one, I'll have some praise for it along with my thrashing.
The Voodoo Pred is worthy of it.
I generally don't write Predator fanfiction, but that is a good idea.
Hey, I'm just glad it's not "Voodoo Dumbass"
* The Resident Evil series - what's good, what's bad.
* Universal Studios and the adjacent parks.
* What housing conditions are like in London and Los Angeles.
* The smell of L.A.!
* Xenomorphine loves to interrupt Hicks..... a lot!
* RidgeTop desperately wants Hicks and Xenomorphine to have a drinking problem.
* Hicks is an overachiever and gets criticized for it... by the drunk guy!
* It takes two beers for Hicks to start referring to me as "Voodoo Predator".
* Oh, and I learned a little bit about the actual film AvP Requiem.
Great commentary guys. I definitely had fun, even though RidgeTop's taste in movies is making the rest of us Requiem fans look a bit questionable!
Ha. It was just how I found the experiences lately. I'd been struggling to rewatch The Predator when doing prep for the last podcast. I found myself not struggling while doing it for this. I fully believe TP to be an objectively better film, but they're both still very bad for me.
Regards Thanks for your passion C Hicks
In so much as it's on the podcast rss feed, yes, but that's it.
I sounded annoyed???
Ha. I need to download them to listen to in the car.
The plan is to do all of them, but we're starting at the bottom and working up. Likely The Predator next.
Thank f**k for that! His taste is questionable - at best. Glad you enjoyed it though!
"Oh, you survived ? Kill them !"
I like when he does that funny voice.
Either way I probably won't be watching either film again for atleast the next several years.
... but when Corporal said that Requiem is more watchable than The Predator I experienced strong desire to turn it off, delete my account and nuke the entire site from orbit
... once again I had that feeling when at the end RidgeTop tried to trick Corporal and Xenomorphine into saying that Requiem is better than The Predator.
We could all use some laughter I think with what's going on in the world, for sure!
I would love to see some podcasts where you comment on fan content. *cough, cough* Please look at my audiobook.
If you do a commentary on Predator 2, you have to get Voodoo on. That'll be priceless.
One thing is for sure, after all these podcasts I can say that Ridgetop and I do not share the same taste in movies. lol.
Great job guys, it was a fun listen!
Soooo... it's 1 hour and 59 minutes of tireless ripping?
Poor RidgeTop! No wonder he got drunk!