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Arnie Returning To Predator With Voice-Over Work For New Game!

While he may have turned down a small role in The Predator (and really, can anyone actually blame him in retrospect?), it seems like Arnold Schwarzenegger is set to return to the Predator franchise with some voice-over work in an upcoming Predator game!

Arnold recently appeared at The Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus last weekend where The Arnold Fans were on hand to cover what Dutch himself had to say. And when asked about if he watched his own films, Arnie talked about how he had recently watched through Predator after seeing it on TV. He then spun off to tell the audience that the following week he’d been approached about lending his voice talent to a new Predator game!

“The other day Predator came on, and I said to my girlfriend, “Let’s watch the beginning.” And we ended up watching the whole thing because it still held up today. Other movies don’t hold up, but movies like Predator and the first Terminator really hold up, and it was really fun to watch. Interesting enough, a week later I was asked to do some voice-over for a video game that is coming out about Predator. So it was great that I watched it to get back in that mood again to do the voice-over.”

 Arnie Returning To Predator With Voice-Over Work For New Game!

Arnie graces the cover of the NES Predator game!

The most reasonable conclusion would be that this is for Predator: Hunting Grounds and not a new, yet to be announced Predator game (though we certainly wouldn’t argue with more). Content based on the original movie has previously been announced, perhaps indicating we could be seeing skins based on Predator’s human characters.

Or perhaps Dutch is involved in the story framing around the missions, and he is providing some form of overwatch through our player’s ears? Hopefully we’ll be finding out soon! Thanks to Alien Theory and Joblo for the news!

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Comments: 53
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  1. molasar
    This is not an official confirmation. The masses still do not know about it. Usually this kind of stuff builds better hype than just a straight announcement. No details leaked thus far.
  2. acrediblesource
    blabbermouth indeed but when its out of the mouth of the Governator Illphonic will be sure to follow up the following week. and since the news broke out, others have been tweeting the same news for PHG. So what next?
  3. JungleHunter87
    On one hand, I'm excited 'cause it's Arnold, possibly returning as Dutch. Which we know he hasn't done officially since 1987.

    On the OTHER-HAND, this reminds me of Colonial Marines and the Michael Biehn/Cpl. Dwayne Hicks announcement.

    I hope I'm wrong and a bad game isn't fluffed up by nostalgia. We'll see I suppose. 
  4. acrediblesource
    I can't find the interview where he actually mentions this work but I can find a general interview he did with many press people as he walks through I supposed the place where the hold the Arnold....thing of awards show....
  5. Voodoo Magic
    If Arnold did indeed do work for Hunting Grounds as the majority speculates, Illfonic and Sony must be really thrilled with Arnold's big blabbermouth. It was probably planned as a huge reveal.
  6. Thunderjack88
    Maybe he will be an Humans win end scene for a certain mission where you recover him after his mission?
    We find out we were just next door to his little mission where he was dealing with another Predator.

  7. PVC
    Hi.  Part of me want to see Arnold poop on the predator ( suit ) killer......and in of course ......
    And thank you very much Arnold to refused to play in that crap ....  Good choice ....and of course F..k Disney
    Regards   A huge Predator fan
  8. molasar
    Quote from: SuperiorIronman on Mar 14, 2020, 01:45:22 AM
    I think they wanted to do single-player and they have assets and mechanics which seems like it would lend itself to single-player or an 87 themed mode that would primarily rely on Arnold.

    No, it was a MP game from the beginning as Illfonic has only experience in those type of games. They said it themselves in one of the interviews. Also a SP campaign would require more funds and time than MP.
  9. SuperiorIronman
    My assumption is that it'd be like an 87 Predator game mode where Arnold could be present to voice his own character seeing as Jungle Hunter and even old Painless are in the game. You'd have access to a jungle map as well and Self-destruct is also a game mechanic. So an intro-mission or a single player bit of content based on the original film would make sense. There's of course a helicopter and Human bad guys to shoot at which could be re-skinned to be the guys from the original.

    While of course not affiliated, Frontier did something like this with Jurassic World:Evolution where they had elements of the 93 park which taught the player how to play the game originally. Later on they released a full Jurassic Park expansion, something like this could be happening here. You'd have content available based on the original film even if you couldn't get Arnold. We also know Jungle Hunter was modeled first so perhaps something they went with. There would be an opening based on the original film or that DLC would come out using these elements. I think they wanted to do single-player and they have assets and mechanics which seems like it would lend itself to single-player or an 87 themed mode that would primarily rely on Arnold.
  10. Gr33n M4n
    Hunting grounds takes some story points from The Predator. If Dutch Is in the game, it might have something to do with operation Stargazer. That could be the explanation for his return.
  11. molasar
    Quote from: SuperiorIronman on Mar 14, 2020, 12:59:17 AM
    They did model the 87 Predator and they modeled painless.

    Yes, they did them because they a part of the license. Although to make actors' likenesses, they need to have separate contracts with them.

    Quote from: Gr33n M4n on Mar 14, 2020, 12:42:17 AM
    Let's hope it's not just for a trailer to sell more copies. I wanna see this in-game.

    That is why I suggested that he is old i.e. his 3D model in a helicopter.
  12. SuperiorIronman
    Part of me wants to see Arnold in the Predator Killer.
    Wild to me he couldn't come back for the movies and even refused to voice the T-800 for Mortal Kombat but he came back for some Predator voice-over. I'm just glad he's back but I'm amused he came back for (presumably) Hunting Grounds.

    If they have any single-player I wonder if we could see ourselves playing as Dutch. They did model the 87 Predator and they modeled painless. Makes me wonder if any sort of single-player would be built around the film seeing as they would already have the jungle.
  13. Voodoo Magic
    Quote from: Xeridian on Mar 13, 2020, 10:03:54 PM
    This would be pretty darn cool. However based on the timing of this interview and the release of the game I find it unlikely approach him a few weeks before the release of the game, given that this isn´t for some DLC in the future.

    • "The other day Predator came on, and I said to my girlfriend, "Let's watch the beginning." And we ended up watching the whole thing because it still held up today. Other movies don't hold up, but movies like Predator and the first Terminator really hold up, and it was really fun to watch. Interesting enough, a week later I was asked to do some voice-over for a video game that is coming out about Predator. So it was great that I watched it to get back in that mood again to do the voice-over.

    I don't pretend to have an inside track on any of this, but I've listened to Arnold long enough that "the other day" can literally be months & months ago.
  14. Xeridian
    This would be pretty darn cool. However based on the timing of this interview and the release of the game I find it unlikely approach him a few weeks before the release of the game, given that this isn´t for some DLC in the future.
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